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VIP Member
But then what do you do? Reject asylum applications based on sexual orientation? Tell us. (Plus I know there are proofs of persecutions that need to be shown, people cannot just claim to be homosexuals)
Show me the proof this man is what he claimed to be…There’s thousands of undocumented individuals in Ireland 60% of those flying into Dublin have no documentation how can they prove anything?
My point was loopholes used to claim asylum including sexual orientation, these things cannot always be proved.


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VIP Member
How many criminal gangs are allowed to land / operate in Greece?
By definition criminal gangs are operating illegally. They are present everywhere. One of the 1st thing you can do to weaken them is to not provide them people like the greek autorities are doing by having a group of people who are not allowed to work, cannot go anywhere and have no access to food and water.

What benefits does it bring to Greek citizens?


VIP Member
What method?
You suggested a cap on refugees and making it harder for them to seek asylum to reduce crime from those groups of people, no?

In the same way I don't think all British men's lives should be made harder because some British men commit crime, is how I feel about other groups of people.

I don't think that tackles crime so I wouldn't suggest it. You either think it's a good crime reduction tactic that should apply in all circumstances or you don't.

It's quite simple.


VIP Member
Source for this happening frequently? Or is this another thing a politician or a concerned citizen group told you? Or you know, a newspaper said it whilst pushing a certain agenda and you’re running with it because it’s easier to make excuses for the HO
I’ve already shared a video of the Irish gov quoting this.
That’s the High Court, not the Court of Appeal which gave the most recent judgement
Which is set to be appealed again.


VIP Member
The Tanzanian government rejected the idea.

This was mentioned earlier in this thread ...
Maybe that would be a better idea instead of having these types of situations 😐
Lucrative…We’re all in the wrong business 🤑


VIP Member
It would depend on a case by case basis I’m sure

from 2021:

Informal asylum seeker networks share the WhatsApp numbers of the UK-based smugglers. The process involves the asylum seekers raising funds for the trip – typically £2,000 to £3,000 – then messaging the UK-based smuggler on WhatsApp in their first language.
The smuggler then asks them which country they want to pay for their passage in. Options include Germany, the Netherlands, Kurdistan, (ie: Kurdish areas of Turkey, Iran, Syria and Iraq) Iraq, Syria or Turkey. Once specified they are given the number of one of the smuggler’s agents in that country to organise payment.
The asylum seeker then makes an arrangement with a trusted relative or friend to hold the money until after the crossing and then waits for a phone call from a smuggler working in Calais to say: “We are ready, you can cross tonight.”
After the asylum seeker has successfully crossed, the agent on the ground makes contact with the relative to demand payment. If the relative doesn’t hand the money over to the smuggler’s agent after a successful crossing is completed the asylum seeker’s life is at risk so the money is almost always handed over. This arrangement protects both the smuggler and the asylum seeker’s financial interests.
Point does still remain that to get to the UK you’re going to have to use a smuggler unless you can get on a plane somehow
Nobody is forcing these people to contact smugglers , it’s a criminal loophole that they use to gain entry to different countries.
No bill will solve this it’s a legal problem!
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VIP Member
There is a shortage of houses because there is too many non British people arriving in the UK every single day. As the British born population is getting smaller due to being too poor to raise kids but the UK population overall keeps rising the illegal immigrants are the problem.
I don't want more homes built because you would have to keep building until there were no national parks, green belt left to house the millions that continue to arrive. Idc about immigrants, especially illegal ones, I only care about British homeless people. The illegal ones have left their home and can go back, they actively choose to become homeless here.
Well you seem to have your finger on the pulse so could you explain your strategy for coping with the demographic changes that will over the next few years mean a significantly older UK population profile (3.1 million people over 85 by 2045, double the current number), increases in life expectancy and a declining in birth rate if as you seem to want, we also halt all immigration.


VIP Member
Don't know who this was replying to but it is simply not true that people have to agree to be deported. By definition deportation is a type of 'enforced removal'. It may be possible to halt removal on certain legal grounds but since the Nationality & Borders Act 2022 it is no longer possible to appeal the decision to deport itself. The numbers I quoted upthread (15,134 in 2012 down to 2,761 in 2021) were for enforced removals. They do not include so called 'voluntary returns'. Do you think the people deported in the Windrush scandal aged to leave?

So which is it? Was he a visa 'overstayer' or did he have leave to remain? Or is it that actually nobody, not even GB News, knows the full facts.
It was the Telegraph actually!
Oh dear! The endless loopholes cost so much I guess the government don’t follow thru with most of them 🙄


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VIP Member
I'm being realistic! There's no world where the rich will give up homes to the poor.

Of course not, but it's not as simple as going in to seize assets, unless you have proof there's a crime being committed.
I never said assets should be seized without reason, did I?

I said more should be done to prevent money laundering through UK property. Not sure why any law abiding citizen would question that.