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Her house is such a mess. It makes me anxious just looking at all the clutter in every single room.

Also, once again for the people in the back... low calorie versions of normal foods are not healthier. She weighs her food and counts calories/macros, so I don't know how she can say that is not restriction - even if its within the calories she might want to eat without need for restriction, there is a mindset of restriction because there's a maximum amount of calories set. Duppo low calorie ice cream, protein pizza base, egg whites instead of whole egg, fry light...the list goes on.

I agree @Tom_Nook , exercise at the forefront of a video that is specifically a "what I eat in a day" is linking eating to exercising, and therefore perpetuating the idea that you should burn off the food you eat.

She needs to wake up to the damage she is potentially causing to her audience and sort out her own mindset around food and exercise.
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I think she explained the breakup well and she handled that in a really mature way but I don't like the little rant she did at the start, I understand what she means but it does come across as very ungrateful. You've put your life online and profited from it, that was YOUR choice. She wants all of the benefits but none of the negatives or the responsibilities, sorry love it doesn't work like that.

And I'm not for one second standing up for the people who comment and DM weird direct messages because I don't understand that behaviour at all, BUT you do have to expect that people will ask when you have made it such a large part of your online presence.
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She 100% crash dieted, lost the majority of the weight in around 6 months - and has stayed pretty stagnant since in terms of her fitness and physique, which is actually pretty odd considering the sheer volume of time she spends at the gym.

But when you are on a constant restrict and binge cycle (not just with food but with exercise) you will not progress.

My biggest issue with Emma, and the reason I comment here is because I genuinely think she is a very dangerous voice in the influencer space when it comes to eating and exercise for weight loss. There is a false guise of being intuitive, "body positive", fitness-focused, yet all of the content she puts out shows the opposite. She is deep, deeeeep in diet culture and her having a platform when she is this deep in it isn't healthy for viewers. She needs to be called out.
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Honestly I used to really enjoy watching Emma but I feel like since joining Tattle I’ve really wisened up to influencers as a whole. I used to feel so shit about myself and my life because of their content but now I realise that they’re just lucky and incredibly privileged and most of their life (on social media) is a lie anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️

The fact these people can spend stupids amount of money on something they get a few uses out of and just skip days of ‘work’ makes me so mad. They really don’t understand how lucky they are.
Ikr same! I used to just think gossip sites were for mindless hate but every thread i've been on is full of switched on, reasonable people who can see through the influencer bullshit - it's so refreshing
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Monday- talks about the gym, goes to the gym, talks about the gym some more, has a walk, does some editing, then a relaxing evening

Tuesday- talks about the gym, goes to the gym, hasn't thought about what to film, doesn't film, talks about the gym some more, manages to do 3 mini reels (what a trooper!)

Wednesday- (that hoodie must need a wash by now?)Talks about the gym, goes to get her nails done.

Thursday- goes to..... the gym! Doesn't wash, just gets home and rushes some makeup, doesn't feel like making a video.... cut to the end of the day making her evening meal and she's had a spin class.

Friday- off to the gym again, then it's the car MOT, or not. Unpacks PR then goes to the park.

I lost interest by Saturday but maybe she had a busy work day then. Does she really think that she's giving the impression that she works hard all week? Yes, we only see what you show us but you show us every day and half of them are filled with the gym, beauty appointments and not feeling like doing anything.

What we've all learned from this weeks vlog is that Emma talks about getting really sweaty but then seems cool with sitting around and not having a shower after a workout.
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Oh boohoo she's been waiting for 3 months to go to a spin class even though she has a spin bike at home. Are we supposed to feel sorry for her? Some people haven't seen family members in over a year. She's so entitled its unreal.
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All that alcohol, refined sugar and refines carbs with that overly processed 'meat' is not the diet of someone who 'trains' or even someone who takes their gym/homeworkouts seriously.

it’s not like she eats like that all the time, when she eats low calorie/sugar free/not massive portions people are rightly concerned but when she’s seen with some more “normal” food she shouldn’t be eating it? I’m not trying to stick up for her or anything as the buffet is a different matter, but no food is a “bad” food like you’re suggesting :/ this is coming from someone who has struggled with this mindset too.
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She actually uploaded a new video, colour me shocked it’s only been a couple of weeks since we’ve had a new non vlog video (?).
She says in this video that life has “been throwing her some curve balls recently” like cry me a fucking river, you broke your camera lens and dropped an AirPod under the dishwasher, which your boyfriend promptly retrieved.
I just think it’s tone deaf how much she whinges about such first world problems when people have real shit to deal with in their lives right now 😂
'I hope life has been treating you better than it's been treating me'

Is she joking!?

What a perfectionist.... deoderant.

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Chatty Member
The thing that is so outrageous about you tubers like emma is that their work is their life. So I don’t really understand how they companion about time and burnout etc. she doesn’t need to do anything additional to earn money (apart from the editing, but she doesn’t seem to have videos to edit)

like she films herself doing a workout- something she was doing regardless
Films what she eats in a day- was doing regardless
Films putting makeup on- was doing regardless
Films going for walks- was doing regardless
Films meal prepping- was doing regardless

the list could literally go on. You tubers do their daily shop and make it a profitable video. That is not working. That is simply living in front of a camera

then these people will give u all these recommendations with how to use your time and that you should be journaling and scrap booking and colour coding your spice rack. I actually have this weird thing called work for 40hrs a week + commuting
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I didn't even notice this.... I agree that it makes no sense because this IS retail therapy!? To be fair, I'd be pulling a similar facial expression if I'd paid good money for this selection View attachment 573640
This is a classic example of a very straight person "becoming obsessed with queer culture"(read: watching Drag Race) and then trying to use phrases they don't understand the meaning of, in completely the wrong context. I have an acquaintance who does this, just hears people saying cultural memes and repeats without any reference point and it always CLANGS.
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What is really starting to bug me about her is her attitude towards money, especially in current times. I might just be bitter because I’ve spent more weeks out the past year on furlough than I’ve been able to work, which was not calculated correctly for me and there’s nothing I can do, but she’s just casually talking about dropping so much money on things.
First the squat rack, which last weeks vlog I swear she said she’s getting rid off after weeks?! Her saying she was genuinely thinking of paying over TWO GRAND on a peloton bike, just casually upgrading to the latest MacBook, the designer brand haul she did with the most basic clothes with designer labels, and also those ugly ass skull rings she wears, and recently treated herself to a new one, are £250 each.
I get that she’s still working and influencers make a sickening amount of money for not a lot of work, and like I said I’m bitter because I’m trying to save up to move out of my parents house now I’ve finished uni, but her humble bragging about spending all this money on honestly unnecessary purchases rubs me the wrong way. Especially when she said the squat rack with live in Tim’s parents garage until she has space for it and the spin bike will most likely be sold or left to gather dust when she can get back to the gym.
Sorry for the rant but I just feel this new attitude to money and designer shit is distasteful especially at the moment.
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Please. No. She's not complaining about having a period every 6 weeks. Had to switch off. Love if you can sit and chat to camera and edit photos your pain is nowhere close to what most of us go through. I literally pass out and scream into pillows and have a 9 day period every 2 and a half weeks. She has no idea what other people have to put up with. Sorry for the TMI but seriously she has no idea about real life.
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The entitled attitude is something else! Like really moaning about people WORKING and making noise when you literally sit on your arse or go out with your mates all day everyday I actually used to really like Emma but this lock down had really shown what a entitled privileged spoilt brat. I’m deleting her on everything
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I couldn't get through the whole vlog. I know it's upsetting when someone tells you something you don't want to hear about yourself but surely she can see how it looks to people watching her vlogs?

I know it's snapshots but we see her obsession with the gym and walks and putting a spin class before work, when she's already left it to the last minute. I've struggled with motivation because of mental health over lockdown too but I would have been fired by now if I just didn't do any work and only completed one task a week.

I'm guessing her vlogs get the most views and that's why she doesn't miss an upload, but it's definitely not a full time job at this point. She is very very lucky to be financially stable enough to only have to work for a few hours a week. And if that the case, brilliant but embrace it and say, this is all I want to do.

If the perfectionism thing was really the reason she would be spending all hours getting it right and sticking to her schedule. But she isn't.
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Her Instagram post about Grace waking up from her coma seems tone deaf..... saying 'this is a prime example of strength and power'. I understand that it was probably well meaning, but strength has nothing to do with it. The people who are dying from Covid aren't dying for lack of strength, it's a virus that could kill anyone. The rhetoric of people being 'strong enough' to get through and survive Covid is dangerous and unhelpful. (ETA maybe she was just making a general statement about Grace being strong and powerful and it has nothing to do with covid/ Grace's recent situation?)

Also, regarding the accountant thing.... imagine if the accountant was expecting her to call them and they're wondering what the delay is. Meanwhile she's just lying on her sofa half an hour after they scheduled a call and decides not to bother checking and to just film some reels instead. Professional.
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She got to Thursday and all she had to show for it was cooking, exercise and a bath?! Apart from the 10 million excuses as to why she 'can't get a video up tonight guys' 🙄
I love that she got ready to start her day at 11.30am, then realised she has a meeting and doesn't have time to film a video before the meeting.....

So, unless I've missed something, this is Emma's working week. Fair play if you can make ends meet by not doing full time hours but to say you're SO BUSY etc is just a joke.

She did mention editing back to back all day on Sunday, so let's call that a working day.

Seems to start the work day after midday
Does a bit of editing
Decides to take it easy

8am posts a reel
No idea what other work she does

Describes editing a video then going for a walk at 3pm as a 'worky day'

Starts work day at 11.30
Has a meeting
Gives up on filming a video because of the sun (???)
Edits a video
Has a break and a walk
Uploads video

Plans to film reels then doesn't
Edits 2 reels
Washes her makeup brushes and seems to sack off the whole work thing

ETA I know it's been mentioned before but she's doing exercise, meal prep, household chores etc during the time when most people would be working but still doesn't seem to have enough time in the day. These are things that the rest of us fit around work. We've all realised that working from home blurs the lines a bit and sometimes you have more flexibility but that's why routine and discipline is important. If I'm working, I'm working.
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My god that was one pessimistic "poor me" vlog jeez.... literally clip after clip of it .... legend has it that every time she says unmotivated her eyeybrows grow even more
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View attachment 527361

I think there's meant to be some noise but I can't hear anything? Surely if you have the right setup then background noise outside shouldn't really matter too much anyway?
Oh my goodness, any fucking excuse!

Is she trying to be relatable because if so, she is in desperate need of a reality check. My partner has been WFH since March 2020 and there have been times when building/gardening work has been carried out outside. Yes, it's noisy and annoying (especially if he has a call with a client), but he doesn't then use it as an excuse to do fuck all for the rest of the day. She is so out of touch!

On a more general note, it really annoys me when influencers moan about building work and noise levels. Most building work is carried out during social hours whilst the majority of people are out of the house/at work, because it can be intrusive and loud. Just because they have chosen a, let's face it, fairly easy career of stewing apples and filming Depop hauls, it doesn't mean the whole world has to stay silent.
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Chatty Member
I’m sure her and Tim have broken up. No mention of him in the vlog, said she’ll explain some things soon.
She did seem pretty glassy eyed at a few points through the vlog like she’d been crying, and would explain the flat deep clean and ‘getting my life together’ comments. Also saw soph had sent her flowers during the week. Seems so sudden! I’m sorry for her if that’s the case, even if people didn’t think they worked as a couple, they were still together a long time so that’s going to hurt a lot.
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