Dry February 2021

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Think il join you in the alcohol free lent. I’m also giving up Instagram haha. I enjoyed the 2 glasses of wine I had on Monday but happy to get back on the sober train until Easter.
I am doing the same! And also crisps because that’s 100% what I’ve replaced alcohol with so far this year...
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Yay go us!

Even though Lent is 9 days longer than DJ, I feel I stand a better chance at seeing it through simply with it starting to get lighter noticeably earlier. I really struggle to stay motivated in deepest darkest winter but now it is actually starting to feel like there's light at the end of the tunnel. I was out for my run this morning at 7.45am which was great, optimum time for me is 6.30-7am so still a bit of a ways to go but I feel like that keeps me on track and I don't want to ruin all my hard work with booze/eating crap. I really want to up my running again to half marathon standard and boozing will hinder my progress big time! I do so miss the runner's high after completing a big running event I've been training for and going straight out to get absolutely steamboats followed by a gigantic Indian meal though
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What is wrong with men, or specifically my boyfriend who as I mentioned is Catholic. Yesterday I mentioned several times about giving up alcohol for Lent which he agreed to. We spoke a lot about previous Lents, and how he hated Lent growing up as at Alter boy as he had to go to church every day. We had pancakes. I said at 5pm yesterday I was going to have a beer as it would be the last opportunity until 3rd April.

Just got in from Tesco with a crate of Becks Blue and some ciders I bought thinking they were AF but they are actually 0.5%, which he was looking at and I said 'ah yeah I didn't read the label properly they've got alcohol in' to which he replied 'why, are we not drinking now?' As if it was totally brand new info

He was like ‘I just didn’t realise it started today that’s all’
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How’s everyone doing? Another sober Friday night

today is 50 days since the start of dry Jan so nearly 14% of the year without a drink which I’m so pleased about!
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Going ok. I’m used to sober weekends now but I think will find it harder once we are allowed to socialise again.
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Happy Day 50 to those still going from New Year! Feeling good about another sober weekend, I wasn’t even tempted when I was offered with with dinner today... sadly my willpower with crisps was less strong but you can’t have it all.

Thank you to whoever recommended the lime and mint Robinson’s cordial, so tasty!!
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It’s great isn’t it! I might try popping some fresh mint in so I feel really exotic
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I had a glass of wine tonight and then back on the lidl schloer rip off...quite happy with my lot
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So far so good for Dry Lent. I would like to lose another 10lb or so by summer and I haven't lost any weight since I started drinking again after DJ, in fact I have gained 2lb! I always try and kid myself that calories in alcohol aren't the same as food but the scales don't lie. It is a lot easier just being at home though, last night I was folding washing at 7pm, not normal Friday night behaviour

Hoping the results on the scale start to show so that will keep me motivated. Anyone else given up chocolate for lent too? I am just wondering what the rules are on chocolate flavoured things being allowed e.g. cocoa powder stirred into porridge, low cal hot chocolate etc
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I 100% relate to that. Have been off booze entire Jan and some Feb. Gained weight, unfortunately. So yes, Lent is going good so far. No cravings. Has anyone tried Kombucha? It’s only 9 calories per can and reminds me of beer a bit. Stay strong everyone. Once everything is over we will emerge like gorgeous fresh butterflies... otherwise it’s my profile photo
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I have tried Kombucha years ago in the states but wasn’t a fan, maybe I’ll give it another go and see if my palate has changed. Where did you buy it from?

Postman has just been with a care package my lovely friend sent me including a load of chocolate she knows I like, damn her need to get one of those boxes you set a date/time on until you can open it!
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Tesco’s sells raspberry and apple flavour. Chocolates... I’m all or nothing girl. If it’s on my way, the entire box will be gone. Very much the same as with alcohol. I’ve an addictive personality. Don’t know why. I come from a country where the the food rationed. Perhaps that’s why. Never enough, never satisfied
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I’m the exact same! Totally all or nothing. I was tidying the kitchen earlier this week and found some dark chocolate I’d bought for baking in the cupboard and thought Jesus I’m glad I forgot that was there when I was on a mission to eat everything sweet in the house the other night! I also have an addictive personality, as much as I can over indulge I can also quite easily get obsessed with diet/exercise. Oh to have a happy medium
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I’ve got you girl
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I had one glass of prosecco last night (a large glass as got a mini bottle) and felt like shit. Dizzy, weird, and woke up all shit.

Back to almost sobriety for me! Got a low alcohol 0.5% sauv blanc the other day which is really tasty.
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