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The only reason Elle hasn't moved in with a guy in WA is because she hasn't found anyone willing. She would absolutely have another rushed engagement because she never learns from her mistakes.
I think it's telling that she had no trouble putting out content when she was staying in the luxury apartment but now that she's in her own, less impressive place, she struggles to make videos. The YT channel is one of the few things she has left in her life and she can barely be bothered to put in any effort.
She has created a life built around lying and bragging. And now that she has nothing to brag about, she basically has no one but her mother. It's sad. There are so many things she could do to improve herself but she doesn't seem willing.
I wonder if she'll film a video when her mom is there. That brat used to start clips announcing that they were in the Jag. Behavior like that is partially why she's alone. Bragging about an old car that belongs to someone else!
Eleanor Florence is honestly one of the most insecure people I’ve ever seen and she can’t help her overcompensating behavior. And until she gets herself into therapy, no amount of ugly cashmere, plastic surgery, or cake up will fill that void.
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1. Is a 16 inch laptop that big? Most people I know have 16-18 inch and don't have trouble finding ways to travel with it. 2. Why doesn't she just get a laptop bag or a backpack like everyone else? No one cares what you are carrying your laptop in and unless she gets a car travelling on public transport with a top handle laptop bag will be horrible.
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I’ve always wondered what Ginette thought of all of Elle’s plastic surgeries. Must be weird for a parent, and extra weird for Ginette because Elle looked so much like her pre-surgery. Isn’t she effectively saying momma G’s looks aren’t good enough?
I think Ginette has a much prettier face than Elle.
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Yeah, having to deal with her weird giggles all the time would be unbearable. And the way she fake smiles at people when talking to them in that condescending way (as if she's interviewing a child or something)...I just remember that was really on display when she was with her friend Ricardo (?) at one of her B day parties.

And she didn't do herself any favors in the friend department when she went to college in the UK. There's something unique about the college environment and college age that is great for meeting lifelong friends. Many of my friends, those who know me the best and who I trust the most, are college friends. It's still possible to build close friendships as one gets older, but it's harder, I feel. But with Elle, most of her college classmates are overseas. She missed out on having a good friend and professional network in her own country.
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It’s difficult for me to believe what she is saying here given that she used to upload 30-40 minute vlogmas videos daily when she was living her best life in Vancouver with Joe and a full time job.

If you happen to be the mother of the boyfriend you not only get a rat but also a B-grade cashmere scarf!
Did she gift the rodent & her own 'brand' scarf before or after Mt Nordstrom embarrassment? Why didn't she buy a joint gift with Joe? Also, why would she be so cheap with someone who invited her to stay at theirs for Thanksgiving, agreed to accept a pile of packages, and generally put up with her vlogging and doing makeup at the kitchen table? 🙄

My boyfriend and I buy gifts for his mom and my mom together. That way we can buy something more expensive for each of the moms plus it seems logical that since we live together, we'd be shopping for presents from our joint budget...
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🤮 Sorry to be a killjoy but the painting is no Van Gogh 😂 Also, maybe it's good that Rickets and Smelle never went through with the wedding and had kids if his parenting inspiration is drawn from 'Top Gun' lol
I know this painting was from a young girl and she paints better than I do but you’re right, it’s nothing to brag about. The fact that he praises her “ability” highly and looks at her work longingly in that thumbnail is actually super creepy. Does he not realize how much of a creepy weirdo he is???
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'Eleanor loves to hike, cook Italian food, support local restaurants, and spend time with family and pets.'

Wait, shouldn't that be family, friends and pets? Oh no she doesn't have any friends.
But in her case, shouldn’t that be “her mother and pets”? She doesn’t really have any other “family,” which is usually interpreted as a collective noun.
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I feel she has way more than six coats... On top of those Sentaler coats, she has a Burberry trench coat, some vintage coats with fur collars/ coats entirely made out of fur which she inherited from her grandmother and used to wear in Chris days ( 🤮), she has this hideous red plaid coat she bought in Hawaii in January during her post-breakup retail therapy and some weird puffy coat she bought around the same period.

BTW, I went back to her first trash thread on GG. She had only one thread until Joe dumped her in April 2018 and it literally erupted then. Anyway, it was hilarious to read some identical comments to what we write nowadays. Lots of people pointed out he dumped her because he was just an accessory to her, that she was a manic spender and hoarder. That she wanted to be a kept woman and her 'career' was a sham. Even back then lots of ladies were pointing out Smelle's scamming ways, as well as her total lack of consideration and respect for others. It was fun reading it all but at the same time absolutely second hand embarrassing because to think Smelle hasn't improved her character at all in those 2 years (or actually gotten worse) is properly eye-opening. Right now even her channel is tanking. Her breakup video at least brought her tons of views.
I think a lot of actual career women and aspiring lawyers/college students who have since aged out of that demographic realize that none of what Elle says or does adds up. No practicing lawyer in an actually legit law firm in their 20s has a 9-to-5 job like Elle, and most of them eat at their desks during lunch. They don’t leave the office at 5pm and they definitely don’t go shopping daily at lunch time. I think her only long term fans at this point are older, retired women or housewives who don’t know how it really works in corporate.

Also, practicing lawyers make quite a bit and their lifestyles shouldn’t have a drastic difference with or without a man (unless they’re leeching off said man) and Elle’s hauls and spending increases significantly when she has a guy to foot the larger bills like rent and related expenses. It just proves that she’s not a “girlboss” who makes a good living and she isn’t the successful, independent, career woman she pretends to be on her channel. I realize that she’s now pivoting away from that image and focusing more on selling her shoddy wares but it’s undeniable that she was selling that untrue image for the longest time to her subscribers. Eleanor Florence makes it seem like her excessive shopping and spending is the result of her working hard, when it’s clearly funded by Ginette and any man she managed to take advantage of at that given moment.
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At least according to social blade, in the past two weeks or so, she’s only managed to get subscribers on Sundays and it’s 100 additional subs each Sunday...😏

Don’t know about you but I find those numbers pretty suspicious. Her content is stale so I wouldn’t be surprised if Eleanor Florence isn’t really attracting new subscribers on her own and is simply relying on buying fake subs. She’s been around her current number (between 75-80k subscribers) since Joe days which was...two or three years ago? I recall her buying herself a few thousand subs (with some of those getting removed by YouTube) to finally bump her over the 80k mark a few months back. We have screenshots of this on an earlier thread.
Yes the numbers are very suspicious. I’m not surprised she isn’t attracting any new subs. Her content is terrible, she has nothing going on and doesn’t post regularly. She always promises regular posts and creative content after a breakup and it never happens.
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Yeah she's had a lot done. I think we all feel pretty safe saying she has deep rooted internal issues and its not too big of a stretch to see how both the shopping addiction and the cosmetic surgery are symptoms of an inability to come to terms with the girl who lives inside of her.

Also she was capable of looking good back before she had the work done. There are a lot of old vids where she looks goofy because she hadn't figured out how to make herself up correctly, but there are also enough where she looks attractive. If she weren't so selfish and managed to find a partner back then who loved her and stuck with her I wonder if she would have had any of the work done. It can't be cheap, it has to hurt and she would have had to explain the time she spent healing up to everyone at work.
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In the new video, Elle says she's looking for an "heirloom" pumpkin. I think she just word has become a tick like 123 that she doesn't even notice anymore. There's nothing heirloom about a piece of produce that will rot within weeks and have to be thrown away.
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I think she'll have to pass the bar again. Otherwise, she's of little use to that company. It sucks for her because she will have less time for manically dating around if she needs to spend time studying after work 🤭
She probably mostly does legal research and writing (I.e. higher level paralegal stuff) than actually advise and wine and dine clients.

You ladies are always the best at sleuthing!
I'm shocked that Elle actually landed herself a job, but I'm sure it's more so for the title, "prestige", etc etc than for the actual job itself. Now she can fulfill her fantasy of a powerful, female lawyer who is stunningly attractive and stylish by just a little bit.

Elle also probably thinks that having a job will make her more attractive and eligible in the dating pool (which is true), but she also needs to realize that partners won't find it attractive if she's incompetent and gets fired within a few months. To keep her job, she will have to work hard and devote actual time towards work instead of prancing around Nordstrom during lunch breaks. And god forbid, she might even have to work after hours to finish up work.

And agreed on above comments regarding her outfit. Her low-cut blouse is embarrassing and unprofessional. Her blazer also looks more business casual and not suitable for a professional photoshoot.
Overall, the other women's outfits also look unprofessional and the company doesn't seem to be great.
I give it less than a year before Eleanor Lecocq gets fired for not bringing enough business to the firm and holding up her end. She’ll spend most of the work day galavanting around Seattle, ordering coffee from Nordstrom or some local cafe while telling the barista just how “busy” her day is as a lawyer.🤣

Long time... Im surprised she landed a job... Did they even do a background check or realize she's a big fraud??
It seems like this firm will hire anyone who “happens to be a lawyer” as long as they pay up $$$ thanks Maman Ginette. Yet another exclusive club designed for the privileged and the wealthy.
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1. Is a 16 inch laptop that big? Most people I know have 16-18 inch and don't have trouble finding ways to travel with it. 2. Why doesn't she just get a laptop bag or a backpack like everyone else? No one cares what you are carrying your laptop in and unless she gets a car travelling on public transport with a top handle laptop bag will be horrible.
It is if you travel a lot or drag it home from the office every day. I always ask our IT to try and get me something 13 inches or under when I am up for a new one at work. I have external monitors at work and at home when I am going to be doing serious work and on the road on a crappy hotel desk, 16 inches vs 13 inches isn't that big of a boost to my productivity.

But for Elle its her only computer, and thus her work computer because her 'jobs' are youtube and her reselling. That 16 inch display is going to be her only monitor because she's not about to do something crazy like only buy one briefcase instead of two and spend the money on a nice big monitor and docking station to be able to edit videos properly.

If she actually did design the patterns on her scarves it would be a big help to have a great monitor, but that's moot. a 16 inch laptop is just fine for picking an option in a dropdown list from some website. She got the 16 because Hallmark movies look better on it.
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I mean, what's the point of going back and forth on if E&G is in the top 1-2% in what country...

IMHO, whatever social class E&G belong to doesn't justify Elle's spending addition and consumerist value.

Let's face it, they are well to do, even wealthy, but no NYC upper east side wealthy. Still Elle almost (single capita) spends as much every month on shopping as a SAHM in those life circles.
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That’s insane spending! And she use to do this every week in her Joe days so your $15K a month estimate really is accurate.
Sounds a bit much — that’s $180k a year on non-essentials. I think $60k a year is more like it. Still a lot, still ridiculous. I mean, if you have good taste and lots of money, nothing wrong with that, but Elle has neither. She has money, but as many have said here, it’s unlikely that she herself is funding such a lifestyle.
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I saw there was a question from one of her viewers asking if she has heard from My Daily Sweet and the viewer was hoping she’s ok as she has disappeared from YouTube. Elle’s response cracks me up. She said they lost touch when she moved from Canada.

With modern age communication technologies and apps, how can people lose touch simply because one move to a different country? I have lots friends and relatives in Asia and we have kept in touch for years. It just shows how superficial her friendship with other people is. If my memory serves my right, I thought my daily sweet actually flew cross country just to attend her 30s birthday?
I think I read this on GG but apparently her and My Daily Sweet fell out at some point, so she's definitely lying (as usual) about losing touch when she moved from Canada. During her livestreams towards the beginning of the pandemic, someone asked about MDS on the live chat (and other people followed up on that subject) and Elle's facial expression changed and she went "I don't know who/what you guys are talking about" before changing the subject. I wish I screen grabbed that because Eleanor Florence, being the fake person she is, turned off the live chat portion once the livestreams got uploaded to her channel so we can't see those comments anymore. She's also ignored or deleted comments regarding MDS way before that.
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