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Boo hoo elphaba get a job
you know when you listen to someone speak and it’s so blatantly obvious that every word that comes out of their mouth is calculated, that’s what i hear every time i listen to elphaba, every thing is calculated and manipulative, there’s not a single ounce of sincerity in anything they say
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I hate to say this but I have a selective love for Maria, I obviously can't stand her when she's being disgusting but I absolutely love her when she's shouting at him and putting him in his place. It's just so funny every single time 🤣
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Sometimes I genuinely wonder why no one has knocked him out yet but then I honestly don't think anyone would want to get that close to him. I can't watch anything to do with him if I'm eating or just ate as even just the sight of him makes me physically sick. He can scream and shout trans rights all he wants but he's a man, always has been always will be...a man who enjoys wearing women's clothes nothing more and nothing less. The sooner he gets that in to his head and gets over himself the better. He's making a mockery of the whole lgbtq movement, one people have literally died for. I would be livid if I had a loved one that had been killed for being who they were and then there's that screaming things from the rooftops literally goading people in to doing something to him all for the attention and views they'd get on tiktok. Makes me sick
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He’s too lazy to be a woman, I think the make up & occasionally wearing a dress is just a kink 🤷🏼‍♀️ his constant screaming of Transphobia is ridiculous & he was slagging off single mothers & women in their 30’s & 40’s last night (all whilst Maria was out) . Truly wish a bored journalist would pick this beggar up & expose his exploitation
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Posted this on Instagram.. who in the world would ruin their day by watching them on Christmas?😭
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The fake crying like ‘all I wanted was to spend Christmas with my mum’
1. You can. Back at Maria’s house
2. You should have thought about that before you went live. If it meant THAT much to you, you’d have stayed off TikTok.
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Just seen a clip of him saying he uses the women’s toilets and that if we don’t agree or feel uncomfortable it’s cause we’re judging… no, it’s because you’ve still got a cock & there has been cases where women have been SA by men whose been dressed as women. Go in the disabled toilets until you’ve completely transitioned (just my opinion)
Also like yes I am judging. You’re a vile rotten MAN with scabies and god knows what other diseases. He’s fucking vile. I would confront the freak if I saw him in a women’s bathroom at the same time I was.
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barabra cundy

Well-known member
HE is such a FRAUD . He is a transvestite performer NOT transexual .
someone should explain it to him , though im sure he knows anyway .

all the trans stuff is fake to get support and MONEY from mugs who send him gifts
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People still referring to him as a “she” just feeding into his delusions. He’s just an AGP pervert who gets off on cross dressing
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@Buddy1877 always here for you 🥰

Surely the modelling and documentary are lies. How can you arrange stuff like that a matter of days from going to hospital and moving back in with mum.
I did laugh when he said "I'm officially signed to something" and EQ responds "The SO register" 💀🤣🤣
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You can asked to be admitted for your safety etc but not be be sectioned. You are sectioned if you are deemed to be a danger and not wanting to or have the capacity at that time to agree to treatment. What they wanted was an informal admission. I’ve agreed to go in before, I’ve asked for helped before and I’ve also refused it and been sectioned. I just get annoyed when anyone says they want sectioned as by definition that is detention AGAINST your will. Wanting the help and support and feeling you’d benefit from some intensive support is entirely different. Fact is there isn’t even enough beds throughout the UK to help those sectioned meaning crisis voluntary admissions are much rarer than even a decade ago.

I’ve seen some of the screenshots from the discord etc but I’m not a member. Apparently they were offered paracetamol and haribo. I don’t doubt they have mental health issues mainly brought on by their constant live streaming but I don’t think and see no evidence they majorly harmed yesterday, needing an ambulance and then presenting at A&E. I’m just so sick of their behaviour and making a mockery of self harm/sui and if they ever need genuine help then I hope they get it but acting up like this is doing them no favours.

Can see right through you Orion!!
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Ive actually started playing Elphaba bingo every time I watch her, highly reccomend for anyone trying to distract themselves from their own miserable lives. Just shout house if you manage them all! Not sure what the winner gets other than the satisfaction of knowing their lives aren’t as bad as these two.

Here’s our bingo cards:

Elphba calling us all beautiful queens ✔
A referencing to how we all slay ✔
Coronation theme tune heard in background ✔
Maria and Elphaba bickering and at eachothers throats ✔
Maria telling Elphaba to be quiet ✔
Close up of Maria’s bog eye ✔
View of the trap house kitchen curtain door ✔
Referencing a wiffy woo ✔
Doing a wiffy woo for us live ✔
Naughty noo noo chat ✔
Chat being spammed with FREE MARIA ✔

Enjoy the game guys
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