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What makes my blood boil about ALL of these instahuns these days is the sharing of a news article about Gaza etc - and then ON THE VERY NEXT STORY there’s a gormless tone deaf selfie of them selling some shite or maybe hugging their children hashtag blessed or whatever. Why not fk off and then fk off some more. Not a brain cell among them all 😣
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Oh and “enjoy being single”. Denise must be very unhappy in her life and relationship because she seems to crave her single life…
Folks I’ll throw my hands up & say some days I wonder why I became a mother & miss my freedom or just you know the flexibility to a few hours with no commitment's but I honestly never could say I missed the single life. Parenthood rocks your relationship but she & Michael must be having afew struggles with all this single life chat…

she sounds like she probably would have preferred being a best friend to Ciaran without the commitments of kids
Dirty money? 😮😮
Her friend Ciaran was allegedly scamming people from money related to profits in his job as real estate agent. Denise enjoyed the high life with him, weekends away, holidays shopping etc
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Where to begin.

Firstly, giving dating advice. She probably wishes she was still out on the town pulling random 1 night stands. She (and Michael) have no substance whatsoever. The facade they put on every day will start to slip and the real crack in their relationship will show over time.

“After the year we’ve had” 😂😂😂 oh please, you absolute cretin!

Also, I think someone mentioned on here recently about Michael’s other daughter not having a bedroom. If Denise had her way, Michael wouldn’t see her ever again. They’d move to Belfast for “content” and never be seen again.

Then she said her babies had no routine for 4 or 5 months! Aye Denise, because the poor children had no choice. They HAD to be traipsed around Belfast and the rest of the country, or Michael’s golf speech etc, all because she’s petrified on missing out on events to “showcase” herself. She is gonna be spiting fire, with pure rage, over the next few years due to missing said events

Oh and the complaining about people criticising her really took the biscuit. That’s what fucking happens when you share your whole life on social media. When you’re a public figure, you’re not exempt from scrutiny. Quite the contrary. If she wants the notoriety and all the freebies that come with it, not only should she not be exempt from scrutiny, she MUST be subjected to it. The woman makes my blood boil
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What’s the odds that after her years of research for the best place to get micro blading done, it was someone who wanted to #collab with her 🙄

She had to stop herself when she said she was told she couldn’t get it done in pregnancy and to come back after….(she finished breastfeeding) instead she said post pregnancy.

I can’t believe she thought she could get what is effectively tattoo done while pregnant anyway 🤦🏻‍♀️ but I guess it is Denise!
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(1) If she was in an accident that was in any way serious or worth telling anyone about ie family - then she wouldn’t be posting on socials - oh no wait this is a girl who LIVES for attention so … 😬

(2) If anyone was hurt her mind would be focused on THEM not at this being a perfect juicy titbit for an insta story. God she is such an arse it’s unreal.

(3) The rest of this holiday will be just constant references to their ‘accident’ and how ‘god is good’ etc etc that they weren’t hurt. A real cretin to use religion in flippant ways constantly - and an insult to those who take it seriously 😐

(4) But I’m just here for the 🍿 … and she delivers in SPADES
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She went to SixMILEScross today too.
Is she a parody account or is she actually this thick?
Lift really doesn’t go all the way to the top with this one.

The returning baby clothes yesterday makes sense now - she knew she was going to be getting freebies from CiCi baby wear this week.
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It’s funny if you listen to her answering those “questions” she doesn’t actually ANSWER any of them just rambles on about herself 😭
She is crippled with self esteem issues and i wonder is she border line adhd / somewhere on the spectrum.
Pity of her really, she mustn’t have any friends - this need for validation every day is so sad and sometimes I wonder who exactly she is trying to convince about her fab life 🤔😬
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Her wee helper will be back on slave labor duties. Coming home will be a holiday for 🤣🤣
Both places they stayed in looked shite. One thing I refuse to do on holidays or anytime we’re away is stay in shite accommodation. I just can’t.
You’re like me…if it’s not nicer than your home there’s no point! Holidays with kids is stressful no doubt about it but she is a complete yap! Her two are young enough yet that they can go places that suits her and him don’t know what this big deal is about oh it’s for the kids they are babies.
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The level of over sharing is shocking. Everyone knows she’s away from her house and everyone knows where she us for the next 16 days. It’s bizzare to share this level of detail with complete strangers….

Most of the Huns don’t share where they are staying until they leave. Not Denise…Denise is tagging like mad hoping for a free holiday. Maybe there’s a reason for ‘freewheeling’ the 2nd half of the holiday
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That new ‘hairstyle’ is the most impractical for a mother of two small kids - the floppy fringe would drive you batty - hence her beloved hair bands seem to be out again 👊 she’ll be taking hair growth supplements on the sly.

Totally obsessed with her figure - always has been, modelling herself on the Victoria B straight up and down look. Bit dated 😬

Lift some weights eat a bit more quality food not the reduced label bread and cheese crap - and aim to look healthy - then you would feel less insecure in yourself and maybe less inclined to eye fk the phone multiple times a day 👍
( Have NO doubt she’s an avid reader here 👀)
Couldn’t agree more. She’s being exceptionally naive, because if she thinks stick thin = healthy, she’s VERRRY wrong. There’ll be a myriad of issues for her to deal with as she ages. Sarcopenia being the big one. She has ZERO muscle density anywhere on her body. That will not bode well. There’s nothing wrong with having a bit more weight on and having a more “solid” look. It would serve her well in the future.
Her problem is she’s so narcissistic, that, to her, skinny is all that matters. She’s forgetting how quickly time passes and how rapid her “looks” will deteriorate (I personally think she’s like fuck all anyway.). Each to their own.

Denise’s priorities;
1 - stay skinny at all costs
2 - get as many freebies as she can
3 - Keeping up with social media content
4 - pretending to be the most loving parent on the planet, and,
5 - actually being a parent
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Ah here, such a bit. Her outfit is awful…is there suppose to be a foot of material pooling around her feet and is it supposed to look like she took it out of the laundry basket. Not to mention the color of her…she mahogany. If someone told me I was watching something from the 80’s I’d probably believe them. Her with the shaved side burns and him with no socks 🤮🤮

Her page should be called Denise Curran No Styling.


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Not happy with her burnt coffee today....meanwhile there are people being murdered by the 1000's...but her burnt coffee is very very important.

All those clothes should be given to a charity shop or even better, given to Women's Aid - she might remember it from when she was being paid to donate last year for the Digg Deep campaign? Altho these things always mean more when you're getting something back, right?!
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Fanta lemon

Chatty Member
Must ever remember if I have a baby that it's not too early to start talking to them 🤦‍♀️ does she honestly believe people are that stupid that they don't know they can talk to their baby?! Why does she think she's the first woman to ever give birth?
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Sorry to burst your bubble, Denise, the child will be totally settled for Michael when you’re away. They always are, or they tell us that anyway!
She’s definitely giving more formula than she lets on, that’s the real reason she’s not answering the q’s on breastfeeding.
She’ll need to be pumping every 3 hours while she’s away… never happen.
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"The son we wished for"....I have 4 beautiful daughters and all I wished for was that they were healthy babies. She's such a cretin, I literally can't stand her holier than thou attitude 😡
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What was that sauce last night, out of date tomato’s and red sauce into sweet chilli etc.

Is it not a bit of a kick in teeth to show much cheaper baby clothes from Tesco after showing a baby boutique earlier in the week? The small business owner isn’t going to get as much traction if you show people where to buy similar stuff at a quarter of the price Denise.

And the niece was dragged out for shopping chores yesterday
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