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I know she says she can’t eat spices after her gall bladder removal (I’ve had mine removed and eat spices anyway😂)
Give me a medium wrap with hollumi inside, rice and salad any day! Oh and some olives for good measure. Okay I want Nando’s and it’s still a week until payday after the longest January ever 😂
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8 syns turned into 26 syns. Its what happens when you have no self control, and a drawer full of junk. She needs therapy to help with her disorder, otherwise she'll fail every diet she goes on.
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Chatty Member
She doesn’t seem to understand the idea of these protein shakes. Saying she only has 2 scoops instead of the 4 that make up a shake as it tastes ‘too sweet’, so it’s only 3.5syns. Problem is, by doing that she’s not having the right amount of protein and therefore they won’t fill her like they should?! You can’t only have half a meal replacement and expect it to still replace the meal? Please say if I’ve totally got the wrong end of the stick with these though, I’m not a shake person, I like my food to be solid 😂
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I didn’t want to say this incase I offended but I thought it was just something she’s just self diagnosed tbh. I think she knows she doesn’t have good eating habits so she is using that as a way to excuse it
I don’t mean it to be offensive - just to clarify, she clearly does have issues and disordered eating/ behaviours, like hoarding the food. I just don’t think she had ever seen a health professional about it because she would have been equipped with some help and support, not just waved out the door to crack on with it! Fundamentally she doesn’t want to change or she would be doing something proactive, she is lazy and hoping that she will stumble upon a diet that solves all her problems, however it wont.

what I find most interesting now is what action her consultant takes, this is clearly someone with disordered eating who is not following the plan and will not get results, sounds like she got more good advice from the woman behind her in the weight queue who advised her two potatoes was too much and three handfuls of pasta excessive.... wonder if she had seen her on Instagram 😂
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Chatty Member
A croissant, creme egg AND a protein shake - ffs. The only way she’s losing weight is when the shakes give her the shits
Just saw this and came straight here to comment! Wtf lunch is that?! Why does she need protein shakes? I lift weights (heavy as I can go!) 3 times a week and I don’t need protein shakes. Is she bodybuilding?! If so she’s gonna need better nutrition than sugary carbs and a shake. She baffles me every single day.
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I’m not sure why she hasn’t read anywhere that you shouldn’t eat back your exercise calories AND Fitbit isn’t accurate in terms of that? She seems to pick up everything else she hears/ reads online and immediately applies everything at once, but has missed this key factor. If she tried not eating back her ‘burnt calories’ for one week I reckon she’d see quite a big loss
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Tbh regarding the lack of speed etc.. she follows quite a lot of ‘influential’ sw instagrammers who half the time either fail to have a third speed or think that they should fill the rest of the plate with piles of free food and she seems very easily led so I’d guess that won’t help
That’s so true. A few of these people have threads here and the lack of vegetables on their food draws a lot of criticism. How they have the nerve to call this “on plan” and then tag SW is beyond me.
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I don’t understand why she has a week off with him but they just go round to each other’s houses for a few hours 😂
I thought this too earlier, they do the same stuff every other week and they also book quite a lot of weeks off together. There is literally no activity she has planned for this week that she won't do next week anyway. Cinemar, oldi,sainsbriyz, go for a walk, charity shops. Literally the same.
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Chatty Member
Or maybe it’s her stomach so full from the huge jacket potato, huge carvery and all the snacks from today!
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I did wonder if she read her old thread because she took quite a long break from insta and would say shes had a lot of negativity... But saying that, she had tons of followers on her old account, i think she had a lot of comments amd DMs she couldn't deal with. There were pics from an icecream place, a giant waffle, ice cream, chocolate, sauce- the works, but she would still tag it healthyeating, diet, HDE etc 🙈
When she was on the micro influencers thread someone admitted they’d sent a link of her thread to her and then she took a huge break. Not sure if connected or not though as she never mentioned it!
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Bullshit. I’ve been unhappy with my weight for most of my life and I’ve intermittently done something about it, failed each time. People with a very bad relationship with food, which she certainly has, find it incredibly difficult to lose weight.
Agree! I’ve been overweight all my life, bullied for it, hated myself and still do hate myself. It’s a really difficult cycle to get out of.
Want to change, try to change, have a bad day, fall off the wagon, then beat yourself up about it and punish yourself because you think you’re not worthy or not able to do it.
You think you’re always doomed to fail and then give up. Cycle repeats and repeats until you finally get it or just continues for the rest of your life.
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Here to hate

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Does anyone remember when she bought the Pinch of Nom cookbook? Have never seen her ever attempt any sort of recipe EVER. Except that bloody banana bread which she ate in a day.
She also bought a crinkle cutter so that she could make crinkle cut chips! All the gear but no idea!
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I could see her heading for a fall when she bought all those single serve chocolate portions at the start of the week! She doesn’t have the self control to stop. Such an all or nothing mentality. Could see that she was going to struggle with slimming world once the novelty wore off. She is so bizarre! Reality is that lots of young women have this issues she has with food (although maybe to a lesser extent) but playing it out on Instagram, binges and the embarrassment after just can’t be helpful? Surely?
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I’m absolutely lovely the 3 iceberg lettuce leaves all shredded up and counting as “speed”. I know she’s losing weight but I doubt it will last as she’s eating 15 syns worth of sugary crap a day. I wish her consultant would correctly explain the programme to her. Pigs might fly 🤷‍♀️
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I wonder how Emma is coping with McDonald’s being closed?

I do miss her updates though. Her endless stories would give me something to watch whilst being stuck at home.
No cinema and no McDonald’s or Nando’s for her - dunno how she’ll cope 😩
Bet she’s happy today with Disney+ starting though 😂
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I’m really sure the nhs wouldn’t have left her waiting longer than her body could handle if they had the choice. Her poor grandparents
Exactly this is the same girl who moaned about the nhs as she stubbed her foot/toe and she had to wait in a&e and her b/f was moaning about having to wait with her and it was “ like so long” oh sorry Emma your little foot takes priority over real life and death situations 🙄 she is a little arsehole
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Chatty Member
Her consultant certainly has their work cut out 😂

in all seriousness though it will be interesting to see whether the consultant does their job properly and tried to re-educate her or whether they do what 99.9% of themfo and ignore it so long as she pays the membership each week. Also interested to see how long Emma sticks with this latest fad because let’s be honest, nothing has changed about her mentality towards food so it’s not going to last.
I wondered this like if she keeps losing/putting on a pound or two will the consultant ask her what she's eating etc?

I feel like she sees the 15 syns a day as a target to get to rather than a guideline of what you can have.
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