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VIP Member
It might be common in home births or low risk births but don’t midwives deliver babies when they are in hospital? There wasn’t even a choice for me I had to be medically assisted 😦 Chloe wasn’t low risk she’s been on bed rest for weeks.


VIP Member
For Chloe’s chosen hospital, you can definitely choose when to have an induction (within reason, obviously). I’ve birthed two babies in recent years at the same hospital, and both times I worked with my OB to choose my induction dates ☺ I was 39 and some for the first, and 38 and some for the second.
Yes you work with them but you don't get to demand exact time and date is more what I was referring to. They will also check that their lungs are fully developed etc.


VIP Member
Do you kno
Did anyone see Ellidy's latest Macca's post? After all of the begging, they've finally sponsored her. Firstly, what is the deal with her brain dead friend Tiana (or should I say, "DJ TMami") who features in this video and basically lives off Ellidy everyday. This Tiana made me feel physically ill the way she was eating the Macca's. My 18 month old has better table manners. Secondly, it is a well known fact that Maccas are fuelling the belly's of those in the IDF before they blow up Palestine children the same age as Minnie. The comments on her post are warranted but in true Ellidy style, she'd rather earn a quick buck than care for those less fortunate. Considering Ellidy, Fisher and Chloe have massive profiles, it's proof of their character that neither of them care or comment on what is going on... I do wonder what Chumpy's sister thinks about it all, as she is a fierce and incredible voice in regards to the genocide. I know Chumpy was also passionate about these sorts of issues. Another example of how selfish Ellidy has become. Zero empathy.
Do you know them?


VIP Member
My son has Pterygiums. They look like milky, clear bloodshot skin, that grows over the iris. She has a skin tag or something.
Someone commented about to bloodshot looking eyes, I can see the skin tag too. Good luck to your son with his pterygiums removal of them is hit & miss in my experience.


VIP Member
If you are paying for a private obstetrician you can often choose to be induced or have a C section. You don't get to 'demand/choose' your date, they will look at obstetrician availability and hospital availability and then choose a date from there. I elected a C section for private reasons and was told they would do it between 38.4-39 weeks and the private hospital just sent me an email saying when to show up... Other places might be different. A friend of mine was induced early as her private obgyn wasn't going to be available over Xmas. It really just depends on the health of the mum and the baby I guess.
I know in places in Europe and the US you can choose your date, crazy