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What did she do?
She has doxxed people online who were gossiping about her and reported them to their employer to try and get them fired. Nasty piece of work.

Am I going crazy or is she repeating herself on her "daily" thoughts now? I swear just a day or two ago, she said the cliche quote about not letting anyone dull your sparkle. She is seriously running out of ideas. It is the same drivel daily.

"Honorary Canadian" and "part Canadian." Shut up, you dolt. You visited for 6 months if that. She is really weird and obsessive... she will pick a subject and speak about it for weeks, then switch to a different one. For example, she has been bringing out the Canadian shite for a week or so now repeatedly, and before that is how New York is her favourite city, etc.


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Such a good point. She hasn’t got a free stay for her anniversary. It’s to promote the afternoon tea. She basically just talks a massive amount of shit!
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Quickbooks haven't done their due diligence on her have they? The advert for her talk says that she has worked with big name brands and won awards but this literally must have been years ago. Her recent highlights include beef jerky and dried fruit!

If you won an award 4 years ago, is it not false advertising to say you are award winning?! WAS award winning is better.
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There is nothing that rules me more then someone saying how good something is but only putting a swipe up link... name I’m the bloody product! Also why does she pull such horrible poses
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Thank you everyone! I can’t even begin to imagine taking home that amount of money for taking awful pictures and promoting clothes that are too small. I’d like to see how long she’d last doing night shifts like myself. Probably 2 minutes.
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I just realised my friend who has 40k followers(and does it alongside her real job) gets more likes on her post than shel boy...🤣🤣.... ironic
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Lol. I mean when you’re advertising two different fanny washes in a matter of months .... it says a lot.

she did a story last night about her hair falling out and her nails made me want to vomit. Does she not clean her nails? In fact why are they so dirty in the first place? And if your manicure has grown out, take action to remove it and trim those fucking dirty hooves back. 🤢🤢🤢
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Lol I never understood this. She used to blame her old flat (an inanimate object 😂) for her filthy kitchen 😭 I find it hilarious. It is so bizarre isn’t it?!
Hahaha I know. Actually cracks me up 😂 in her latest vlog she’s blaming the current bathroom for being so cluttered.. okay then
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I don’t know why she bought that flat because she clearly hates it and moans about it all the time. On her home account today she’s put up a post saying Matt is fuming about the lack of kitchen space but there’s so much shit on the worktops. Their lives are so cluttered. So much junk.
Oh and she keeps saying the work is delayed but in the vlog she put out yesterday she admits she’s ordered the kitchen and it will take weeks to come. That’s not a delay. That’s normal lead time for a kitchen to be manufactured.
She keeps saying work will start or has been delayed then in the next post say she’s working on designs. It’s all smoke and mirrors! I wonder if she was banking on being given free bed and sofa by now but hasn’t. Haha.

This legit how he stared at her whilst she filmed him 😬😬😬


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So Emily shared Josie’s and Freddy’s post, Josie shared Freddy’s and Freddy shared Josie’s. despite Em tagging them on every slide. 😂
LMAO 😂 they really don’t want to be seen with her. So much for it being her birthday dinner when they have all ignored her??
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If she never bought another product in her life she would still have too much. What is more scary is this just the stuff at her mums house 😱 I know she must have received them for free but who the hell needs a whole box of hairsprays and another of fake tan under a bed at a house that isn’t even their main home! Plus she still constantly receives new things. She is a hoarder and seemingly addicted to material things. If she literally dumped all of that stuff in the bin, her life would not change. She is never going to use any of it. It’s bloody scary.
I can’t believe how much shit she has at her mums house. Boxes and boxes of make up and beauty items, clothes, shoes. How much stuff does she need? And that’s just the stuff she’s kept because she gets multiple packages a week and shows them off (unopened) for them never to be seen again so I can only assume that stuff gets sold on. Like a few months ago she got an urban decay palette, but you’ll never see her using it or doing a get ready with me. I guess she can sell it on £40 or something. It’s just horrible and wasteful.
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A 'manic day' but still time for those Nike aff links!!!
Girl literally wouldn't know a manic day if it slapped her in the face.
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Why is she hanging about her hovel in a come fuck me dress?! most likely filming another pointless reel!
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I know how you feel. I have a big mortgage on a house (an actual one) in London and it still makes me sweat see the payment go out every month!! And I have a much more stable career!

It also gives me anxiety seeing how much stuff she seems to get every day. WHERE DOES SHE PUT IT ALL??? in 24 hours she has received a huge pack from victor and rolf, a nuface (which are bloody brilliant by the way), silk pillow cases/masks etc, a tea advent calendar, aperol and a christmas jumper and a bottle gin and probably a whole load of other shite that she hasn't shown.

And she says she wants minimal california vibes in her house!!!! ha!
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she just plucks random places out of the air and says oh we were going there. She said she was going to coachella (lol), Australia, New York, Maldives, now St Lucia.
I wonder if she gets bored of her own lies?? And having to make stuff up to sound interesting.
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So true. Unless she is buying fake likes too. Her engagement is dire either way. genuinely would love to know what she makes off aff links and ads because I don’t see how she makes enough money

shes calling her stay at that hotel a ‘holiday’... what?! It’s in the same city she lives in. On what planet is that a holiday?!
But going to the US isn’t a holiday! Em Shel logic 🤣
Her paid partnerships are so odd. Do you think she uses those websites where you bid for any old work that is being offered by brands wanting to use influencer marketing? It seems odd that this random selection of brand would ‘reach out’ to her. Especially when she herself had no USP. Apart from looking cheap and sloppy!!
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