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what a strange picture 🤣 if you didn’t know they were parents, you wouldn’t know that was their pram 10m behind them with their two children in it.

I don’t know why, I just found this bizarre - like why not pop the pram behind the camera if you wanted a photo of just the two of you

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Just to echo what you are all saying

1. She should be well used to eating cold food - by the time she finished taking pictures of it and selfies

2. She should be well used to doing things one handed her phone is permanently attached to the other.

3. The dresses are all hideous

4. She’s a charlatan - posting affiliate links to companies to make money when she has bought nothing from them. She probably got her dress gifted or as a collab.

5. Even a sibling option is affiliate - bet she picked up something for free for Sienna from cottage kids when she was no doubt stealing Reece’s Christening outfit from them!

6. For someone who pertains to hold high christian values praying never leaving the priory etc - why is she turning a blessed sacrament into a media circus and opportunity to self promote!!
Most of the people I know get their children christened for the sacrament - not for the day out and chance to centre of attention. Gowns are handed down between siblings & cousins - and boys don’t wear suits!!!
People like her who spend ages planning outfits and afters is what’s wrong with the world right now! The focus is more on that than the child. So don’t tell me how precious he is when you are not keeping him front and centre of HIS day!!

7 Of course she found time to do other jobs what he napped especially invoices … she must have had plenty of them to send out to justify them getting a mention
🛑 Companies stop using this person to promote your business when she doesn’t do so correctly and shows no brand loyalty 🛑
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Tut tut Denise all those BPerfect stories should have been marked #BA not just that last one where you spent money shock horror!!

Heading down to Newcastle for the night because his parents have a house there 😂 just to let all us tattlers know they let her stay!
And she must have neck strain tonight from letting us all see Michael was driving a Porsche.


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Oh my god the latest post “we did it” “people saying you’re brave” am I right in thinking she went to Majorca for two weeks? She didn’t donate a kidney or cure cancer? She didn’t do a charity expedition up Everest?
I took my children to Majorca when one was 18 months and the other was 4 months? I didn’t know I could be nominated for a Nobel prize for it!!
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Reply from boutique today....
To be honest they are lovely people who own daisy lane, and they are very friendly and accommodating especially in their cafe we regularly take my disabled cousin for lunch and she is only able to eat puréed food and they literally can’t do enough for us when we are there and they never charge for her dinner. I am disappointed to see they have her promoting them but I do think most businesses are very naive like just look at all the businesses that dose digg mama is promoting they are foolish if they think they are going to get hard earned money for other people
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Maybe I’m cruel but this looking for sympathy is so immature - you have two very young children stop traipsing the country with them and then no one will get stressed! She must not trust him? to be running around after him to events - or is that to get noticed herself? And yeah I don’t remember ever getting a Monday night half hour in the bath when the babies were smaller this is just how life is - it’s busy 🤦‍♀️
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In other words I didn’t get a freebie so have to say something negative about it 🙄

View attachment 2468069
Why give a business such a back handed negative review... Didn't her mum tell her if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing! 🤐
If it wasn't great why bother posting it at all! So much for her having integratory 🙈 it's such a bitchy thing to do.
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VIP Member
To be honest they are lovely people who own daisy lane, and they are very friendly and accommodating especially in their cafe we regularly take my disabled cousin for lunch and she is only able to eat puréed food and they literally can’t do enough for us when we are there and they never charge for her dinner. I am disappointed to see they have her promoting them but I do think most businesses are very naive like just look at all the businesses that dose digg mama is promoting they are foolish if they think they are going to get hard earned money for other people
Unfortunately, for a lot of these businesses, they probably see a short term increase in sales. But long term, it’s commercial suicide to engage with the likes of Dumbnise.

Dumbnise will promote ANYTHING she’s paid to promote because she’s a cheap auld tramp.

If I had the shits and Denise was selling the cure for the shits, she still wouldn’t influence me. 💩
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Special Occasion 😂

All these Aff links, anybody would think there’s a holiday coming up that needs paid for!
And a christening…oh no wait, sher she begged for free shit for wee Reece’s christening
Imagine being so mean that you buy out of date produce … use by 04/09. Today is 07/09. Imagine being invited to Denise’s for dinner. You’d be leaving with a dose of the shits 💩


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Haha well spotted!! She didnt mention that part😂
and there you go - the real reason she is soooolooking forward to this holiday. Her Mum has been dragged along because Denise has had *such* a tough year & will babysit while those two tits will go out dining & drinking like they are childless.
And the sister is there too, because of course the niece will be needed to do all day duty babysitting, granny will take the nights. Denise will never sober the whole holiday!
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It’s just hit me what a dick she is (for one reason) - all the rabbiting on she did about having the only Gallagher grandson, I thought she mean the only one to have a boy but at least one of his sisters has a boy, so she was actually talking about the name. How disrespectful to the sister. No wonder they don’t like her.
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She really does my loaf in. She always goes on about “no more nights out like I used to” or like yesterday she said, ‘oh this is the craic every weekend when I’m at home with 2 babies’ and “oh how my nights out have changed”. You would think she had her youth cruelly stolen away from her. She’s 40!!!!!!!
Oh god love ya Denise. Were you not ready to settle down and give up your partying days at the ripe young age of 40? 🤦‍♂️ she’s pure cringe. If she had her way, she be out every weekend galavanting like a teenager. She actually turns me. Grow the fuck up, you child
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Was chatting to a business owner last night and apparently she charges a 'minimum' of 2K for a try on. And then gets commission for the links and discount codes on top. Is it just me who thinks that's mad money for someone with her style?
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Jeez would someone give this woman a PRIZE!! She is looking after how OWN children - maybe a sainthood?? The complaining ( for that’s what it is - dressed up as ‘gratitude’ ) is next level. Are people supposed to be impressed??? 😂😂😂 Women have been doing this since the dawn of time 😬
She is such a fking dose it’s compulsive viewing … the food !!! Those aren’t dinners - they’re SNACKS 😂 she must be unbelievably tight as well as thick 😬
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I love this “crying mamas you’re not alone” bollocks, is she sitting with every crying baby and their mum during the night and whatever? Sometimes you just are alone and just because your baby is crying doesn’t make it any easier for other mums with a crying baby.
And who is messaging her asking how she does it all? What all does she do? Look after her own two children and twirl in front the mirror once a week???
I know a mum of 6 who studied to be a nurse at the same time. I know a mum of 5 who’s husband died when their baby was 1. No I wonder how they do it all!!! Not her!! Shut up Denise.
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