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Well-known member
Fitbits are always way off - mines says I burn 3000 calories a day. I'm in an office job and drive so it's way off.
Catching up on her stories now, girl you cannot outwalk a bad diet!! You getting in 10000 steps will not burn off your excess calories.
Also please cook some simple meals - instead of relying in frozen meals, frozen chips and get some actual nutrients into your body!! Don't focus on the weight - focus on eating real food and not bulk buying those shity fibre one bars (Despite fibre not agreeing with you)
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VIP Member
I got excited when I saw this thread thinking she was back 😂 all her hoarding of items such as the Emma bridge water plates and cups, all the Disney things from primark. Then all the protein bars 😂
Remember when she went on a mad spree and bought loads of Lion King crap😂😂 she was so excited!
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Her attendance for work is shocking tbf. She had off a few months for anxiety one year, then she was signed off for about 3 months after her gallstones operation. It was keyhole surgery and has a 2 week recovery time but she still moans about it now almost a year later. If I’d worked with her and was covering for her whilst she was off sick and had seen her in and out of the shops everyday and hula hooping all over Instagram I’d of been fuming. She never mentions any other friends either so don’t think she has any work friends. Apart from her boyfriend.

I feel like I should add that it’s mad that I know this much about her life but I just find her ridiculous and can’t unfollow her😂😂😂
I really wanted to report her to Sainsburys when she was signed off after her surgery and then hula hooping for an hour at a time! My friend who works for sainsburys got disciplined for having time off with nuro virus so god knows how she gets away with it! Makes me so mad, she is so lazy. If she cant pick up more hours there then why not apply somewhere else??
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Probably just talk about Pokemon and marvel movies😂

GUYS she has 4 more of those portion control plates 😂😂😂 she just loves a gimmick
I really dont understand why she needs 5 of them plates, shes not going to use them all at once. She must have so many plates, lots of tupperware and shit just hoarded in her cupboards
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Well-known member
I used to love the way she spoke on her stories and how she would talk through every thought she had that day. Return to us Emma please
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I am only sorry that Emma has nobody in her life who Is able to help and support her enough to actually liver her life because her current situation is tragic really.

anyway, she has blocked me so meh.
I’ve followed Emma for years. Must be at least 4. I used to talk to her a lot. Coaxing and cajoling her to try and understand and get help.

We used to chat regularly and I thought it was getting through to her because I too, recognised a lot of my own previous disordered eating habits in her, but then every so often she would take offence and “fall out” with me that the aggro became too much.

I agree it’s really sad that no one in her life supports her or encourages her in the right direction or even advises her to maybe not spend 4 hours a day talking to strangers on the internet but what can you do? If you say anything remotely sensible, she will take offence because it holds a mirror up to her dysfunctional behaviour and ultimately doesn’t give her the encouragement that she can eat junk and lose weight which is all she wants to do.
I remember following her for the first time when I went on a mass slimming account spree when I was losing weight in 2017. She quickly stood out because of her inane stories about nothing and I’ve stuck around this long mostly because of the hilarious threads on tattlelife! But nothing in her life has changed at all in those 3 years. I’ve had a baby and bought a house in that time and she is still losing the same few pounds and obsessing over processed sugary crap.
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Her consultant certainly has their work cut out 😂

in all seriousness though it will be interesting to see whether the consultant does their job properly and tried to re-educate her or whether they do what 99.9% of themfo and ignore it so long as she pays the membership each week. Also interested to see how long Emma sticks with this latest fad because let’s be honest, nothing has changed about her mentality towards food so it’s not going to last.
She was over syns yesterday... and it begins
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I made burger in a bowl the other day and when I put all my lettuce on first it reminded me of her measly portions of lettuce next to her sliced chicken hahaha
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She’s going to Nando’s tomorrow and I know you can make very healthy choices there. What’s the betting she chooses the most carb-laden meal on the menu and has a pudding because she deserves a”treat”?
When she went the other day she “HAD” to have a DOUBLE chicken wrap. She did swap the chips for sweet potato mash but I can bet she’ll be having chips tomorrow.
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On her normal 2 shifts a week she will be bringing home around £580 every 4 weeks how she manages to buy all she does is beyond me
I think the only reason she can afford to waste money on crap is she has no other outgoings. I bet she lives rent free at her Dads.
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