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VIP Member
I’m not convinced DD is a scammer as I’ve seen no proof yet, all goes straight to GFM and over 5K given from gifts in competition which he rounded up as his receipt shows.
CJ on the other hand is a different story.
He also said on the 7th of March that was the last day of that month that all gifts were going to Luke, when DHB gifted he changed it and said it wasn't for Luke, it was his for kids
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Fair play for his commitment but I doubt this would have happened had it not been for team dhb, It does prove the point dhb has said before that it's better to donate direct to a link, the creators have always said people won't do that it's easier to gift.. how wrong were they?!
Oh yeah definetly it was team DHB that helped.and yeah its definetly proven that this is the way to do it

Oh yeah definetly it was team DHB that helped.and yeah its definetly proven that this is the way to do it
Rightguys live on facebook hes made a gofund me for a young boy thats had cancer which is nice however he said hes going to go on tiktok and get gifts which he will put into the charity .why not get people to put into the gofund me instead of the gifts ?
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The guy was in PB box at midnight and he told the guy to admit and apologise he was raising money fraudulently and the guy apologised for not knowing Luke's story, but PB wanted him to admit he was trying to raise the money to keep for himself, the guy said he wouldn't of kept it but since he didn't admit it PB is going to the police about it.
When i watched it earlier apprently that guy had been live since 4am in the morning raising money and was using lukes picture but didnt even know the story
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Dick Turpin

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See the whole shona thing was just strange .i only came across dan from watching shona and i always thought they was dating as even when it was just her on live she would say shes trying to get dan on and misses been live with dan and stuff .but then again we dont know what went on behind the scenes and what he was saying
She didn't go to plod for nothing. At the same time. East Ender's take a dim view of negative publicity , they would sack people as quick as look at them
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He's done a good deed for this boy, but I can't help but agree with Trucker Gee's video. It does seem like he jumped on it for clout. Papablaze was humble in what he was doing for the little boy.

As long as he gets his arms I don't care.
I agree he dont care about that little lad hes trying to make himself look good it does not change hes a vile man who domestically abuses woman its a shame he doesn't put his own children's needs first and stop doing things infront of them on lives that is going to damage them throughout thete lives lets not forget hes been arrested for rape twice hes not a good man
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Is he still doing his one meal a day diet? 🥱
Your body goes into starvation mode if you don’t eat enough silly twat! Good lesson to teach his kids 🙄
If he's doing one meal a day it's probably down to his drug and alcohol abuse, nothing to do with diet, plus you dont get hungry sat on your arse all day begging, guy looks so bloated and pale just like all the other begs, manky, smithy, Lawrence etc, at least mruktiktokofficial keeps himself trim with daily cardio 🤭 🕺🛤
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As well as everything said above, I cannot comprehend the fact that they let a foul mouthed TikTok idiot fundraise for their son 🤯
The language he uses in front of his own children should be a warning in itself, let alone all the other disgusting things he has said & done!
There is no way I would let Diddy Dan anywhere near my child or any fundraising!
I brought up the trust idea at the beginning of the fundraising, there is no way that money should be readily available when it was raised for hero arms.
Also, and I do not know when or how, is that a swim spa in their garage? They are 20k at least as my sister has one.

Just to add I see the GFM has been raised yet again. I absolutely think Luke deserves those arms, but a lot of other fundraising is happening in their local area.
I read the bionics website last night, there is help available through the company via sponsors & donations it says.
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Go and have a few laps round Penguin field Dosser Dan and a bath might not go amiss
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Chocolate lolly

Chatty Member
Caught the tail end of him on a live earlier not long after ashuz was on. DD spouting the usual drivel about how would he have custody f kids if he was such a bad person. I went through family court and at the same time was in a group with other woman who were going through similar and it would shock you what some women had been through with their kids father, some men had even been charged and jailed but yet a sheriff would allow them contact with their kids. And if ashuz is right when he said DD just took the kids, which is perfectly allowed if his name is on the birth certificate, then it has yet to go to court and therefore by law he doesn’t have custody, he only has them in his care
He doesn't deserve to have them he called his young son a fcking puff yesterday !! What type of father even says that ?!!!
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But i still dont understand why people would want to do that .i love dhb but this just seems silly to me .it seems like hes only doing it because hes fallen out with papa and dan .i just dont understand why they all leave it and get on with there own stuff and dont mention each other ? Get me back to lockdown tiktok when it was drama free :LOL: i hope becks is okay
I agree. The only thing that’ll happen if it is found out to be a scam is Luke will lose out. And I don’t think that’s fair. I personally don’t think it’s a scam, it’s clear to see that he needs hero arms. But I do agree with enough is enough, don’t keep raising the goal post. People are struggling already with the cost of living going up but they’ll still gift towards it. I don’t think there should be lives fundraising via gifts as tiktok take a huge portion. If people still want to donate they should via his go fund me. But stop guilting people on lives into gifting.
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Hes saying he didn't raise anything and a woman came on with him and said no money had been raised but apparently that Trigger was trying to sort it out and said the guy admitted to him on the phone that he was going to keep any money raised but then wouldn’t admit it on the live just now
Oh god dosnt sound like a nice person then .i know when pb was live earlier he said he had a screenrecording where he went into the guys live and the guy said he had raised £400 or something .then he got emma to come into the live as people was saying he was talking about dhb and emma and mark had been in the live all the time and said he never mentioned him just mentioned abiout this guy .he did say though that he agreed with dhb about getting scammers of the app like this guy
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Lazy Sunday

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She won't have disappeared she's probably watching everything. I would feel like crap if that was me so glad it's not. Another thing if I was given voice notes I'd never play them to everyone.
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Dick Turpin

VIP Member
Not seen the live but if she was underage he might not be allowed near the baby if police got involved if he is on a register

What a low life. You are judged by the company you keep. Darby Dan is horrible little shit. You can see right through him can't you.
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