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Chatty Member
I saw the article and literally just ran 🏃‍♀️ here, honestly going to be the most interesting this thread has ever been considering she has the personality of dry burnt toast.

Now I need to catch up 👀😂
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Agreed. He’s quite clearly a nasty piece of work based on the way he treated Charlotte, that Lily Lex girl and I even remember him mouthing off about Chloe Sims and big gums at some point?! When him and Emma split the first time didn’t she mention him being a narcissist? I can imagine him in private being quite nasty and mentally abusive…. he has always harped on about women staying skinny and in shape, and had misogynistic ideas about the perfect ‘pure’ wife (Emma making him wait etc)- I think he would be a really nasty little shit to live with day in day out.
I agree. I’m no Emma fan but I’m not gonna let that cloud the fact gary is also a massive moron who has 0 respect for women I think the way he announced it so casually was disrespectful and a reflection of how little the marriage meant to him. And before anyone jumps on me for being “team emma” I definitely am not im just trying to see both sides 🤣
What a shame all the money spent renovating the house and putting in the soft play etc just for it to get sold on
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I disagree. Children need both parents
So it’s better children grow up in a house that’s toxic, see mum and dad who don’t love each other? Messing up their view of relationships for the future. Two adults also miserable? What about in cases of domestic abuse ?
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Chatty Member
She’s berated him for years, she openly says she doesn’t sleep with him. She makes out her only personality is her kids and she’s the perfect mummy so I’m not suprised he’s done one. She would have expected him to stay just because of the kids but you can’t make someone miserable and stop them having any life and expect them just to stay becuse of your constant health and anxiety and ‘ spectrum’ kids
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Her recent story “they’ve been a dream whilst I’ve been unwell” yea cause they’ve been with their dad??
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She was only ever in it for the bag! She’s got the bag, the house, the Range Rover and two children with health issues … the plan worked! I bet Gaz is wishing she’d just stuck with Mario 😂
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Wondering if this is to do with Gary…
Or because Chester doesn’t want her in his bed anymore. 😂😂
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Daddy Cool

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To be fair 6 years is a lot longer than I thought they’d last and was surprised they had a wedding too! Hope she doesn’t use the kids in a custody battle cos for all his faults gaz does seem a good and attentive dad. I feel like Emma enjoyed being the victim but also can be very calculated so will be interesting to see how this plays out
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She’s actually liking posts ABOUT HERSELF 😂😂😂 narcs are like that they try and convince ppl it’s the other person when it’s clearily them!!!
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I feel like she’s totally twisted that persons comment to talk about how much time she spends with the kids but not addressed the Gary situation
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I have no words for her obsession with that boy, she needs a psych evaluation 🙄
And don't they have an actual movie room in that house, save the mess over the bed!
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Of course children need 2 parents - if they're both the loving and nurturing kind, every child deserves that.
However this can be done in separate homes where both parents can also live happier healthier lives devoting positive attention to their children. It is soooo toxic to raise children in a home where both parents despise each other, which is the vibe Gaz and Emma gave off these past few months.
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It’s very doubtful from what they post as it contradicts Emma’s issues with the lord. There is no official diagnosis however she seems to want him to have one by taking him in a push chair to a private clinic yet when he’s at home he is perfectly fine walking/cycling & using all of his electric toys. She also says he can’t deal with loud noises but again their posts and people who have seen them in real life says this is also not true as he’s usually in loud environments. She even goes as far as sleeping with him in bed every night as ‘he can’t sleep without her’ but again he was fine when she was in hospital for surgery

Edited to add, this is covered over the last 2 threads as far as I can remember
Hi, came here as it was mentioned in another thread and wanted to have a look. As a mother to a child who " doesnt seem autistic" you really dont know. Not debating whether chester has autism or not just want to give my point of view 🙈 my son wasnt diagnosed untill he was 7 years old because he "seemed fine" to other people. I brought him to my doctor when he was 4 because i was concerned about some sensory issues and behaviours. My doctor asked him a couple of questions and said " i dont see it, he makes eye contact and answers questions appropriately" i felt like i was the only one seeing it and took the doctors advice, started ignoring certain things he does thinking they arent issues and just "normal". Fast forward to when he was 6 in school and was having more behavioural problems his teacher brought up the topic of him needing assessment. I was right the whole time. And my biggest regret was not listening to my gut and taking the doctors word when he was younger because he would have got the help he needs alot sooner. To this day im still on waiting list after waiting list for supports where i could have been on them 3 years earlier. He was diagnosed with autism "high funtioning" which used to be called aspergers but they changed the name and just put it all under the name autism now. But my point is to any outsider or people who dont know he has autism he seems fine. But they dont see how much he struggles on a daily basis. He also can go into loud enviornments but does have certain " noise triggers". he could be in a room with hundreds of people, often has and it wouldnt bother him. But theres a certain higher pitched sound that will trigger him. Not all autistic children are bothered by all sounds. Before my sons diagnosis i had no idea that there are different "levels" of autism and chester could well and truly be on the " higher functioning" end of it. I still get the comments " oh you wouldnt think he has autism" because my son is completley different in front of people than he is at home with family where he is comfortable to be himself. Chester also wouldnt get a diagnosis just by emma wanting him to have one. A psychologist would have sat with chester and played with him etc and looked for different things. I was so surprised by my sons report what they were actually watching him for while it just looked like they were playing with toys together. To me nothing looked any different in the assesment to another child just playing and interacting, but on the report my son had failed in multiple areas. One day my son might really want to go to the park and do activities, the next he could say he just wants to be alone in his room all day because of anxiety and not want to speak to anyone. Chester might have autism and he might not. But autism is not always visible and not always obvious. Im sure she doesnt post every single thing he struggles with. I could write page after page of my sons struggles and challenges daily but to anyone else he " doesnt seem autistic" i just feel people are quick to say chester doesnt have autism, and im not saying he 100% does, im just explaining from my point, just because he looks "normal" but untill you actually learn about how autism differs and there is a "higher functioning" side i dont think you can say he definitely doesnt have it
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She's recently followed a page 'mamas guide to divorce' and seeing some of the posts she's liked is telling....

Gary's on snapchat either with the kids, playing golf or now his new obsession drinking coffee through chocolate 🤦🏼‍♀️
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They’ve quite clearly split!! No way would Gary be meeting up with Aaron on Wednesday if he was still locked up in his house.. Emma wouldn’t let him.

As someone else suggested he’s obv staying in Newcastle now and driving to Leeds and staying at home when he gets to see the kids.

Think Gary has had a taste now of being free again 😂😂 she must of drilled it into his head that being a dad means you can’t have hobbies or see friends.
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