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She seems a lot happier since the break up tbh and she's doing that classic thing of overhauling her house, her life, her workouts, she will settle into a new normal soon enough. I did also wonder if she quit with that particular trainer because they were increasing her calories
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On a more general note, it really annoys me when influencers moan about building work and noise levels. Most building work is carried out during social hours whilst the majority of people are out of the house/at work, because it can be intrusive and loud. Just because they have chosen a, let's face it, fairly easy career of stewing apples and filming Depop hauls, it doesn't mean the whole world has to stay silent.
10000% the cheek, the nerve, the gall, the audacity, the gumption!

Emma, you are not owed silence by other people working their jobs. Suck it up and get on with your "job".
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She legit could just film the video and say sorry if you can hear anything, sounds a bit like building work? But nothing really loud and if she is wearing a mic I don’t think it would pick it up? Just another excuse of why she won’t have a video up! I don’t get how she is so disorganised for her work but her other stuff like the gym and baking she seems to have her shit together, she’s just leaving herself further and further behind with stunts like these
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tbh her love of fitness to me just looks like somewhere in her brain she's yearning for some structure - when i was at uni i could get away with leaving a lot of my work to fairly last minute and still do well but having so much free time really dragged me down on reflection because anytime I procrastinated I felt guilty so couldnt fully relax and when I got around to working my energy was super low from all the sitting around, making doing the smallest task feel like a huge effort. i see it in my partner too as he's self employed and in his slower weeks he'll be wiped out from just playing fifa for a few hours and sleeping in, whereas even though im working a 9-5 now I actually feel way more rested than i did at uni because theres so much structure to my day - so i guess its good emmas filling her time with the fitness stuff and i get it...

but for the love of god someone needs to pull her aside and call her out for her work life balance and i feel she'd be way happier for it, and she'll probably see way better results professionally and for her fitness journey too.. whys her management not said anything? who the fuck is this coach encouraging these behaviours? just sad and frankly boring to watch now

She needs some serious structure and routine. It is absolutely why her content is all over the place. As much as I moan about my job, it provides structure to my day and I am really thankful for that. My ex was self employed and really struggled to motivate himself, he would base his whole day around going to the gym and playing on his computer. I can totally see this with Emma too.

And that’s the thing too, where are her management in all of this? She seems to act like she’s not accountable to anyone, but she has management. Obviously we don’t know, but it doesn’t seem like they’re holding her accountable at all.
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Am I the one who doesn’t understand fashion, or is this outfit just not right? The patterns aren’t just clashing, they just don’t match. I don’t understand how she can list fashion as one of her ‘things’ when she’s just shit at it...

Also I’m not surprised she hasn’t posted again. Despite her cry in her recent vlog about that perfectly justified comment, she proved once more that she is an inconsistent as ever. I don’t understand how she can put channel growth as part of her goals for 2021 but do nothing for it?
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Chatty Member
Not gonna lie, always a bit baffled by Emma’s fitness goals. She always goes on about wanting to build muscle but does an absolute shit tonne of cardio? Obviously a certain amount of cardio is good, but she’s literally making it twice as hard for herself to build muscle as I hardly doubt she’s in a good enough surplus. Don’t think ‘marathon training’ is going to help either 😂
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This isn't specific to Emma....but there's something about tiny nail beds and huge long nails 😟 maybe this is why she doesn't clean or tidy very often, because you can't do anything with those nails.
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Well-known member
Your weight fluctuates from menstrual hormones, stress hormones, if you’ve slept enough, if you’ve slept too much, if you’ve eaten a lot of carbs the day before, if you drank alcohol the day before etc etc... why is her coach not telling her this? If anything, her being with her coach has put me off signing up with them in the future because surely they’d know about weight fluctuations and would reassure her that it’s normal? And would also tell her that rest days and not exercising intensely more than once a day, is necessary and sustainable.

It’s 1lbs. But she doesn’t have a “problem with her being obsessed with her weight” anymore?
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this sounds weird lol but in a video where she showed making her porridge she said how she individually pops every blueberry in the porridge and then puts it back in the microwave. i tried to do this this morning and it took so long to get all the blueberries under my spoon and properly burst them. WHY would you go to all that effort lol
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I feel like she will have to address it soon (probably in the next vlog) because of the sheer amount of comments asking where Tim is or they missed Tim from the vlog, or saying she was down. Everyone has noticed something is up! Also she has made their relationship a key part of the vlogs as well so she probabaly will say something when it’s a bit less fresh.

Also, conspiracy theory, what if it’s so sudden because while Tim was out at the weekend without her, he cheated? 👀 obviously that’s pure speculation, but if they did break up it would have to be over something quite sudden because they were so happy up to the Saturday, and then Monday she said she has a rough weekend.

Again, I hope she’s ok!
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Thing is, Emma’s seen everyone she wants too, she bends the rules within an inch of their life, only person she hasn’t mentioned seeing is her sister and her mum (but we all know she rarely sees her in normal times anyway) so Emma has been waiting for things like her nails and and her hair as she’s not lost anything else
It’s so upsetting. I have two parents with cancer in another country to me and I can’t go and see them, it’s been 6 months, and then I see all these people flocking to the pubs and getting their nails done... I realise we’re all having a tough time but it’s just hard to empathise really
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Had a few days off tattle and just read through and caught up lol, all the guessing different scenarios made me laugh but I think if they have broken up it’s probably for the best as they do seem like an odd pair that wouldn’t last and I can imagine living together in lockdown for a year has probably expedited the inevitable somewhat but it still sucks for her. And I hope she is ok. Not going to lie though I’m nosey and just want to know what’s going on now 😂
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This is me. I refuse to watch her food videos (I don't get triggered, I just don't care 😫) And I haven't been able to stomach the vlogs as she's gotten so repetitive, boring, and up her own ass. No-one who mentions measurements and scales that much is someone who "doesn't care". I didn't sign up for the saga of Emma's waist so I really need to bounce from her content.
I used to watch her back in the day when she HATED working out and back then she also said she doesn’t care about measurements and she is happy in her own body etc.. I really admired her approach because not everyone is happy with their body. But now she also keeps on talking about weight loss and measurements and claims that she doesn’t care... Well she does care and she cares a LOT. It’s not healthy to promote that way of thinking.
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Find it a bit bizarre/cringey how openly obsessed Emma is with views on her reels and videos, screenshotting the views on her reels etc. Like fair enough of camera and in your head or to Tim chatting about views but to your audience, I don’t know it’s just a bit weird. It was like when she said one of her recent videos had really low views and said to go and watch it. Practically begging people to watch your videos or follow you on insta so you can reach your follow goal is a bit cringe.
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*rubs forehead furiously*
'Thank god'

Are these people OK? I've never been so interested in someone's content that I'd comment anything, but maybe that's because I'm old before my time. I just find the 'Omgggggggg love these' comments so odd..... people seem very invested.
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