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Yeah so he can show everyone how FINE they are
What a wanker. Him not her. She seems lovely
@DellaC famous darling!
What these idiots don’t realise is that mentioning they have a thread here will cause more people to come over and have a look. Just because newbies can’t comment, doesn’t mean their eyes won’t be opened
Apparently he read out my comment about him messaging me 😂
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I haven't watched his tattle rant yet but why do these people always think we are jealous or trying to get their accounts taken down.

We are far from jealous. I'd never want to be a beg on an app and I couldn't be arsed trying to get their account banned.

DG has become just like every other beg and manipulator on that app.
He's become everything he once hated. There's nothing to be jealous of.

He's insecure and deluded, he begs for money and can't trust anyone around him. Also, it could all fall apart at any time.

And he looks like Herman fucking Munster 😂😂😂😂😂😂
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Can maybe report a video. I just don’t know what I’d watch if I didn’t watch all the bees and get wound up 😅
I think they'd just delete the video would they? I bet there's more to it. He's too gobby for there not to be a reason.

Oh they'll never leave the app, it's easy money. All he needs to do is use his backmup. I really don't get the hysteria.

Everyone change their profile pic to DG.
He's devastated.

Ffs these people need to get a grip 😂
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DG's just confirmed him and Lizzie have split up. Mutual decision apparently, they still get on, and nothing big happened to cause it.
Before that he was saying tiktok is addictive and he acts like it’s his real life and now he’s saying they saw each other less when he was decorating. But with tiktok there’s the element of attention and suspicion. You can’t expect a woman to be working with a small child and you spend all your time on tiktok even if you think oh well she’s asleep or working cos her mind is going to be wondering who is messaging you
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Haha no way! His mum is constantly “at his house” I did wonder why on earth his mum would sit in his house at like 11pm-1am whilst his daughter is in bed so he can sit in his car on TikTok so that makes sense!!
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Him and Dave Dorans in Southport, each with a TENS machine and have each others controls. They have to go up to people and ask questions whilst the other sets of their machine.

Good concept.

BUT these 2 dicks have to push it.

So the questions are vile. Have you had sex with your uncle, have you had a thumb up your bum etc etc
They're dicking about screaming and falling to the floor, Daves effingng and jeffing, but still approaching people. Including and elderly couple. They're recording people and just being dicks.

At one point they were in the car and a security guard came to them. They argued with him, Dave actually got quite aggressive very quickly but it was just verbal. Then insulting the '£3 an hour' security if 2 online beggars can dis someone who works for a living.

Then they meet up with some fellas and were showing them the TENS, asked them if they knew anyone who'd have a go for money.

They openly discussed finding a druggy who'd do anything for cash and one of the fellas went to get someone.

At this point Dave read the chat but DG was really REALLY up for it. What looked like a homeless drug addict was paraded before them, desperate for his £20. Dave said I don't want anything to do with this, yet recorded the mans face without permission. In the meantime DG must've read his chat because he suddenly decided that he couldn't go through with it. They let the man try the TENS but he wasn't arsed, just wanted his £20. DG and Dave didn't give him the money, the people they met did.

It was utterly, utterly disgusting and quite upsetting to see.

No doubt DG will put a spin on it but it was awful.

I missed some in-between work so that's just what I saw.
Jesus christ. That's disgusting. I'm sure he'll have some bullshit excuse for it. It's just banter 🙄.

Dave dorans really grinds my gears. Just something about him that's slimy I think.

Always have to take things too far yet the women will still lap it up
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His latest content is fucking top quality I have to say 😂😂😂 I wish he would stick to this sort of thing rather than begging during battles, this is the kind of shit people want to see
Couldn't agree more. He's so funny as the old man.....when he starts running..oh its hilarious!
Is it funny tho ?? It’s nothing new, countless people have done these so called pranks back late 90’s early 2000’s.

hence why they aren’t on the tele no more but it’s not funny. That’s my opinion tho
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I haven’t had anything come up in my FYP. What’s happening?
Gifting ring.. they are all in on it. A glitch in a VPN means you can gift Unis for £8 if you set it as Dubai. Its how the same people get top 10 every week, without actually doing any content.
Seems like DWP is catching up though as Sobriety Jack got a letter from them.
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On the motorway playing fucking eye spy. What a disgrace! Are his partner and baby in the car? I had to scroll out 🙈

I think DG drives the same car as my husband, they're beasts, big and powerful. He'd do some fair damage if he even slightly nicked another car. He has no shame risking others so he can beg and his followers are vile for watching without calling him out!
I think his wife is at a wedding and the baby is with family. How he drives and reads the comments at the same time is disgusting. I blink and I’m half way across the road. He’s got a Range Rover vogue. He’d easily kill someone and he’d walk away unharmed
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This guy has odd moments of making me laugh but he is rapidly becoming another one who has no opinion ( in case he loses followers perhaps) and that is what at first I thought might be different about him..he would be his own man but lately I've seen him sitting on the fence ...for views.
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it’s called Birdnesting, I saw it on a TV programme. I think it’s becoming an easier way to navigate the early days after separating. Rent a cheap room / B&B / Bedsit & alternate depending on who has custody, letting the child have stability.
Ahhh so it's a thing. Yes I guess it makes sense but there's no way I could've stayed away from my babies for half of each week. Each to their own though 🙂
I’ll go better and go for £3.01 and a pack of hob nobs 😂
Coconut ones???
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Just listened to the last probs 30 mins of him and Bec on live, the amount of sexual chat was insane. I'm far from a prude but he has a Mrs? Asking her personal questions and I swear he was saying stuff in like a suggestive way? I know I can't be the only one who thought that. I'm usually gullible as fk bit even I thought there's something not quite right? I would be devastated if my partner was speaking to girls the way he spoke to her then, and I am very 'out there' in our relationship. Hmmmmm 🤔
I just saw him live and someone said "I've been having dreams about you" and he was like "oh tell me more" and she said "I can't I'll get banned" and he kept bringing it up. I'd be fuming if I was his partner. Just the same as JC though but his girlfriend is a secret 🤫
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It won't be his family he kills will it? They're safe at home.

He's a fucking dick!
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His main account got banned last night, he's used to getting it back in 5 mins but has had to wait overnight so he's fuming. All that money he's lost.

So now he's going for anyone who's ever said anything about him, that vile Gracey, anyone disabled, people who use buses, people who work in McDonald's and anyone who doesn't lick his rim.

His God complex is real.
He is the most arrogant person he really rubs me up the wrong way
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CLA’s chat were all saying his missus left him then someone in his chat told him he just read out ‘saying you’re single’ awkward silence ‘how would CLA know anything she’d be the last one to know anything’…
Yeah I saw that. I don't think he's at home either with that green screen
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Lost respect for dg last night when he involved himself on cinders live. Sad behaviour for a grown man.
The fact he sat there and kept saying “I’m not getting involved” you could see him foaming at the gash wanting to get involved
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