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Ahh good morning gorgeous lot! Just had to catch up on 8 pages there. Not much happened last night then, thank god, I had really bad FOMO!!! I noticed the pic of her son, how awkward did he look sat there, also I think someone else said where’s the blankets and munchies..... too true!! You’d be all cuddled up watching films or something! Very odd!

What’s the situation with the “#” Where are we plastering this?

My signal is shite where I am so will be on and off to catch up. 🥰 have a great day!!


First thing on my fyp!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰


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Who's local and lovely to her she is on the positive vibes today wonder how long keep it up

So she had police sit in the house and she told them unless they sort her chelse we assume she will do her damage so shes basically done and threat and expects us to believe police did nothing about the threat lol shes deluded
She's best friends with the chief of Merseyside police didn't you know 😂😂
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exactly, the amount of bull crap that’s she’s been saying is beyond. constantly tripping over her own words contradicting herself alll the time. people need to wake up and see the person we do.
It’s only a matter of time before she snaps. I’ll be waiting for that moment to joyfully preach to the breadcrumbs I FUCKING TOLD YAS YE DUMB CUNTS!!!
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Honest to god what sort of tripe fell put of BF mouth in that convinced she has a split personality. Imagine just stumbling onto that live for time today seeing her u would actually believe what she is saying but if you showed the same new person last Friday video they would be like wtf is wrong with her.reckon she only holding it together because her kid is there. When is dole day 🤣🤣

Sorry only few weeks here what does the above mean.
Basically dont post that you are going onto another platform to troll someone then post it in here read the terms and conditions 👍
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Good morning fellow TBs 👋🏼

Due to my over investment to this thread, I have a mountain of washing to catch up on today. Hopefully I will get it done before the next BF drama ensues
Get it done so your all ready for when it boots off! 😂

Yaaas! Husband away again next week, i can continue with my new full time job 😂 ( can I just add, I do love him and miss him when he’s away but this makes the week go quicker and before I know it he’s back and I’m kicking off Cos he’s left his shoes in the wrong place) 🙄🤬
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Happy new thread! Haven’t been on today as my brain can’t keep up 🙈
Kept up on TT and seen not a lot was happening.
Chelsey treating herself and having a pamper is lush to see.
All quiet on the bread front.
And isn’t ashleigh just lush x
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Where have her £320 plastic clip in teeth gone they lasted long probably couldn’t scream at people without them popping out
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So bf has ended it all yet puts a video up mocking our chelsea hitting 70k honest a god woman is crazy 1 step forward 10 back
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Ok I’m new, its taken me 5 days to read everything
Downloading links & swapping between this and TT
Pretty sure my fella now thinks he’s single 🤣
My view on it is BF is posting old content because she needs the attention, she can’t live without it.
It looks to me that she behaving herself and getting her minions to do the nasty stuff so she can state that it’s not her being a massive c*nt and that shes being attacked for no reason.
Doesn’t matter what she does now though, what she said about the Chelsey and Chrissy is unforgivable, she attacked a whole community not just two people
Shes a disgrace
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I totally agree the Chrissy Gee thing is in a whole other ballpark. Just when you didn’t think she couldn’t get any lower she goes for the jugular of someone who was with her through it all, thick and thin. I am speaking from personal experience now.. I once had a friend like elsa, she reminds me of her so much and I loved and stuck by that girl until I couldn’t take it anymore. She was self destructive, dangerous but we all made excuses for her behaviour because she was our friend. I couldn’t have given her anymore than I did. In the end I cut all ties and my life has been nothing short of amazing ever since. The stories I could tell could destroy her. I never will though because I’m a good person. Luckily ‘my Elsa’ has the sense not to come for me. For her sake that’s a good thing. I think I’m so invested in this because it’s very close to home for me.
Yep was point of my post anyone she meets in person online or fuked with in different part of country yeah what she says is cruel and vile. But nothing compares what she did to that amazing young lad so what if he goes on benders he is starting fresh with his fella in his new life. She new exactly where to stick knife in with him thank god for his crisis team or this could have had a very nasty ending.thank fully he was strong enough to reach out for support and fight back in a respectful way beucase he a decent human being doesnt need to scream threat or violence. 15 yr friendship so he was there when her kids were young there when she was carted of to prison there when she got out and couldnt get her kids back there through everything. That's how she repaid him.
I do feel sorry for her kids with there mam openly exposing themselves in both sexual violent psycho ways. I only joined tt in march made some shitnvideos that made me laugh. I'm not on it for views or followers it was something to pass the time. My son has no interest in it or any social media. But even I'm thinking put my page to private incase his friend find me and then make fun of him. And there is nothing on my page to make any cringe or embarrassed but kids will be kids and find anything they page would bore the shit out of any 3 yr old or 80 yr old. It's just so wrong if she really felt or had any thought for them kids and wanted to work within the industry she would keep it on down low in that world not on an app for everyone to see.its gas I have seen people been banned for straightening there hair during an live wearing cover up PJs she goes around in her knickers flaunting everything left alone
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No what she means
She's had a change of heart about the plazzy hair. Says it's only for videos and it's not her style to be walking round with them outside in the winter. Even though she did exactly that yesterday.
No what she means is people are taking the piss out them so she stopped wearing them, like who buys hair pieces to sit in the house 😂😂😂
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Right I’m a fair an honest person an credit where credits due BF can smash that gym an has the energy for it ..... however ther old videos , why doesn’t she come away from SM and get back the gym as she keeps posting and also on one of them she says “love myself” girl NO you don’t!!!! You can go the gym an maintain that body as much as you want an good on yeh but if you “loved yourself” you would NEVER dream in a million years of treating people the way you do , you wouldn’t say the vile things you do ....... the reason your the person you are is because you DONT love yourself , someone sent you a book the other day written by “fern cotton” called “happy” swear if you read that an soaked it in you would learn a lot about self discovery an it could possibly change you as a person , it’s an amazing book , but somehow I just can’t see you reading it for some reason 🤔
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