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Chatty Member
Can't believe she's now considering Florida 😂

She's giving the impression that they've only just realised how expensive California is, which casts real doubts on this move working out.
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Nice to see Katie out with Lucy, since Elle has abandoned her
View attachment 2830550
It’s lovely to see Katie of course, but it’s bugging me that people are saying Katie has been abandoned because it makes it sound like she can’t look after herself, doesn’t have her own life and doesn’t have any other family here. She has ALL of these things and is very very capable of living here without EDL using her for content!
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A few mins in the vlog.... for the last 2 days she's been just been in a dream, she's never been so happy....for the last 2 years she's been drudging through glad better days are coming. Erm....elle am I missing something? You've had two gorgeous boys in the last 3 years! So you're saying you weren't happy? Hasn't she been banging on for the last year about how she's loving the new version of herself? But all of a sudden now she's saying she was in a fog?? She's so fake it's unreal!!!
She says they are here to find out where they will settle....but all iv seen is them doing holiday things!
I really hope it works out for them but my god the lies she tells is off the scale!
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It seems simple to me. If you want Cali then just look at some smaller houses - she doesn’t need the 5 bed they’re desperate for. OR conman could get a job - it would boost their income and whatever he earnt could be their disposable money. It would just give them that little buffer. Of course you can’t live in a mansion with only one parent earning??!!!
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Conman literally looking like a damn vampire in the Q&A video and don't get me started on EDL's makeup.. choices. But it inspired my latest work of art; Conman seeing the price of EDL's must-have Hailey Bieber smoothie :ROFLMAO: (seriously, I didn't have to edit Conman's face, that's just how he looked in the video..yikes)

Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 02.09.27.png

(The Hailey Bieber smoothie in Erewhon - which is just your standard strawberry banana smoothie - costs $22)
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Sorry but they will be bored shitless rn and nothing can convince me otherwise.

It takes what 60 seconds to film her doing a quick run on a beach
Then they're wandering around supermarkets to kill time and then what ?

They can't call in on family, can't have a night out, can't decorate the home because they are living from BnB to BnB that shits going to get very boring very quick, they aren't even waiting to start their respective professions soon because they don't have any 🤷
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Chatty Member
28 year old woman getting excited because she saw some American school buses. … ✨🌟LiViNg tHe dReAm✨🌟
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Was it just me that thought Connor deffo seemed more for the move than Elle ? No mention of any hard goodbyes with his family ? I feel sad for the boys - I have a boy same age as saint and I couldn’t imagine taking him away from his extended family for my own dreams , even though they are young they still need their grandparents etc IMO.
Idk in today’s vlog they both said what they’ll miss most. Connor said family and loved ones, Elle said Cadbury’s chocolate 🫣
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I think the reason they didn’t keep their westbury house to rent out is because at that point the USA wasn’t in their plans despite them saying they’ve been thinking about it for *years*. I think what happened is they were due to buy a house or land in the UK, sold their house, their new plan fell through, they struggled to get a mortgage because despite having money the impact since the scandal has hugely impacted it and with the cost of living crisis in the UK and impact on mortgage companies it was much harder than they imagined, so they’ve panicked and randomly decided to sod off to USA for a while, pretended it’s been their plan all along, got there and realised they’ve f*cked up and whilst they might have money at the moment, it’s running out QUICK and they aren’t able to get what they were hoping because they did zero research… and now she’s desperately trying to convince people they can afford a huge home but will shortly come back to the UK and say that something was drawing her back to her home and she can’t ignore her spiritual guidance and what the angels are telling her! Cue a sudden flight back, renting a property here until they can sort out their finances again.

The end.
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I have a little bit of local gossip, not sure if it’s new information. Apparently they applied for their visas late last year but were declined, then got accepted on appeal. They’ve told their friends literally the same as what they’ve told socials - that they are going to live their dreams and if they don’t like it they’ll just come back, but the current plan is a permanent move and putting Saint in school in the US.
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Out of curiosity, am I the only one that thinks their relationship seems pretty solid?
Lots of other things about their individual personalities that makes me face palm, but yeah their relationship doesn't seem questionable to me? But I could be missing something
She's smashed up his phone before because he's been caught speaking to other girls lol depends on your version of solid I guess
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I moved from Uk to US five years ago, no children, no pets, no responsibility, no furniture! But it was still quite a stressful and anxious time! We made sure we found an apartment before we moved and had a video tour and also got a friend to see it for us too, we needed my husbands employer to confirm his earnings to be approved! We had an appt set up at the bank and knew what we needed to do to get our social security numbers and US phone numbers. We also researched all the neighbourhoods before flying out! Its insane to me how chaotic they are being! Its stressing me out! It must be costing a fortune with the air bnbs and eating out constantly! We have had to do that inbetween moves here and its so $$$ and not fun!!

Also think shes had a shhock to her system where 100k a year is prob fairly well off in UK but is pretty average in US! My hubby on 250K but we are not rich at all!!
Oh and we had health insurance lined up!! And I made sure I read through out plans so I knew what the deal was and what we were covered for!!
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The way she shows off food as though the Brits live off work house slop
The way she shows off Easter merch as though it's not everywhere here in the UK .....
Elle you need a good old fashioned american style intervention huni because girl you've gone wrong,
You're homeless and living off your inheritance at break neck speed eating junk food and trawling around supermarkets day in day out but sure you keep living that dream .
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Eugh I watched a bit of their Q&A and Connor is absolutely repulsive to look at. His lank greasy hair, his pointy ears, his non-existent top lip, the fact he looks so much like Count Dracula 🧛‍♂️ etc. etc. *shudder*
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