Emily Clarkson (em_clarkson)

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Yup. She tries to take the moral high ground “I’m not going to ruin your life the way you ruined mine”. Really? You were a naive and rather silly teen on social media. Nothing happened to you. How is your life ruined?

And then there’s the fact she cites “I’m glad we didn’t press charges” as though Emily had any real choice in the matter. It implies that they dropped any charges out of the goodness of their hearts and out of benevolence.

CPS decides on the charges and if they are put to a person, not the victim of a crime. If a victim of a crime is unwillingly to co-operate, then that might dissuade CPS since the victim is a crucial witness in many cases.

It seems more likely to me that the police followed up on the information given to them by this private investigator, conducted an arrest and search of the persons’ home and likely investigated their media devices, in case anything more serious would come out of it, aka child abuse or grooming. Had they found anything else, charges would’ve been pursued in all likelihood. But it sounds like there wasn’t robust evidence to charge this person with anything (I don’t think it’s actually a criminal offence to impersonate people online. Maybe she could’ve been charged under the malicious communications act but that requires proof that the individual meant to cause harm or distress and in this case, it sounds like she just wanted to be Em’s friend).

had there been evidence of any criminal wrongdoing, the CPS would have made that decision to charge with or without Em’s approval and that of her family.

Perhaps Em is referring to a civil court? And pursuing it that route. But that usually means financial recompense for a wrong doing. And what financial recompense could a poor student in the north west of England, offer to Em and her multi-millionaire family? Not an awful lot, hardly an act of charity considering the huge disparity there.

She comes across as deeply self absorbed, not very bright and completely sheltered by her parents.
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I genuinely believe that Em thinks that people should love her because of who her father is

Even people who like Jeremy, can see his daughter as the nasty, spiteful madam that she is.
Mean girl? I think it's far worse than that.

I can see why Alex stuck with/married her though. Cash in on that family name, easy life innit
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I think Em is so far up her own spoilt lack of self awareness arse that she doesn't realise how revolting a human being she is!
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Tbh Jeremy comes across as a pretty distant father who isn’t that invested. I’m not sure why I get that impression, maybe coloured by my own dad who is pretty distant and disconnected. Her mother seems to hugely overcompensate at any rate.

When he wrote his piece about nepotism I remember thinking it felt a bit off. He was explaining away why his daughter didn’t do well at Uni and talking about her having a lot of opinions, but I didn’t pick up on much warmth or pride.

She said herself she was craving male attention in that letter to her catfish. Young women are encouraged to vie for male attention and approval as part of a wider societal issue but on a more personal level, it’s definitely exacerbated by the father figure you have in your life. A good relationship with your dad means you’re less likely to crave male validation compared to your peers with absent/shitty fathers.

I wonder if Jeremy had invested more of his love, attention and time on young Emily instead of cheating on his wife multiple times (allegedly), bullying his colleagues and generally being pretty offensive, if she’d have fallen for the spiel from the catfish.

Because the catfish wasn’t an elaborate hoax. There were many obvious red flags, that a naive 15 year old could still have picked up. An element of that scenario was wishful thinking I think. 15 year old Emily wanted to believe a good looking, older male was interested in her so much that she ignored all the obvious red flags. That doesn’t make it her fault of course but it does I think, give a bit of insight into Em as a person.

Perhaps that’s why she’s so opinionated on so many things despite having little to no experience on them. Because her views were so undervalued she now fights to foist them on anyone she can. Very often there’s a fine line between opinionated and judgemental, and judgemental people tend to be very lacking in self awareness and very harsh and judgemental towards themselves (and others).

Maybe that’s all a bit of a reach though.
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He always came across to me as more absent than completely uncaring. He was away with work a LOT, allegedly having affairs. Was Emily a boarder or a day pupil? It's possible that they didnt have that much meaningful contact. I think he's certainly passed on a few of his less desirable traits to his eldest daughter and I think that can fuel some ill feeling. Talking about how thick your kids are in a newspaper column is a weird flex.
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He was basically bragging that it didn’t matter they were thick and not doing well academically, because nepotism would trump academic achievement. A pretty vile take if you ask me, but he was essentially bragging that his mediocre offspring would do well regardless. Which is true, look at Em. Look at her brother.

Probably would’ve been more character-building to tell his kids to make their own way in life and value hard work, probably would’ve helped them become better people and less entitled. But here we are.
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What do the siblings do?
What do the siblings do?
Finlo is the brother and has worked at prestigious restaurants and members clubs in London, and now works in the media;

No one really knows what Katya does. Looks like she’s attempting a career at photography (em follows both her accounts). No doubt her mum and dad will help nudge open some doors for her photography, regardless of how mediocre it may be.
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So both siblings are doing something meaningful, earning their money in an honest genuine way through hard work ....and then there's Em .... oh dear!
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I mean its interesting how she's discussing the media's interest and how they are constantly "hellbent on destroying this woman", how they've "been treated appallingly" and then there's this... her own Father is a part of it...

Reactions: 16
Now that - is funny
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i feel sorry for her too. Em was 15, and the girl who "catfished" her was 19 and at uni. realistically, that's not a huge age gap - still a teen who is lacking in emotional maturity, impulsive, not great at thinking about the future consequences of her decisions, simply because that is an age where the brain isn't yet fully developed. and ofc that doesn't justify her actions - but i feel more sympathy towards her than anything, so desperate to be Em's friend, because she perceived her as "famous" and perceived her privileged lifestyle as a dream. maybe she was lonely and didn't have many friends. again, not excusing her behaviour - she misled and deceived Em, and obviously shhok her ability to trust people, but Em was a naive teenager, befriending people online and putting blind trust in a total stranger, sharing all her private thoughts and secrets and personal details - ultimately, that was her choice, because she is a similar age to me and we were all wanted of the risks of trusting strangers on SM and the risks of grooming etc.

yes, the girl did wrong, but it seems a little extreme for Em and her mother to destroy her dreams and future career, by ensuring she could never work with children. she didn't harm or endanger Em, she didn't stalk her or groom her or place her at risk - and based on the details Em shared in that article, didn't pose as a danger to children in any way! and if she did, surely the police would have investigated. she lied on SM, in exactly the way Em does now - and has literally made a career out of! that poor girl likely came from a far-less privileged background, and worked hard to get into uni - talking away her potential of ever working with kids could have had hugely detrimental consequences, in terms of the impact on her mental health etc, and being able to find employment in the future, as she doesn't have the advantage of a rich and famous father to boost her "career". it just seems malicious, when the police obviously didn't perceive it as a situation where they would pursue legal action - yet it seems Em and her mother were set on revenge, and took it way too far with the private investigator to hunt her down, intent on destroying her future career. Em obviously felt stupid for not picking up on the obvious clues that the girl wasn't who she said she was, and foolish for being deceived into trusting a stranger because she was so flattered thinking a guy fancied her and felt taken advantage of, but that was a total overaction, and the consequences for the poor girl - a girl who looked up to Em and simply wanted to be her friend, yet went about it in completely the wrong way - seem far too extreme.

and the way Em spoke about it as though she was proud of the impact she had on the girl nvband taking the moral highground, exaggerating her "victim" status and acting though she is somehow superior and above her - despite undoubtedly being a typical mean girl high school bully, and likely making other kids lives absolut hell, when although the girl faked her identity, all she seemed to do was talk to Em and become a friend to her - was kinda gross.
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The sad reality is she's still behaving the same way now, hell bent on hurting people that comment on a gossip site. I don't know how she did finds people but clearly she has the means to or is paying someone too but to actively spend time hunting for people and then once shes accessed their social media to send them really nasty messages via their private dms , and to also encourage her friends and mother to get involved takes a pretty messed up vindictive person.

Bearing in mind this is a site she has to deliberately make the choice to come on to.

She is a spiteful petty human being and I hope its not long before her and the others like her mate Alex that prey on vulnerable women in order to fund a vacuous meaningless lifestyles are cancelled.
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yeah, it seems very suspicious that the article references private investigators and using her mother's "contacts" to track the girl down, compared with your friend's experiences with Em's mum tracking her down on FB, and actually going to the effort of friend requesting her just so she could send awful messages and threats - and that was due to your friend simply sending Em a DM, right? so it's totally okay for Em abs her mum to directly send people nasty messages, yet sharing opinions about her - a SM influencer who has chosen to place herself in the public eye - on a public platform is deemed "bullying" despite it all being comments Em has to actively seek out, not that flood her inbox to the point she feels forced to delete her account! the way Em and her mum behaved towards your friend was horrific - especially given the way Em made such a drama about being catfished by someone - admittedly under a false identity, but who was sending her harmless, friendly messages! it's incredibly hypocritical, especially to be taking the moral high ground when her mother seems happy to send abusive messages to total strangers! at least the girl messaging Em when she was a teen wasn't doing so with negative intentions!

plus it kinda implies that Em and her mother would be more than happy to make use of their wealth and privilege and experience with private investigators etc to attempt to track down those they have deemed "trolls" - with the intention of sending threatening messages etc - and would quite likely be more than happy to dox them on IG, given the way Em's bestie Alex recently doxxed a total stranger on SM and shared his phone number with her huge platform of followers, which she left in her stories for hours before an "ooops!" repost with the number concealed - pretending it was all an accident!
Reactions: 7
No my friend had just been commenting on here. At no point had she commented on any of Emilys instagram posts or sent her a private dm.

Emily sent my friend 2 dms via Instagram and then after that she got the really nasty messages from her friends along side numerous friends requests, one of them being from Emily's mum!!! The messages my friend was sent were soo upsetting for her safety and her families she deleted all her sm...they were that bad. Emily should be ashamed of herself. She's a two faced vile human being, who lies and twists the narrative to suit herself and to pretend to be something she isn't!
Reactions: 8

I’m struggling to understand her take here. She’s reduced a pretty complex topic down to a quick, pithy sound bite which lacks any real substance.

it’s become part of a commonly accepted rhetoric that the media (specifically, tabloids) have “gone after” Meghan and Harry.

the 24K hits and the content of said hits, are two separate issues.

the royal family (and by extension, Harry and Meghan) are among the most privileged, wealthy and protected people on the planet. As individuals they are part of a deeply powerful institution, an institution that has millenia in experience of power and wealth and spinning propaganda. They don’t answer to anyone. They aren’t held accountable by the law. They have more power than the House of Lords and House of Commons. “The palace” commands extraordinary power in the U.K and part of the reason it works is because they are low-key about it. They pretend they don’t have that power so they are palatable.

The only real rebuttal against this institution? The free press. The free press which has been historically, pretty favourable to the royal family. Media outlets are rarely, as a whole, openly critical of the RF except in extreme circumstances. The press for example, had their hands on those recordings from Diana and Charles for years but didn’t release them until after they’d announced their separation. Why? Because the press have an understanding that they can’t print or publish anything to damage the royal family/direct heirs as it could undermine U.K. sovereignty.

Harry himself has spoken of “invisible contracts” with the media. In layman’s terms - the royal family have a balancing act between privacy, being open to public scrutiny and justifying their position in the democratic U.K.
the media is both one of the sole reasons they are accepted (“the generate good publicity, they raise awareness for charities”), but also a nuisance to the RF because it’s the only thing standing up to them.

so… what is Em’s point with the 24k hits? They are members of one of the most famous and influential families in the world; why wouldn’t they be written about? It’s in the public interest that they be written about, by a plethora of media outlets. Meghan and Harry accepted representative roles for charities and institutions, a key element of which is having the media write about it to give exposure to said charities. And not all of them negative. It’s hard to even say what percentage would be; it’s largely subjective after all.

but let’s assume the worst; every single one of those 24k hits was a critical article on Harry and Meghan for the sake of argument.

so what…? They have accepted a public facing life. They have undertaken activities which have been controversial and which is worthy of commentary and criticism. They continue to do so. Indeed, their entire career now relies on media and public interest. What would be the point in interviews, podcasts and tv series if… no one watched? No one listened?

the media, particularly tabloids, are definitely worthy of criticism. And if Meghan and Harry want to indulge themselves by pouring their hearts out to the world on public platforms, then that’s their prerogative. But they open themselves up to public criticism and scrutiny in doing so. Prince Harry has grown up in an institution that literally believes it has divine right to rule from god. That’s the bedrock for their existence. He’s enjoyed extraordinary power all his life - small wonder then, that he feels outrage at any criticism directed at him when he isn’t used to being stood up to, and likely doesn’t believe he even should be questioned or critiqued.

they’ve chosen Netflix as a platform because there is no rebutall against them using Netflix. British based U.K. platforms are subject to scrutiny and a complaints process via a media regulator (ofcom). Netflix is not. And also worth noting that reportedly, Harry and Meghan were happy to use press material in their documentary - they are happy to expose their lives for public consumption it seems, but only so long as they control the narrative completely. A take that Em herself, would appear to espouse.

Em is highlighting how these two individuals have been written about as though that’s inherently negative, when it makes total sense that they would be written about.

she is presenting two very influential, privileged, wealthy people with large platforms, as somehow being poor victims. They aren’t victims. They aren’t powerless or voiceless.

it’s just Em - another wealthy, privileged and protected person - closing ranks with other members of the elite and thinking it somehow makes her enlightened or progressive. It doesn’t.

it boils down to Em feeling an affinity with Harry and Meghan. She doesn’t want to be critiqued, she doesn’t want to be reported on if it isn’t on her terms. She wants to enjoy all her wealth and privilege without having to answer to it. Fine - take that viewpoint. But for the love of god, don’t pretend it’s down out of progressiveness or kindness or moral superiority.
Reactions: 9
PS guys…

Em is happy to point her criticism at the daily mail because it’s an easy win.

but the royal roster filter down to the tabloid press, which includes her family favourite, the sun. A paper she has said she loves herself.

To recap, em has herself written for the sun (her open letter to her catfish). She has promoted her blogs and books in the sun. She has given interviews to the sun. Her father is a sun columnist. Indeed,

here’s his take on Meghan - she’s a “monster” apparently.

so… I’m a little confused here. On one hand Em is criticising Media backlash against Harry and Meghan whilst her own family is part of said media backlash all while she continues to support and work with said publications.

here are just a selection of stories she could have chosen form her family favourite, the sun;

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ah okay, for some reason I thought it was the result of your friend either sending Em a totally innocuous DM or comment, which she took offence to. it's actually far more concerning that she was commenting on tattle - presumably with a username unrelated to her real name - yet Em and her mother managed to find out her identity and track her down on SM. wouldn't surprise me if they are still taking advantage of the private investigator Em was bragging about in that article - because how else would they have found her real name etc? also, sending threatening messages which made your friend fear for the safety of herself and her family all sounds like the kind of behaviour that the police would be interested in - far more damaging than a uni student befriending Em under a false name, and chatting with her about her life etc. Em. feeling stupid for not realising she hadn't been sharing all her secrets with a guy who had a crush on her and it was actually a teen girl who posed absolutely no risk to her safety.

given Em's reaction to that that situation, and the impact it supposedly had on her, and the steps her and her mother took to ensure the girl's future career prospects were permanently ruined, she would be expecting far more severe consequences if someone was sending HER vile, threatening messages which made her so fearful for her safety that she felt forced to delete her accounts. and not only that, the girl who "catfished" Em was a lonely teenager - not that it excuses her behaviour, but it hardly compares to the malicious intent of Em's 56 year old mother! but ofc, her privilege and wealth and "contacts" obviously results in her feeling protected from the consequences of the law.
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tbh I doubt it even went that deep. I’m guessing her tattle username had similarities to her social media username, as it’s been mentioned here that Em has contacted people who have never commented on her. My guess is that em and her ma put 2 and 2 together and get 5.

GDPR legislation came into effect from 2018 and it protects people from having their IP addresses basically handed out. It would take a law enforcement professional to submit a production order before personal info of that kind would be shared - and they’d have to obtain it from tattle AND Instagram for them to be able to accurately target people. That’s why it’s so suspect they were able to hunt down that poor Uni student. How exactly where they able to legally obtain her personal information…? An IP address isn’t that incriminating, it’s just a series of numbers and can be changed by restarting your router, after which the number is reassigned to another user. Em herself doesn’t seem to understand exactly how they hunted down the catfish.

indeed, it sounds as if potentially Em and her mother are behaving unlawfully. Targeting and messaging someone online “for the purpose of causing distress” is against the law under the Malicious Comms act.
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