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VIP Member
maybe a new account to see who is a genuine follower ?

dont think her account has gone think we must be blocked lees account came up as recommended clicked on it and it said followed x and 1 other which is elaine but when i click it does not appear surly if elaines account was not there it would not say that ? can you set up on instagram if your accounts are linked you still can not find them if blocked ?

i dont want to say who else follows lee as it will give up who i am sorry guys

my laptop is playing up tonight has some one tried googling in a google search not in the instagram app to see if it appears

okay manged to do a google search account is gone so strange she was out shopping today seemed rather postive last i saw was a haul on her stories how odd
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I wonder what her weekend alone will be like. Shopping with her mum tomorrow then what?!? She has no one other than family. I missed her live yesterday. Did she talk about Neil being away?
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Do you think her mum is really angry at her or do you think maybe she’s exaggerating? Seems strange
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VIP Member
her mum said "i didnt bring you up to be like this, i brought you up to have respect and morals"

someone she used to work with at the dentist who works with her mum, screenshoted the picture of elaine and LEE and sent it to her mum

her sister messaged her to say she "was disgusting, mentally abusing neil and having her cake and eating it too"

These are the people closest to Elaine and thats what they think. It makes you wonder...

Have I missed a live?
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VIP Member
I agree with this but at the same time blame Neil for a lot of it. At the end of the day he was the (much) older person when their relationship started /in the early years and I think he should have told her he didn't care enough about having kids to get real help for his problem, and cut her loose so as to not waste her 20's.
She still had a choice though, we don't know what was discussed to be honest, only her version of things which isn't always 100% honest. She wasn't forced into this marriage, nothing stopped her from not marrying him back then and neither is anything stopping her from walking away from him now. It's a choice, and like I said, it's very disrespectful to keep blaming him for not having a baby. We don't know if she doesn't have infertility issues too.

Oh yeah I agree and she was an adult so technically both were equals in the decision- but him being older I just think realistically he should have had enough cop-on to see how it would end
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VIP Member
yeah please keep all of us who are blocked in the loop - she mustn't be at work today then
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VIP Member
On Facebook she's added her maiden name along side "Jones" & all her pics are just her...was it always that way?
I checked her out on Facebook yesterday and noticed this too, but I did see one or two pics of Neil there as well. I can’t find Neil, but I used to be able to.
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VIP Member
She said she'll do another live soon so keep an eye for that and post on here when she does please.
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VIP Member
Why would Lee have a profile pic of the two of them if they weren't together?? It makes no sense. They are 100% romantic, and all this "we are just friends" bullshit is just an insult to poor Neil.

Probably Elaine thought she would just move in with her mum but didn't count on her mum being so unhappy so now she has to stay with Neil.
Apparently Neil is being amazing about everything with her family, bless him.
Is it a picture on his Facebook? Looked at his Instagram but nothing to see really!
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