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Lurky Lurker

Active member
Just found this as its been flagged up by the lady herself 🙈
I know someone who was at the end of Diane's temper / hissy fit at while back- as you say, if you don't agree with her - it was not at all pretty.
Four years since she was on this morning as she's heavier than she was then. I wouldn't mind - we all know dieting is hard - but how anyone could have the balls to preach advice to others or be styled a "fitness guru" I have no idea.
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And the blagged laptop is now in her greedy hands. Can't wait for the excuses as to why she abandons the course before the end.
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I too have been on the end of her temper. For posting a comment unrelated to herself in another group. You would think you have freedom to speak your mind in what ever group you join.
Diane. Considered it a personal attack on her. She wasn't mentioned or even thought of in that comment.
Next thing I know I'm blocked and told via other members she's ranting and raving my name is mud. Then comes the personal attack in messenger.
I know Diane reads here. I'm happy she has lost 3lb last week. I wish her luck in continuing to achieve her goal. Including any other goal she sets herself.
I have a back ground in fitness and nutrition. Worked with many over weight ppl to help achieve weight loss and improve their health. Like I've said before heaven forbid anyone with real knowledge offer advice.
Same- I'm qualified in Nutrition as well as specialities in sports nutrition, diabetes support and childrens nutrition and (very nicely) offered advice many times for it to be ignored. Others often offered the same advice only to be given abuse.
I wished her nothing but the best in the beginning as I was genuinely afraid for her health (which has got worse since), but now I just think 'on you go'...
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Lurky Lurker

Active member
I've not been on there today - so she's got a bad belly? In our house, if you've a sore tummy you eat dry crackers or toast for the day
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Well well she announces that she doesn’t know where the £56 came from!!! Packages are between £5 and £35. Bronze Silver Gold and Diamond!!
She got 12 weeks to launch. Calm down Diane there ain’t gonna be a big uptake - saying that you did promise free merch! Can’t wait for a t shirt with your name on it!!! Lol!
she been scanning recipes books on her phone today - 2 hours!! So maybe one of the packages is copies of someone else’s recipe!!! Reused snd totally illegal if she then passes it off as her own !
No shame !
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Diane put up a few posts, specifically to wind up tattlers- or to "troll the trolls" -
One about gaining 12lbs in a week -
One about switching to Slimming World-
One about using a followers credit card to get a PS5, a new mobile phone, a food shop and money on her electric.
A couple of followers played along.
Then someone basically called her out saying she was financially abusing the woman with the credit card - it got a bit heated, comments were deleted, the original poster then put up screen shots....
Then all the threads were deleted and Diane put up a post explaining that it was a wind up. Now that post has gone.
The posts about getting paying clients are still there - but I'm guessing they are wind ups too.

Morning Diane - 😊
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She says she has helped many people to lose weight by teaching them to count calories, hmm why can’t she follow that advice herself.
That's actually funny if it wasn't so tragic!! She's been booted from every single calorie/macro group I've ever come across her in!!😂
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Chatty Member
And after committing to 6 months on one particular plan on the 1st January, she's changed her mind... again. Is that a new record? Probably not. I seem to recall a 24 hour turn around once or twice.
Now saying she's just gonna cook like SW but not count calories. Cook like SW? Literally just means home cooking so why that needed saying, who knows.
This live was literally like 100s she's done before. I really don't understand why her loved ones don't step in and point out it's all just so ridiculous.
There are clearly mental health issues and an eating disorder. I have so much sympathy for both of those. But get off the merry go round. Stop lying to yourself and others. Stop offering to help and counsel others when you can't even fix the exact same problems you share with your disciples.
Get off social media. Come back when your BMI is healthy and THEN share all your hard fought knowledge. Until then, have respect for yourself and for the people who are temporarily sucked in before they get booted when they see the same dance again and again
I saw this live and as you say it is like all the rest, she mentions the ATE app but from what I saw you only get 7 days free so come next week, or more likely tomorrow, she will be back to Ww, sw, calorie counting, fasting, only eating rubbish on days with letter y in them or whatever plan she thinks of. Still no mention of her little scheme though.
How can she not see what everyone else can.
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There are so many recipes for ‘fakeaways’ out there there isn’t any reason for her to have this processed stuff every day. Occasionally I completely understand - who doesn’t! But if she’s serious about loosing weight you need to change your mindset.

There I was enjoying my evening watching my regular YouTube channels and this pops up on the shorts..
Bloody Nora every social platform she’s on it. .

I thinks it’s a old video.

I’ve never done WW . Do you not have to log the ready made egg rice and noodles too. .
I’ve never known anyone to eat so many processed foods and microwave meals. The salt content is massive in these foods.
maybe it’s what her family want..
She may have scanned the barcode. That is a ‘complete’ ready meal. I’ve seen it in Tesco. It comes with the 4 parts, noodles/rice/curry etc
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She unable to have empathy for others. She is well known for being rude to others. heaven forbid you offer an opinion on anything she says.
Oh I've been on the end of her temper before, it's not pleasant.

Anyway, day 11 of her 200 days on the "freedom programme" to lose 3lb a week before Christmas - and she's changed to WW.
I see she lost 3lb last week (well done Diane, I know you read here, that's great) but to keep that up long term ain't gonna happen 😉
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Another ‘ready meal’ surely the whole point of WW is cooking from scratch. Quality foods with less processed rubbish.
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Jesus has she nothing better to be at?

She does and has abused her followers good nature.

Her weight HAS massively fluctuated in short spaces of time.

She does regularly jump from plan to plan.

None of what she posted was beyond the realms of possibility.

What are people going to be paying her for??
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