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I suppose from Kath and Sharon’s reaction it’s not Ian coming back, or Ben…? 🧐

My first instinct was it’s PHIL 😂

We need a poll 😆
Hopefully it's actually Whitney or Alfie cause I could be doing with them vanishing 😭
I can't get over that so many people seen this and gave it the green light before it made it on to the TV 😫😭😫😭


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Amount of times Lola’s “lied to her” she should be used to it by now for fuck sake

How’s Whitney getting vexed about gossip like she didn’t go round telling everyone that Gray killed Kush 😂 I can’t stand her me I wish they’d just let her have the sad music exit and send her off on a train to Milton Keynes with Bianca
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It’s really really good at the moment, I find myself looking forward to it for the first time in years. Both the Lola and Lily storylines are being played out fantastically. We just need to get rid of bloody Alfie!
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Scotch Mist

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Is this not also going to confuse things and make people believe that HIV has caused the issue? I may be wrong, and please correct me if I am, but aren’t they 2 completely separate issues? Can HIV increase the risk of Edwards/Patau’s syndrome?
I only really remember some vague info from being pregnant that they have less(?) chromosomes so are unlikely to survive much past birth. Again, apologies for my poor understanding on the issue.
Yes I agree. From reading the NHS website the prognosis isn't good. It says:
"Sadly, most babies with Edwards' syndrome will die before or shortly after being born.
A small number (about 13 in 100) babies born alive with Edwards' syndrome will live past their 1st birthday."

Having 2 medical stories like this is a bit too much for my liking
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After Bobby Beale killed Lucy (and was recast in the middle of the bloody storyline!), I am taking nothing for granted.
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Chatty Member
Also it seems to be forgotten that Stacey is a hairdresser? Surely Eve could run the bap kiosk whilst Stacey works in the salon if they need more money.
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I’m struggling work out who the man on the floor in the flashforward is, and I’m struggling to determine whose responsible for his death but I’ve got a couple of theories and questions that I’ll throw out.

I think it’s plausible to believe Sharon and Keanu could get married on Christmas Day. One thing to support this theory, is when Sharon and Keanu hooked up in the toilets last night, Sharon locked the door meaning the toilet cubicle was “Engaged”. I believe this could be EE cleverly foreshadowing their future together. However, at the same time, why would Sharon be getting married on Christmas Day when Kat and Phil have just decided to move their wedding to Christmas? Could Sharon gatecrash their wedding, by turning up in a wedding dress, persuading Phil to marry her?

Secondly, the man on the floor was sporting Phil’s cufflinks. This is more than likely a red herring, but he must have some sort of established connection to Phil. This makes me believe the victim at Christmas isn’t Dean (that’s if he returns at all) as I can’t imagine him striking up a close bond with Phil, in the run up to Christmas, especially seeing as he nearly raped Roxy, Phil’s cousin and raped Linda, a woman who Phil once sponsored whilst she was in recovery. Unless of course, a story transpired where Phil sells his cufflinks on Billy’s stall down the market which Dean later buys for some reason.

One thing I find bizarre in this scene is the absence of Kat and Sam. Both women have been leading ladies in the show this past year, so why wouldn’t they be included in this female-centric storyline? Both characters were heavily involved in the Dirty Den murder plotline back in 2005, which this story has echoes of, emphasising all the more reason why Kat and Sam should be involved in this storyline.

Here’s what the writer of last night’s episode had to say on Twitter - “A Slater, a Beale, a Carter, a Fox-Branning, a Panesar and a Watts… its taken 38 years to bring members of six families together… but in a flash, anything can happen.” - Surely throwing a Mitchell into the mix would make sense if such value is being placed on matriarchs representing the main families of the Square in this storyline. Therefore, I believe the absence of Kat and Sam in the story was an intentional choice made by writers. Why though? Despite this being a highly unlikely outcome, could Phil die, his murder be covered up and they want Kat and Sam to be none the wiser to this, which juxtaposes how they both were involved in the cover-up of Den’s murder?

Another theory I’ve got is that the man on the floor is Ryan. His recent return to Walford was surprisingly fleeting and he’s seemingly had a bit of a personality transplant, not for the better. He was unnecessarily aggressive towards Stacey and Whitney, but it wasn’t really explored in enough depth as to why. Surely his return wasn’t simply a plot device to make Stacey’s money worries even worse? The fact Stacey stated in last night’s episode that Ryan planned on having Lilly over during the Christmas period, suggests to me he’ll be returning around Christmas, especially seeing as Kat has moved her wedding day to ensure that Lilly doesn’t spend Christmas with Ryan. Could he turn up in Walford, try to kidnap Lilly and he’s stopped by Stacey resulting in his death? It would draw similarities from her murder of Archie over the Christmas period back in 2009. The fact a knight was positioned behind Stacey could suggest that someone came to her rescue when she was embroiled in a showdown with Ryan, similarly to how Kathy vowed that the women of Walford would protect Linda to ensure that Dean couldn’t get to her. That would suggest why Kathy’s dress was torn, as she was defending Stacey against Ryan. However, if Ryan was the victim at Christmas, why wouldn’t Whitney be involved in this storyline?

What’s to say, the man in the flashforward is even the victim of murder? Could it simply be an accident, despite his death being shrouded in suspicion, leading the ladies with no other alternative but to cover his death up in order to spare themselves from jail? I honestly can’t imagine any of the six women (asides from Suki or Denise) committing murder. Sharon’s development was incredibly hindered by her attempted murder of Ian. Would they want to risk her trying to bury another husband? There’s been many characters who Linda could’ve murdered over the years and it be justified (Dean, Aidan, Katy, Janine etc) so I struggle to believe someone could come along and in the space of a few months, drive Linda to the precipice of committing murder. Kathy committing murder wouldn’t be true to her nature. If she’s capable of murder then why wouldn’t she kill Gavin in either self-defence or a bid to end him asserting his control over her, when he forced her into taking her own death, severing her ties to her family? Stacey has already murdered someone before, and in the Vic, so wouldn’t it be a bit repetitive if she was responsible for this person’s murder as well? This therefore, leaves Suki and Denise. Surely if Denise was going to murder anyone it would have been Lucas for his serial killings and when he locked her in a basement and posed a huge threat to her family? Also, given she’s been in the show a long while, would the writers be willing to risk tarnishing the character’s reputation by turning her into a murderer? Therefore, Suki seems to be the most likely candidate to become a murderer out of the six, but again wouldn’t that be a bit obvious and wouldn’t it be a tad too similar to the Ranveer death plot, that took place last year? Whose to suggest that the murderer is even within shot of the flashforward scene. Hollyoaks did a storyline similar to this a few years ago, where a group of women formed an alliance to murder an abusive man by collectively poisoning him. A twist later transpired that all of them bottled it last minute, and the person that actually poisoned him was a serial killer. Could a similar twist transpire at Christmas, and someone murders this man and leaves The Six to cover it up?
And I thought I was invested 🤣
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I liked the Billy and Lola on sofa scene. You could see the regret and shame felt by Billy when he spoke about Jamie. Its nice to hear old characters names and we remembered how far Billy has come from his first days on the show.
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Patsy can’t act for toffee, never has, the whole “I need some wine” scene…

Can’t wait for the Whitney story to be wrapped up, not invested at all.

Hope all the baby drama both Lily’s and Whitney takes a back seat for a few weeks. It comes to something when I’m more invested in gangster Phil and his latest adversary than all the actual dramatic storylines.

Sonia is now a caricature of Dot. They’ve demolished and completely rewritten her character and it’s made her into a semi comedic /pity character.
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I didn't watch it but the flash forward is 10 months away? Christmas?
How on earth are they going keep any type of continuity appearance wise with them all over ten months?
So have they have filmed the entire sequence already to be (presumably) shown again in 10 months, in which case what if one or all of them looks different by then? It will look really wierd compared with scenes filmed in the next 10 months.
(Not sure what I'm trying to say - makes sense in my head!).
I suppose those actresses all know they have definitely got jobs until Christmas at least 😂
Yeah I get you. Sharon’s weight will have changed about 10 times by then, Stacy will be on mat leave and the rest are pretty solid but Suki is a Panesar so the writers will probably forget and put her in jail.
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Apparently Sharon and Keanu are going to get married. The clue was the word "engaged" on the toilet door..makes sense I guess

Just seen this:
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