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Repercussions for UK if they go ahead with this?
Pariah state?
It's a good question. I also wonder if those who, like Braverman, believe the UK should withdraw from ECHR and UN Conventions think there will be any consequences for doing so.
Not everyone arriving by boats is fleeing war and persecution.
You are undoubtedly and self evidently correct. What's your point? Obviously if they are not then they will not be eligible for asylum so will be liable to be removed from the UK. The fact that the vast majority of them aren't is down to the government and Brexit. Why do you want to punish the people that are fleeing war and persecution (the majority) because the government can't manage to deal with those (the minority) that aren't?
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I'm not sure why people think sharing their life story excuses or justifies their views towards refugees when I never asked.

I'm not a priest, I'm not here to resolve your inner moral dilemmas or redeem you.

I simply do not care.

The timing of this policy is interesting though, we're no longer talking about Matt Hancock.

Also, is there any part of the bill that mentions cracking down on the smugglers that facilitate these crossings? Seems unfair that all the focus is on the desperate and not those making money off it.
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One can't help wondering who the people (the vast majority women and children) granted family reunion visas are "reuniting' with if it isn't 'single' men who came to the UK separately and successfully applied for asylum.

A conclusion you'd think people with a grain of common sense would be able to reach with no assistance.

Even in the previous thread, I said it's likely that the men make the dangerous journey alone first (because the UK refuses to provide a safe, legal route) claim asylum then their family follow safely on the reunion visa.

Not rocket science at all.

Also for those who ask why they don't stop in the first safe country, here's a very clear explanation

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That was actually examples of what’s going on in twitter spats but you wouldn’t know that being too judgmental and out of touch with society.
Funnily enough I deleted my original post because on reflection I thought it was too judgemental. I don't think one gets to be "in touch with society" by trawling through Twitter.
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You also have to remember that once these guys obtain an Irish passport they can live and work in the UK ,there is no border. I’m assuming that’s why thousands of young fit men are arriving in Treasure Ireland! What would a rural location offer these people 🙄
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Polythene Pam

Chatty Member
The Tories could stop every single boat from today. Make net migration zero.
Then what? You think you'll be able to get on the property ladder? Get a doctors appointment? You really think anything will be better?
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The government needs to recruit more staff to process applications. Part of the delay is caused by a lack of staff.

Genuine asylum seekers can then stay and be able to work, whereas economic migrants who haven't entered legally can be returned to their country of origin to apply properly.

Sending migrants to Rwanda seems silly to me because if we spent the money processing their applications more quickly, we wouldn't need to spend money sending them elsewhere.
Even if they’re processed it can take years to deport them through the numerous court cases at tax payers expense , there needs to be more processing centres set up at the point of entry instead of letting people travel throughout the EU enroute to the UK.
Whether people like it or not this government was voted in because they promised to do something about illegal immigration. That's what they are doing.
There needs to be some kind of brake ,it’s getting out of hand the sheer numbers arriving, economic migrants have visas open to them but choose not to use them like those two I posted earlier in the thread.

Don’t we all luv..
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They don’t seem to have an awful lot on them when the courts or the legal processes are agreeing with them 🤔 also god forbid the lawyer works for the best outcome for their client
I have talked about NRM referrals before - they’re far rarer these days because they delay the claim being processed and there’s already a massive backlog and people are waiting years and years
Albanian clients seem to be the exception atm, at least judging by the stats on waiting times for claims as I’ve discussed before, but it’s because the majority are claiming to have been trafficked. The few experiences I have had with NRM referred clients, it was very obvious that they likely had PTSD and required support
All in all, it feels like the government is trying to push the blame of their failures on lawyers. Sooner or later this sort of action is going to end in a disaster - though, as mentioned before, it seems that some people/firms had already been attacked
Absolutely on brand for this government to try to inhibit judicial oversight of their actions. A decent government would see an independent judiciary and legal system as an important cornerstone of the constitution. This government clearly sees it as a barrier to be overcome and if at all possible diminished. We are continuing to head towards authoritarianism and I am genuinely frightened for what this will mean for my kids and grandchildren.
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View attachment 2063736

Not sure why it matters unless you're insinuating something about non white people.
You keep posting about white British people for some unknown reason.
The point I was making is there is NO difference terror is terror 😂 why was that man fined yet others are put up in state accommodation for the very same offence.
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Being rejected doesn’t necessarily mean that your application is false though. False implies that you have lied (which is why I have asked, especially given Monga’s worries) in reality your application isn’t deemed strong enough or meeting the required criteria

Surely just makes more sense and is more accurate to use unsuccessful?
Here’s a couple to get your teeth into…
Seriously? You're going to start on me now?
😂 I wouldn't.
Like a dog with a bone 😂


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So we agree that the Home Office or whoever else was in charge of all of this messed up by not following the legal processes?

Were those people in prison after that deportation failure? Or were they allowed to just walk out? Does that mean there’s some sort of issue that needs fixing?
My point was the irony of Labour calling out the government for doing nothing yet are quick to jump on any technicalities to further their own agenda but offer no solutions themselves…,Hopefully the detention centres will be a better/ safer solution while claims are being processed on site, although I’m sure they’ll be plenty of legal eagles licking their lips 👄
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VIP Member
My point was the irony of Labour calling out the government for doing nothing yet are quick to jump on any technicalities to further their own agenda but offer no solutions themselves…
They are holding the government accountable which is their main job. They can start offering solutions in the run up to GE
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I literally have no idea what you're talking about. That might make two of us.
You keep banging on about the gov making stuff up and shoot down any arguments showing that not all asylum seekers are genuine ,now you’re posting stuff that back up what they’re saying, there are people come here under false pretences and lie to gain access to certain things .
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And when people say they're a burden on the state, well if you delay their applications which state they can't work while it's in progress then they're prevented from working. Some people have been waiting to be processed for years.

The government intentionally makes them reliant on the state then blames them for being so.

It's ludicrous to believe that of all the thousands of people who have come here, hardly any of them have the skills or will to get a job. What must have they been doing in their home country?
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VIP Member
Do people genuinely believe all of these issues are the fault of refugees and not 13 years of cuts?
Yes they absolutely do. It's the natural reaction of some that when life is difficult they look for a scapegoat to blame. In the UK in the past it was immigrants generally, people on benefits and then EU citizens (Polish plumbers etc). In recent years it's been asylum seekers. In Germany and France in the early part of the 20th century it was 'The Jews'.
The UK cant house the people already in this country without trying to house thousands of immigrants. Its about time this country started to put their own people first instead of everybody else. People cant heat their homes, feed their families, put nappies on the babies and he's giving £500 mill to France!
'Can't' and 'won't' are not the same thing.
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VIP Member
That's exactly the danger of it all - someone told you so it must be right and will probably come with proof from some Daily Mail article or the like, yet it does not mean that every one of them or that the majority (there doesn't seem to be stats on how many are actual criminals?) are criminals. That very rhetoric is said to impact the claims of men and boys who are not connected to criminal gangs too though

There's more nuance about the persecution side of things, but an effective asylum system should process those claims and deal with those that come here without a 'good' reason effectively. It is mainly trafficked women (and a lesser number of men) who are successful with asylum claims, and I suspect that may be connected to why the Government is increasingly targeting the system which provides victims of modern-day slavery and trafficking with support - although referrals into those systems also seem to extent the amount of time it takes to process your claim
80% are single men…
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VIP Member
Citizenship daddies the next big money spinner .
It will be quite amusing when the first fake baby daddy gets the first claim for child support from his fake baby mummy, leaving him no choice but to either pay maintenance for a kid that isn’t his, or admit fraud and serve a possible prison sentence.

Although I guess baby mummy is in a hard place as well. Codependency based on a lie, as well as bringing your own child into a lie they're going to have to maintain their whole life. Move along folks, absolutely nothing toxic to see here…..
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VIP Member
The government has already started a campaign to 'encourage' older 'economically inactive' people to go back to work. It is also tightening benefit rules to force claimants to work more hours.
Imagine what more they'll do when they remove us from ECHR to strip us of more of our rights deals with the migrant 'crisis'
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