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So let me get this straight - this pencil necked throbber has left his missus and child (children?) to go on holiday with the most boring man alive, they are going live at the same time, battling each other and people are gifting them? Have I gone completely bonkers?
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Hes got some brass neck, coming back for the resets.

I'm embarrassed for him.
'Why did I ever think I could leave this'

Number 2 on the leaderboard.

His plan worked, well done DG 👏👏👏👏👏
I heard ‘stick that tattle life’ erm what? you proving how completely right we were? yeah nice one rather watch CLA melting down on three accounts tbh
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lol this comment
View attachment 2630676

🤣 ‘his wife went off and leeeft him’

yeah he’s mentioned before how much effort it takes to set stuff up also he couldn’t do his pranks any more cos he kept getting told off for filming in shops and the job centre
Christ their all copying this format,

evil CUNT
Zac da twat
DG dickhead

Tyrone is the OG at doing it end of !

Dan mate you’ve well and truly fallen off, yes these people still get gifts etc, but their only a very small amount of gullible people that do gift nowadays
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In a way I'm glad he's got it back. It can stop all his followers acting as if he's been incarcerated in Guantanamo Bay.

Also it's only right that he gets the money that's been gifted to him.

I bet the cockiness is off the charts though...his ego will be boosted and we already know that it's already bleeding enormous. He definitely isn't number 1 though is he? Despite all the support. If he was going to do it then it would be now when everyone's come out to support him 😂😂😂
Who’s been more dramatic on tiktok wilko’s employees or dg decor fans
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Lazy Sunday

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How would he feel if people did that to his decorating business?
I've not ever been a fan but even less so now.
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Yes! Cannot stand him. He thinks he’s hilarious but everything he does makes me cringe. He’s not funny at all
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Chatty Member
Why is he on live begging and battling but the whole time has CLA constantly on in the background, watching her every move and slagging her off at any chance he can get? I’d honestly leave my man if he turned into the weirdo he has become. Massive ick.

edit: also sending his followers into other lives to get gossip back from them, always watching people’s lives and wants to know what’s being said about him etc. Little bitch 😂
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I did think it was weird how much time he spends in his car outside his house or at a Starbucks and how he always shares a bed with his daughter when he has her..

Makes total sense that he lives with his mum
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VIP Member
So pleased there’s a thread like this thought it was just me! he can be so nasty and aggressive I don’t imagine he’s nice to live with. Stuff he’s said about people living in council houses and on benefits and that he’s used to decorating houses with pools and expensive cars in the garage really pissed me off considering his own background is apparently in care you’d think he would be less of a Tory prick
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I don’t watch him much any more he’s boring and him and JC always just speak about sex like a pair of 15 year old boys
Agreed! It's very odd, they're a pair of misogynistic tits and can't keep a 'bird' between them. This gaming shite will be the final nail in the coffin for DG, its boring AF 🥱🥱🥱
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As if I’m living in a world where a fully grown adult did that dramatic exit only to come back in a day and everyone’s cheering it on at the same time as CLA becoming a world famous acrobat sponsored by echo falls. I cannot wait to leave this with the younger generations history lessons
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The people in comments know it isn’t Tom. They wasn’t making funny remarks about it. Like when he got out to go shop someone’s said have you left a window open for Tom 😂😂 that wasn’t long after evil Queen was saying she was going to catch him out. Majority of them know he’s not real and just play along with the dumb fuck instead of standing up to him to tell him it’s dangerous!
If it wasn't DG doing this and it was someone else, say CLA (sweet jesus imagine her driving) they'd all be slating her. They're so blinded by him its crazy.
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I guess with a baby that age all their stuff is there and they don’t want to unsettle her. he said he has to go accountant tomorrow maybe he’s getting somewhere more permanent sorted. to be fair I did feel for him a bit today he was clearly emotional and it is hard being new parents it can really show up cracks in a relationship. When he said he felt like he should have a mum to go to I softened toward him too.
I didn't see it but I can imagine he is feeling lost and will continue to do so. He doesn't have that support around him but he invests his time into people on his screen rather than in real life. Him and his mum have a similar relationship as I had with mine and it is hard but you have to build up other relationships and your own support network. He isn't going to get that on tikkers.

I can't help but think that the break up is down to him so he's made his bed and he will have to lie in it. He'll be in to the next 'bird' before Christmas. Bet you £2.73 😂
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What an absolute melt buying a Range Rover just to sit in it all day and drive to KFC etc, if I fell in love with a man, had a child with him and he turned into that I would be creeped out. Hope his wife leaves him. I wonder if there is trouble in their relationship as surely your partner would come to a wedding with you?
The wedding is tomorrow she’s at the girly bridal bit he said. He was buying wedding outfit stuff today. Then Monday goes abroad without her with that JC
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