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This video 🙈
him & the rest of the “ex mods” are all shameful bams. Thats why he chucked Corey out the box because Corey was giving them their character & theses idiots don’t like it. People won’t forget all the shit they have done just because they have walked away from Dickadora.
Howling at Sophie doing as she is told while he has Remi in his house. All because he has threatened her with a lawyer 😂 he will do nothing!
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Im a silent reader and don't often comment but I'm honestly baffled by some of the reactions on this thread, why are people excited at the thought of Remi going to meet this rapist and be his next victim?

His whole content when he got with Becca was based around his domestic abuse court case. Becca was warned by Jade and still chose to stay. Becca was dating him whiles he pled guilty for domestic abuse. Becca to this day despite her current court cases against him still gets in boxes to keep things "factual" for example - the other day telling Bruce Wayne that Diadro developed ticks from taking cocaine and would never take it again and he didn't meet Remi at news years. Both totally irrelevant things she doesn't need to defend or explain. He quiet clearly still has a hold over her.

Sophie saw it all these accusations play out and still decided to peruse Diadro whiles he was with Becca. But again just like Becca who was also warned she came to Scotland anyways. People can condemn Sophie for supporting a beast. I don't think she deserves to be domestically, mentally and financially abused. I think she's learned her lesson.

It's wrong to say she deserves this level abuse this man is threatening to take away her body autonomy, her baby despite not being allowed regular contact with his own children, her literal rights to exist as anything other than just a silently floaty head in the boxes forced to wear red lipstick and smile (just like Becca, who was often encouraged to put more makeup on and look happier) during the abuse so nobody new. The only issue is he can't silence Sophie for more than a few days. "Get in the box battles and support me, show solidarity" no watch me flirt with my next victim and try not to stress out "the baby". He said he refers to the baby as the or her baby because he's not allowed to talk about children online.

Running with the narrative that is funny and people are getting their karma is soooooo weird. It's like saying Becca deserved to be assaulted because she knew he had charges and Jade warned her and if he does it to Remi do we then say oh but she new?

No people often return to their abuse partners on average 7 times before they leave for good. This man is a serial abuser and quite frankly I'm worried that Sophie or this baby will be victim number 3 & 4 to add to the list of people who have died in his circle of kindness.
I don’t think it’s the excitement of Remi but as it goes Remi isn’t doing anything to have the hate her way, everyone is aware of his who he is as a person that is on them as individuals to decide whether to still go ahead getting to know him etc.

The karma for Sophie is nothing to do with the abuse as stated several people here actually felt sorry for her numerous times about the way she’s been treated in that aspect

The karma is her doing exactly what she done to another person by persueing Diadro when he was in a relationship with becca when in hindsight she done worse as he was in the relationship with becca, her and Diadro aren’t in a relationship
I don’t think it’s the excitement of Remi but as it goes Remi isn’t doing anything to have the hate her way, everyone is aware of his who he is as a person that is on them as individuals to decide whether to still go ahead getting to know him etc.

The karma for Sophie is nothing to do with the abuse as stated several people here actually felt sorry for her numerous times about the way she’s been treated in that aspect

The karma is her doing exactly what she done to another person by persueing Diadro when he was in a relationship with becca when in hindsight she done worse as he was in the relationship with becca, her and Diadro aren’t in a relationship, but she’s dragging another girl through the mud for the actions of one MAN.
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Shes just said ' i thought when he saw our baby he would want me '
Keeps looking at the number if viewers.. cry a bit more soph. Another thousand will come in.
Going to show my teenage boys this. This is what happens when you let your dick rule your head. You get an absolute loonball pregnant and you’re stuck with them and their absolute batshit mentalness for the next 18 years. She’s honestly deranged.
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She said she would have moved up. But he’s obviously not letting her. I take it she would have just left her kids with her mother. It’s not really a great advertisement for herself, willing to dump her kids to live with a man and a new baby. No wonder Diadro can’t stand her. Her hatred of Remi is like playground material.
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And she’s always in there 🤣
The big creators on American tiktok don’t beed box battles, they are all making thousands a day on their daily rankings. He thought he was going to get them in & make loads of money off the back of it 😏 this is what happens when u uoset chief recruiter Sophie “Ghislane Maxwell” Rose 😂
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She’s as much of a narcissistic, manipulator as him. She’s met her match and can’t stand it. Hence this temper tantrum. She’s doing this because she wants him to block Remi.
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Sophie rose has been so poorly.. only when remi snipes though hun x
She’s actually unhinged. And when she’s in those boxes trying to look all smiley and happy she looks absolutely bat shit mental. Those big bug eyes bulging with rage.
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Chantelle ‘i’ll be at your door, Hugo has a passport now’ honest to god that lassies is thick as f88k
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Yes believe so.. think Diadora could do with going to her shop x
take more than botox to save his coupon! He has as much wrinkles as Stephanie “i don’t use filters” Vavron. Both horrible bastards inside & out!
Im betting on something to do with them not being together. Hes getting increasingly annoyed at the comments. Last night he replied “boring” to one of them. She’s ramping up the bunny boiler. In fact, at one point she said she’s won in life 🫠. The fact they’re not together but she’s madly in love with him is going to cause constant drama. She thinks she’s got it bad with Remi. This is just the start 😂. He doesn’t seem to put her in her place much, whether he does behind the scenes I don’t know, but his temper is going to be broke with her psychotic behaviour very soon.
We have all seen the messages he sends her, he won’t break his temper on live as he is “professional” 😂😂😂
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I wasn't sure to start with. Then last night he said between his 2 accounts one level 20 something and 1 30 something he'd be a level 50 gifter (it doesn't work that way) he was questioned about level 50 being over £500k and he said yeah that's right. So where had he had that much money to gift that amount? 😂 😂 It was at that point the smell of shit became too much. Only 14k in debt, can't afford to eat not paid rent for a few months but has gifted over FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND POUNDS ok then!
Sophie deserves all she gets for crying and chatting online then going back.
They all still talk to chantelle despite her still sticking by Diadro as his mod, if this was all serious you'd cut ties with someone who is staying there, why would they be in both camps?
They are all vile people, led by the most vile of them all. It's a cult not a community. Sophie has a reset battle tonight, wait for the unis from diadro and then her sending them back despite having emptied her back for last Sundays reset 🙄🙄
I think he’s been listening to diadros calculations too much where he’s over exaggerated what the gifting badges have given out 😂👑
Yeah he’s going to his door apparently. I hate Diadro but I don’t agree with these protests and people going to his door. Especially people driving from England to come to Airdrie. It’s not fair on the neighbours. Especially neighbours with kids. It frightens them. Hes also got an elderly man next door. It’s not fair on these people. These idiots do it for clout. It’s embarrassing. What has them protesting or going to his door achieved in the past other than drama on tik tok?
If there going to his door at least do something rather than drive all that way to sing a few songs and be a nuisance, what’s happened for ash to go now rather deal with what he needed to at the start
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Exactly and no doubt she’ll be back on as if nothing happened and blame the trolls for getting to her, ‘trolls’ bring the info that is out their which has been about one of their two actions, they can’t take accountability and see no wrong in what they are doing so will blame everyone else. Not being funny she might be pregnant by him but she doesn’t own him, he’s remained single and said he has been since July. He’s clearly stated he is single so he can literally so as he pleases. Does she expect him not to go with anyone just because she’s got herself pregnant. This is what happens when you are delusional about expectations vs reality. Trying to fling Remi under the bus and it isn’t working as she couldn’t care less about some wee TikTok addict who got herself pregnant and has mental breakdowns for all to see. It’s this Laura person she has the proof of but yet she was still ripping into remi 😂🤦‍♀️ my days I couldn’t even feel bad for her as its been in plain sight since day one, she just clearly doesn’t like karma and the same treatment she gives out coming back in abundance
He was still with Becca at the start of September so i don’t know why he keeps claiming single since July 😂

Exactly this, what she done to Becca is now coming back to slap her round her filtered face. She was making lip sync videos towards Diadro & wearing a red dress (because thats what he likes) while Becca was still in his house 😂 she is a wee skank & he took full advantage of it. But he didn’t factor in she is massive bunny boiler & now is tied to her forever 😏 love that for him. She will continue to be a massive thorn in his beasty side. Couldn’t happen to 2 better people ☺
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