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VIP Member
Maybe this will cut down on asylum shoppers if they don’t get a choice where they’ll be located??
He sounds like he’s spent time in the UK ? I can hear an English brogue .

If Germany does succeed in introducing a Rwanda style system I’m going to enjoy the hell out of the Pro-EU no borderers tying themselves in logical knots claiming it’s illegal when introduced in the UK but next generation progressive when introduced by the EU.
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What basis do they claim asylum, don’t they have to state what country they’ve arrived from and the reason? If it’s good enough to be granted asylum it should be good enough for removal. I know some of them don’t get permission to land if they can’t produce documentation.
I must admit that it’s been seven years since I had any direct involvement in illegal entry, at at the time it was mainly the initial stage when they first emerged from the back of the lorry, which was the big thing back then. I would attend North Shields port on a regular basis and invariably the illegal migrants didn’t have a scrap of identification on them. Either because:

a. The immediate danger in their country was so great they had to leave with but the shoes on their feet, or
b. They were told to dump it all by the traffickers (you decide).

(This was the first time I observed the interconnection between humanity a mobile phones, because they almost invariably had a mobile, usually preloaded with UK contacts, odd considering we were lead to believe that they made a blind midnight dash with the agents of persecution snapping at their heals).

After the initial service of illegal entry papers, at the time it was the IS151A, we would hand them over to IS who would carry out a screening interview where from what I could see they accepted whatever name, age, and nationality they claimed to be and based the asylum claim on that. Horrific for a cop because we had absolutely no idea who they actually were and what they may or may have not done. Not good. From there is was onto NASS for their accommodation. Probably changed multiple times since then but that was what it was like.
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Think a lot of them are under the impression they’ll be able to afford to live in the country they chose to seek asylum in ,once direct provision ends this woman will have extortionate rent ( if she can find accommodation) and medical bills to pay ,nothing in life is free.
A couple of things about that annoy me. Firstly the hostel IS providing free food for her and her daughters, but her complaint is iit’s “not what she’s used to”, and served at an earlier time than she would like. I’m sorry but it may be your culture back in Sierra Leone, but you are no longer in Sierra Leone, you were forced to flee Sierra Leone because it’s culture encouraged FGM. I can’t see how It’s not preferable to eat for free at 17:30 rather than spend a limited income to eat at 20:00 because “culture“. Changing your habits to accommodate your new circumstances is not that challenging.

Also she wants to work as a nurse, all very laudable, but is she seriously suggesting that the Irish government should let her work in a hospital with vulnerable patients without proof of correct qualifications? They wouldn’t let an Irish nurse do that. I see no reason to make an exception for her. Talk about a malpractice suit waiting to happen.

She has been given protection, her children are safe from FGM. She has been given accommodation, food and social security. Not nouvelle cuisine at the Ritz I would assume, but what the hell did she expect? Sorry, but I’m afraid she is coming across as a choosing beggar.
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VIP Member
OMG ! The actual attack is on Twitter, he’s insane ,went back a second time to stab those kids whilst their mother tried to fight him off.
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VIP Member
Well expect 50k at least, plus their families.

Better make sure they can “access services” then cos that’s an awfully big number of potential paramedics to train. And an awful lot of the “most vulnerable members of society” to show we care for by welcoming them into other peoples homes, as per the moral lead supplied by two of this threads stalwarts.

‘Twould seem that our wonderful example of humanity if France was also convicted of benefit fraud in Sweden, meaning he couldn’t get Swedish citizenship, perhaps because if you want to become a citizen of a country it’s really really not a good idea to steal from it?

It would also seem that not only was he able to “access services” he was able to access more than he was legally entitled to, quite impressive for someone whom … certain parties… are suggesting was little more than a babe in the wood manchild with no understanding of the migration process.
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VIP Member
If Germany does succeed in introducing a Rwanda style system I’m going to enjoy the hell out of the Pro-EU no borderers tying themselves in logical knots claiming it’s illegal when introduced in the UK but next generation progressive when introduced by the EU.
There are lots of European countries that treat migrants like shit with no repercussions yet the UK is called out for helping with a Polish fence 🤷🏼‍♀️
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VIP Member
That’s nice for them, i can’t even afford to stay one night in london. Maybe we should give them theatre, football tickets next 🙄
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VIP Member
They want the taxpayer to support them and their families, there’s foreign spouses have to pay thousands and wait years before they can legally join their partners in the UK yet these people rock up on boats and expect everything handed to them, they’re even taking resources away from genuine people deserving of asylum .
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VIP Member
It’s almost like there’s a lot of grey to everything and sticking to the idea that everything is black and pre meditated is just as unrealistic as saying everything is totally innocent 🤷🏼‍♀️

Doesn’t change the fact that his movements from one country to another may have well been legal or that he may well not been able to access services
He left behind a wife and a three year old baby in Sweden. So unless you wish to argue that the baby was born in a backstreet with zero medical intervention he was absolutely able to "access services".

What are the "shades of grey" to take into account when stabbing a 22 month old baby?
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Happy Lady

VIP Member
Rishi talking in Dover today about the migrant crisis, including spending up to £6 billion. Give me strength! There's better ways to spend tax payers money. He's wanting them to share hotel rooms to save £250 million. So, until now they've all had a room to themselves. 🥺. Unbelievable. It's taken them how many years to dream up this money saving method.

Some figures for you, taken from the Express, so believe them or not. 🙄.

Last year over 45,000 people arrived in the UK in small boats.

There is a backlog of more than 170,000 applications claiming asylum.

Around 395 hotels are being used to house more than 51,000 asylum seekers at a cost of almost £7 million a DAY.
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Well-known member
View attachment 2270511
So apparently running away from a terrible life to come here and straight away causing harm to another human in the country hosting you, how many more times does this sick shit have to happen before action is taken it takes the absolute piss! Let me guess, cultural differences? Either thinking it’s acceptable as women are second class citizens or not realising it was against the law to act like a monster? Assume he’ll get away with it on some bullshit story
Should be straight up deportation. You come here, break the law, you can fuck right off back to wherever you came from.
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VIP Member
So in other words the French attacker was a liar and a fraud, and this brings into question the validity of any claim granted with falsified papers, or no papers at all. A person without identity could literally be anyone at all.

It will be interesting to see why the Nottingham attacker never naturalised despite having what appeared to be ILR? It might be something simple like he didn’t make an application, or it might be a similar circumstance where there was doubt about the guys original identity or the validity of the original grant. I guess we wait until more is known.
I don’t understand how some don’t see the threat these people pose but quick to label others far right, It puzzles me why thousands of young fighting age men are being brought here.
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Chatty Member
You’re deluded mate. The government policy is too soft as it is, roll on deporting and capping the numbers and putting the British people, the legal asylum seekers and the legal economic migrants first. We have no need for the uneducated, rapists, terrorists, people who want a meal ticket or to ‘study’ on the taxpayers buck (not to mention free housing, benefits, health care, clothing, food, heating, water…) to come over here not able or willing to contribute to society in a positive way, no thank you not today.

You are right, you’re allowed to be ignorant to what the majority of the U.K. want and believe, you’re allowed to make yourself sound stupid in your not living on the same planet replies, you’re allowed to think money grows on trees and all those seeking milk and honey a safe haven should be welcomed with open arms. It’s not my fault you’re coming across like a spoilt, entitled, champagne socialist probably living off daddies money who hasn’t got the first clue of how the real world works - do you identify as a toaster? You certainly sound like ‘one of them’. God forbid you or a family member ever get assaulted by one of these undocumented young men, can’t afford your mortgage or rent payment and get threatened with repossession whilst the very people you are trying so hard to control the narrative about are tucked up snug safe and sound heating on full blast never have to have the same worry. I can’t imagine you’ve ever had to work a 70+ hour week just to make ends meet nor struggle to get medical or dental attention (you’re probs private right)

I support the Rwanda scheme, I support doing whatever it takes to get a hold on this PROBLEM. The more extreme the better - signing of as a concerned British citizen who has always had a job, volunteers, contributes to society and pays my way.
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VIP Member
I must admit that it’s been seven years since I had any direct involvement in illegal entry, at at the time it was mainly the initial stage when they first emerged from the back of the lorry, which was the big thing back then. I would attend North Shields port on a regular basis and invariably the illegal migrants didn’t have a scrap of identification on them. Either because:

a. The immediate danger in their country was so great they had to leave with but the shoes on their feet, or
b. They were told to dump it all by the traffickers (you decide).

(This was the first time I observed the interconnection between humanity a mobile phones, because they almost invariably had a mobile, usually preloaded with UK contacts, odd considering we were lead to believe that they made a blind midnight dash with the agents of persecution snapping at their heals).

After the initial service of illegal entry papers, at the time it was the IS151A, we would hand them over to IS who would carry out a screening interview where from what I could see they accepted whatever name, age, and nationality they claimed to be and based the asylum claim on that. Horrific for a cop because we had absolutely no idea who they actually were and what they may or may have not done. Not good. From there is was onto NASS for their accommodation. Probably changed multiple times since then but that was what it was like.
Uproar over the gov seizing their mobile phones ,if you’re claiming asylum without documentation it should be a condition that any relevant identifying info should be looked at , if you’ve got nothing to hide it won’t be a problem…Won’t be long till this guys back on the streets …
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VIP Member
You are completely missing the point. He knew he had been granted asylum in Sweden. He had been granted for a decade. Yet he, with forethought and malicious intent, chose to make another claim in France with the full knowledge of his status in Sweden. The fact it was refused is frankly irrelevant, it SHOULD have been refused. There is no reason at all to believe he would be in danger in Sweden. And after ten years he couldn't "access services" in Sweden, do even you believe that bullshit? You make him sound like an innocent abroad.

I'm sure you will tell me it's perfectly legal to claim asylum in another country even after 10 years. Legal maybe. Indefensible definitely. Wasting time and resources on people who might actually need them.
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VIP Member
I think some people are absolutely mad with the open borders rhetoric. Something like 76 percent of the world's population live in low-middle income countries many of these won't have great education as compared to the UK. They have won the genetic lottery being born here really, rich countries simply cannot afford to house , feed and give work to the world's poorer people.

The money pot gets diluted too much , you want well educated people who will pay high taxes to come. I would actually back increased aid and investment in these countries but a really tough stance on economic migrants. Logically it makes no sense we live in a really high density country , we are going through a cost of living crisis, the idealistic version of me would love to tackle world poverty but importing the world isn't going to do that. It makes everyone poorer, the world isn't fair, feather your own nest first.
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VIP Member
That money is sometimes crowd funded and more often than not the people fleeing these places would not be able to start a business or invest that money somehow - hence families depend on the man to reach a safe place and try to get them to Europe
So its economic migrants I get the reasoning but no it shouldn't be allowed. I'd love to rock up to the USA my wage is over double for the same role but I have to apply for a visa like a law-abiding person does.
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VIP Member
Better make sure they can “access services” then cos that’s an awfully big number of potential paramedics to train. And an awful lot of the “most vulnerable members of society” to show we care for by welcoming them into other peoples homes, as per the moral lead supplied by two of this threads stalwarts.

‘Twould seem that our wonderful example of humanity if France was also convicted of benefit fraud in Sweden, meaning he couldn’t get Swedish citizenship, perhaps because if you want to become a citizen of a country it’s really really not a good idea to steal from it?

It would also seem that not only was he able to “access services” he was able to access more than he was legally entitled to, quite impressive for someone whom … certain parties… are suggesting was little more than a babe in the wood manchild with no understanding of the migration process.
Will these guys be free to travel and claim asylum once they complete their sentence 🤢then claim human rights infringement if they try to deport them 👍🏻
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I live near two hotels with migrants, when the men go out for walks they are unsavoury. I didn’t realise at first why lots of men in groups of 3/4 were out walking during the day, then I googled and it dawned on me. It’s worrying raising a family, I know there is enough crime in England but we don’t need to add more. ine of the hotels was a lovely hotel previously, but I guess the owners couldn’t refuse sercos deal.
I even remember reading an article that immigrants that came over after the war also don’t want this type of immigration. I don’t get why we are tagged as racist for being concerned
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