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How can she lose both her main key and the spares?? That’s crazy to me as the spare should be put away safe.
Does it mean little miss rangey is going to have to take the tube to get about now 🤣

Meanwhile on Twitter she’s describing the Princess of Wales as ‘ravishing’ which is utterly bizarre given she is currently going through cancer treatment. Genuinely what goes through her head? Have some tact ffs


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She was on about fixing the roof last year lol. She just uses that as an excuse to explain why other things haven’t been done. This garden renovation is also a disaster but what a surprise, she clearly is incapable of organising anything.

also her story about a man asking for her number - what a weird thing to post!! Or is something up with her and lodger because she’s not mentioned him and now she’s acting single
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Is she alluding to a breakup? She’s not corrected the people saying sorry…?


The pandering to Emily Canham always makes me laugh. What a doormat. Why does she constantly praise her and talk about how hot she is? Very weird
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She must be a nightmare to live with. She publicly drags him about having shit in the flat when she hoards stuff and all her stuff is tatty and make up brushes look unclean etc. I think a lot of blokes would get pissed off with that.
If she doesn’t trust men after being cheated on at 16 then she has issues bc no relationship should be that deep at that age!! Like move on and grow up.
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Oh 100% she would bait a break up for engagement. She will literally allude to ANYTHING if it means she gets engagement. Her entire life is the most bizarre charade. Not for me thanks babe.
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Agree re the baiting of a breakup. She keeps mentioning stuff like a guy asking for her number and going on girl dates all the time. It feels quite deliberate. I’m no fan of lodger but it’s very disrespectful to act single on socials if your not single.
also if they have broken up just say it. Of course she won’t and wants people to message her etc. I wonder if she’s doing it because of all the engament chat and she’s trying to manoeuvre away from it. But let’s remember it was her hinting at it all the time that started it!
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her bf in her new vlog 🥴


Seriously are two real people really going to comment this exact sentence? in her comments :LOL::LOL::LOL: there she goes again with the fake comments as usual. Jack Harrington strikes again! haha.



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At this point I think she has some sort of disorder because it’s not normal. Wtf is she on about?
Nah the caption on the video ☠☠☠☠ she’s so mad Matt hasn’t proposed
Is she alluding to a breakup? She’s not corrected the people saying sorry…?

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The pandering to Emily Canham always makes me laugh. What a doormat. Why does she constantly praise her and talk about how hot she is? Very weird
They haven’t split, he was in the background of her recent vlog and we’d know if they had split. She’s just playing on it for engagement
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She won't even pay for her own Spotify? Emily's vlog she is whining she can't get it for free anymore so they have to listen to ads in the car 🤣 And then has the audacity to ask if she can get it for free elsewhere! How about just pay it like everyone else does? After all you're such a successful businesswoman that £15 a month should be nothing to you
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LOL! still dreaming of being a 'wife' :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: even though she has tried so hard to convince everyone that she doesn't care about being married to her dream man 🥴:LOL:🙄

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She has some seriously deep rooted issues. This need for attention is not normal and when you get an inhaler they bloody show you how to use it! And if they don't surely you would ask the doctor rather than your instagram following? She needs to get off social media. Her friends and family fucking ate her to allow her to behave like this so publicly.

Its one of life's mysteries why she still carries on with this joke of an influencer job when its clear as day that brands won't touch her with a barge pole due to her being an utter weirdo and possibly the most annoying person on the planet.
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The limp flat hair, the voice, the shocking lack of style.. she is a walking ick. I cannot get my head around how she’s got a following. Teefers and the rest of the lot get on our t*ts but my god, they look like ultimate professionals compared to Em.

Everytime I see those trashed Ugg boots she wears, I just want to throw up. Why, why, WHY would you wear them? I have never seen anyone with such a lack of style sense. She hasn’t got a clue what matches and what doesn’t.

Ughhh that’s it, I can’t watch anymore of her. I’ve worked myself up thinking about all the ick 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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She has proper daddy issues with some weird attention / neglect she had as a child. Typical attention seeker checking into a hospital on social media, shows how stumped in age she is.

Will she ever grow up? She’s 30 but acts like a teenager, I can believe she willingly does this in front of her 100K followers it’s so embarrassing, how doesn’t she see it?
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She doesn’t even have her own front door! It’s shared with the upstairs neighbour! A few of us saw the the listing and floor plans to validate this. She claims she calls it a house because it’s her home but it’s just stupid to pretend she owns a house instead of a flat. There’s nothing wrong with owning a flat fgs.

I am intrigued with the reels she’s posting. Looking at the hashtags she’s probably just worked out she can try and get engagement pretending she’s single
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My theory is she’s trying to give off single girl vibes as it’s trending right now, and she’s on her way to go on holiday with Emily Canham so it’ll be a girls trip which suits this narrative she’s trying to portray… so que the rinsing of the single girl quotes / memes / trends when really she’s stuck in a 9 year relationship with no ring on her finger yet

She’s not fooling anyone. If her and Matt had broken up… trust me when I say we’d 100% know about it 🤣

Ps she’s either going to Ibiza or Palma right now
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I wonder how she actually feels when she attends these events with a load of people who started after her and are more successful than her.

I think she's finding herself in a weird place with how to position herself at the moment. She's made it VERY clear that she wants to go the traditional route of marriage and kids, yet she's still waiting for the proposal from a guy who looks even less than interested in her. Loads of the other girls who are late 20's and 30's are getting engaged and married and I presume that they are appealing to the majority of their audiences who are at a similar life stage and enjoy the inspiration. The other side of the coin is those who are early 30s and staying childfree or not doing things old school traditional way and they have their own audience. She is neither and she has no direction for her content.

On top of that she is just so immature and probably doesn't appeal to those who should be her core audience. I'd imagine thats why she talks about school/uni so much. She's trying to appeal to a younger audience. But that demographic have their own influencers. All of the weird Gen X language that she parrots just shows that she has no idea who she is trying to appeal to. Those of that age probably find her incredibly cringe!

Her minimal growth is just proof that she doesn't appeal to anyone and hence no one follows. Without the freebie trips, she really wouldn't have much in the way of content.
absolutely nailed her in all of that. Perfectly put.

I’m also Gen X and think she is the funniest and also most tragic individual I’ve ever seen. It’s like rubber necking on the motorway; you shouldn’t watch but you can’t help it.

I comment on no other influenzas apart from her as she is an anomaly amongst her cohort and I genuinely can’t believe what I see. Everyday she is a gift that keeps on giving.
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Healthy glow? All I see is an orange oily mess.... 🥴

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yuck! I can't even imagine the smell coming out of those shoes ..and instead of throwing them out she posts them on the gram :LOL::LOL::sick:

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Whys she got foundation lips if it’s just moisturiser and glow drops 🤔🤔🤔

And point 2 how on EARTH do a pair of shoes go mouldy after getting wet in a storm… unless they were already manky AF (they were) AND as Lechat said she’s left them to fester. Grim.

ALSO I’m sure any of the handbag repair places in London would be able to sort them, but I expect that’s what she’s try to get for free.
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