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How's that healthy lifestyle going elle??? 🤣🤣🤣
This is not a permanent move surely? She's treating it like a holiday!
The smug 'iv manifested this' faces she keeps pulling are getting annoying now...
Tell you what, maybe in a few months, when you've planted a few roots down and settled somewhere then post the smug selfies, but while you're just prancing around San Diego on your holiday don't bother. This whole move surely must be for the content!
Buying water too, because the water is nasty in Cali!


Well-known member
I think she’s choosing southern states for the warmer weather. She did say the boys thrive in the sunshine, so I don’t think she cares much about missing the snow or autumn


VIP Member
Probs seems a bit random but just wondering if Elle has ever said if she breastfed her boys and for how long? I’m sure she would be posting about it if she was still BF Romeo. Cba giving her YT views so wondering if anyone knows off the top of their head more. Not looking to start a BF vs Formula debate
yes, she BF saint for about 2 weeks and had to give up but she BF Romeo for about 6 months and he’s now on formula/ weaning.


VIP Member
They still will have got back what they paid into it.
So if they’d paid off 200k of their mortgage, they’d get that, minus fees etc.
This is so random but it came to me earlier - was it Elle and Connor who used to be friends with P daddy’s son Quincy ? I just remember an “influencer” couple randomly being friends with him and I always wondered how they even knew him. They used to upload pics hanging out with him
It may be that I’m thinking of someone else but it’s bugging me who 😂


Well-known member
Just stumbled over this thread and thought I’d add my two pence worth😂 I am an ex pat and have been living in SC for 6 years. The cost of living is cheaper here than other parts of the us, however you need good (expensive) health insurance, good groceries cost $$$$ and my son is at a private school where I’ve considered selling parts of my body to send him (the education system is not as good over here imo) it took me a long time to feel settled and I was so homesick for probably the first three years, I made friends in the end and now I’m happy but there will always be a part of me that misses home and all my friends and family.I guess my point is it is a massive decision and def not to be taken lightly.
Also not sure what her big flex is with Walmart I wouldn’t be seen dead in there 😂
I’m off to read up on this weirdo
can I ask how you went to America in the first place? Was it for a job? How did you settle in sc? Sorry for twenty questions lol


Well-known member
These states are ethnically diverse, but its easy to live in a bubble in certain communities where your friends are mostly white or white passing.
True, I didn't think about their house which will likely be in a gated community, as ellyjelly2 says - I thought you more meant in the cities in general and was confused!

Telly Fanatic

VIP Member
im surprised she not wanting a state where they get cold long winters with snow and count con could built snowmen with the boys....

and they could get a pool built for the very warm summer months


Well-known member
What’s with this new potty mouth she’s got? 😂

7 mins into the recent video and she’s always said “fucking” and “can’t be arsed”

Now swearing doesn’t bother me I’m terrible for it but I feel like she’s always actively made a conscious effort to NOT swear on her videos and she always tells Connor off if he does. And now it’s just all rolling off her tongue all of a sudden 😂
I think she said fricking


So yeah she was approved they said it was where they visited on Monday where were they on Monday?
Yeah I watched her story where she said they were approved for the house they viewex on Monday and that they have a big decision to make! Think she said it was in San Diego, does anyone know which house it was?