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Being an extra on TOWIE is nothing to brag about, do they know how easy it could be for all of us to get on the show too? TOWIE literally ask people to come every week for “background people”.. Whys Miah getting so excited like she’s going to be on tv and actually speaking? Cause she ain’t. If you watch an episode of TOWIE, and you see the cast in a party, with the people in the background.. that’s all it is 😀 bit embarrassing to be excited about that tbh when anyone can do that
I’m part of a WhatsApp group because I was an extra years ago and they’re desparate for background people all the time lol. I get about 5 messages a week and I’m no influencer. It’s not something to brag about
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Honestly that live 😂 stop carrying things on they say but then comes in and mentions it… do you do eat with me’a no… erm no I don’t however I’m doing a petition to lower the age for breast screening my love 🙈. These people honestly. I don’t know how easily crumbled these people that have called people out have acted before but I’m not easily crumbled.
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Yeah, you can be on two different devices at the same time, you can’t watch a live on two devices. I’ve always watched a live on my phone and watched TikToks on my iPad but besides the point, she’s talking shit. She doesn’t have an assistant 😂 she’s too tight with her money..
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I find it weird that he wants to be completely private? So much so he has removed his profile pic? He doesn’t seem the type at all but then I guess we’ve only seen a five second clip of him dancing. Why let upload that to her tik tok though? Can’t help but think Eden is pushing him to be private because she doesn’t want him getting any clout and gaining anything from their relationship - she has to be the centre of attention!
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I was just saying on the Smithy thread, I’m actually really shocked shocked these irrelevant Tiktokers havent applied for I’m a celeb they think they’re celebrities that much 🤦🏻‍♀️😂
Oh no Eden could never her Emetophobia remember that comes and goes as quickly as all her other bs medical conditions 😂😂😂
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Chatty Member
How on earth has she aged like 40 years in such a short space of time?! She looks inflated, worn out and just absolutely buggared lmao! Can't cope with the lips either. I think the way she tries coming across as this 'bad bitch' just makes her 174940302x more unattractive 😅
It’s sad because she used to be uniquely pretty before she lost herself to tiktok trying to be someone she’s not. What a shame
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She thinks does think she’s become this sex education therapist, yet again something she’s not trained in but given that she would probably say she’s done a few lessons online like she did with the mental health scenario. She literally came on live in the weirdest mood ever on TikTok.. then again on Instagram just now saying “okay be safe guys wear a condom” 🌚

She might or might not have dark humour but to make a joke about people with serious illnesses who want to end their life as they can’t cope anymore. That’s just so below the belt.
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Oh how do you know Shan is aware? I mean I'm not shocked I did message her the video but she hasn't seen my message yet lol
£400!! I don’t know where I kept getting £50 from. That’s outrageous, I don’t mean it horrible but half the things she answered, she could’ve easily avoided for her own sake and got egged or floured instead. She did it for the pure banter and for everybody in the room to be like “oh my god”. When I didn’t find it funny at all. Especially when it’s about a children charity. The way she avoided the whole “what tiktoker have you sexted?” Like it isn’t obviously it’s either AJ or Dan Spragg but she chose to get egged instead. Pathetic. The things I’m most shocked about was the fact she said she got 40k from a brand deal and spends £500 on deliveroo. That’s outrageous. She could be saving for a home or getting a driving license with that.

How I know is, she commented on a live I was on earlier mentioning it 😭
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I think it’s hilarious she thinks she’s flexing with all these Tik toks about how she doesn’t care and f you basically
But Eden. Your comments are still off

Don’t be shy turn them on.
Na didn’t think so
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He even let Carla eat the dog food twice before mentioning it. I think it psychotic behaviour giving intoxicated people his urine to drink. An absolute creepy bastard.
See this is another thing that irks me the amount of times those cows have slagged off Carla and mocked her drinking habits but then Eden posts shit that makes her look all loving and sweet like no we all know you're a vicious cow about your mum
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Wasn’t aware yaz had a second account?
She’s also slightly adjusted the placement of her piercing
She listened to us after all😍😘
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I’m absolutely no expert and haven’t looked in to it but playing devils advocate… in the particular video where she insinuates he caused the bloody nose she doesn’t say his name or show his face? (I know she has showed it on previous videos) and she doesn’t actually say anything, It’s all implied/ heavily suggested! we know what she’s doing but I’m not sure it would be anything enforceable? Correct me if I’m wrong though! Just speculating
I think you're right. What doesn't go in her favour though is all the videos she's previously posted about him and the fact he's the only black guy she's been in a long term relationship with. My other issue with her is that often she makes it sound as if Marvin abused his position and groomed her and took advantage of her which could actually cause issues with jobs for him cause takes one person to recognise him and turn around and say to his carers company and be like no we don't want him looking after our grandma/grandad/mum/dad as he took advantage of a young girl whose grandad he was caring for. She doesn't realise the shit she posts can actually damage these people's lives.
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so I’ve had the original video creator in my inbox on Instagram basically saying how I need to find something better to do then trying to cancel people I think what people need to understand is I haven’t done this maliciously I’ve done this because of the fact of that I didn’t agree with someone who has been recognised for helping people through loneliness et cetera comment on something like that also I have said to the woman that made the video that she message her via Instagram at 2:30 in the morning so she was that concerned about if she defended the lady in question she then firstly had to finish the charity live before she even thought about messaging my opinion Is as simple as this and still stands like this she would not of message that lady if the comment wasn’t outed and if everyone well not everyone but people that were angry with the comment Outed her also. Bottom line is simply this no matter how she tries to hide it she is classed as self as an influencer because that’s all what she’s ever wanted however if she wants to be labelled as an influencer then she needs to be able to have the logic to be influencing people in the right way
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This girl is becoming a liability. Does she ever keep anything a secret? There’s some things that just should be kept secret and behind closed doors and that is one of them. No one wants to know about your “massager” which is in fact not. The girl has no privacy and then complains when people know too much? I’m sure so many people under the 16 are so interested. She has no respect for her followers.
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I wonder where he's learnt that kind of talk from.. Wouldn't be aunt deedee would it.

It's actually disgusting that he's saying stuff like that at his age and it's obvious he's learning it from Eden because he's around her so much and the conversations she has in front of them are hardly appropriate.
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I'm still completely lost on the Diana and Neil and Eden situation lol I've not seen anything and I'm always getting messy tik tok on my fyp lol. Do we actually believe this one?
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Remember she's single because she wants to be and she's happy. So happy she has to post about her exes constantly and obsess over them. But that couldn't be the reason she's single at all, guys LOVE girls who stalk and obsess over their exes 😂😂😂
Imagine it was her ex’s constantly talking about her on social media like she does with them? She would be freaked out.. cause I know I would be.. they’re ex’s for a reason, get the fuck over it now. It’s been bloody years. They’ve all moved on so why the hell can’t she 😂😂😂
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This just came up on my FYP! I’m so shocked Eden would even joke about DV when this happened to someone who’s meant to be her best friend. I was shocked with the first picture with the blood on her
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More like how arrogant are you and your sister to believe you can say what the fuck you want and there won't be any consequences because she's Eden Harvz and your Yaz Hadfield and you're allowed to do and say whatever you want no matter how out of order it is because she's got a blue tick and you suck the shit out of her ass.
Imagine Yaz reacting to someone making dark humour about her husbands traumas …
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