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Well then...

Well-known member
Those TikTok’s are something else 🤣🤣, feel like messaging her, and asking if amber Wright can be in her tiktok videos 🤣🤣🤣🤣, don’t think she looks like she’s lost any weight 🤣🤣
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That video has attention writing all over it, not saying what happened with her grandad wouldn’t effect her mentally, of course it would, but I don’t think it’s how she’s trying To make it in the video, saying that it was the worst 3 months of her life, yet her videos back then, she’s made it sound like it’s some virus you get that goes away, and I call bullshit on the therapy, I’m in Scotland so correct me if I’m wrong and it’s different there, but you don’t just get handed therapy here after suffering from something for so little time, I myself, I suffer from ocd and ptsd and I’m housebound completely due to it, I cannot leave the house at all, and I’ve been this way for 4 years now, and for a long time because I wasn’t diagnosed therapy wasn’t easy to get, as it’s just a thing so many people suffer with, and they’re simply isn’t enough to go around sadly, I’ve Only recently started speaking to someone, yet know with everything going on, it’s stopped again, but it wasn’t easy to get the help because how stretched they are, I feel her video makes it sound like she’s the only person in the world to suffer from it and that it’s some sort of virus you take and goes away in a couple of months, sad she feels the need to exaggerate it for attention, and surely if it was as bad as she’s claiming, she wouldn’t have been acting the way she did through lockdown, she followed 0 rules, put everyone in her household and outside it at risk of spreading it, to see her boyfriend and then come back again, if she really was that bad, surely she’d wanna do everything in her power to avoid putting anyone at risk of catching this and dying, not going around like you where invisible and having little worry for who your harming going around the way she has been.
Couldn’t agree more. Very good points.
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I don’t understand how the exercises she’s put up today all add up to 40 minutes 🙃🧐 I think it would take me about 10 minutes to do all them! Also someone told her her form with her sit-ups are dreadful thank god! 😂
Lmao I tried telling her the same thing a couple of weeks ago but she ignored me 😂 probably because I said she wasn’t doing squats properly either hahahaha
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Hasn’t she been with shaun for like nearly 10 years? In her latest video she says his family don’t know her as well as her own family, and she feels awkward about them watching her videos...? Wonder if she’s a gobshite around them and what they really think of her. I’ve been with my fiancé for five years and I’d say his family know me pretty well!
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I think Sean is more clued up than we give him credit for.

They've been together all this time and they still haven't moved in together? Maybe that's him putting the brakes on because what young lad with a good paying job and a long-term girlfriend still wants to live at home with the parents?

He probably does love her but is just waiting for someone better to come along and until then they can go on all the holidays together and do all the couple things. But signing for half a mortgage with her is too much of a long term commitment.

I bet he gets a bit more interest in him now than he's ever had from the BBM days when he first met Demi. It's only a matter of time...
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Well-known member
I’m trying to lose some weight I honestly feel like I must be doing something really wrong. I’ve been steadily losing 1-2 pounds every week but I’ve been eating really carefully and exercising a lot, I feel like I can’t do anymore. But then I see people like Demi eating processed shit and jumping about her garden for 15 mins and she can lose 3,4,5 pounds a week? Do you think that’s real? It makes me feel shit
I know EXACTLY how you feel! I've been trying to lose weight since lockdown started and like you, im only losing 1-2 pounds a week. I like to think that atleast were doing it in a steady correct way. Demi is loosing it so quickly she'll probably pile it back on and more.
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Kandy floss

Well-known member
I think it’s partially her accent. I’m from Newcastle and alot of people speak like that. Although my parents drilled into me proper pronunciation so I don’t sound at all like she does. It drives me up the wall to hear it on TV or youtube 😂
I’m Welsh so my accent is absolutely vile but same it just irritates me so much when I hear her speak like that! 😂 I think it’s because it shows she’s not making any effort to sound professional, if it was just someone I heard speaking in person I don’t know if it’d bother me so maybe I’m being harsh 😂
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I love how she bangs on about being super healthy and mindful about what she eats all the time but eats nothing but crap. Plugging those muscle food ready meals is so irresponsible to impressionable young viewers who need to know the importance of nutrition and proper diet. And Demi HUN if you're reading this you can have another little rant from me 😘
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She posts about earning 5k a month and she's saving like mad but falls back on the excuse that competition is tough when it comes to buying a house :oops: I don't think she wants to move out because she will miss her dog and her mam running around after her.
Also, is it just me who finds it strange that she hasn't posted on her stories or mentioned anything recent about her fiance for the past few weeks? 🤔 With the current guidelines they can meet 2m apart now, not that she was following the guidelines closely.

Still can't believe she filmed two haul videos with her pyjama shorts and camel toe on show but just changed her top between filming :LOL:
Her comments are a hot mess since followers gobble up anything that she posts and argue with anyone who dares to point out mistakes in her videos. They don't think it even matters if Demi doesn't disclose that her videos are ads, yet they click on the links to buy the stuff that she flogs online anyway. 😶
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VIP Member
When you swipe up on any affiliate link it puts cookies on your computer and so any purchases you make, whether they were the product you swiped on or not, are still classed as an affiliate purchase for the influencer. That cookie window is usually 24 hours but it depends on the company who pay the influencer for their commission.

So you might have swiped onto Amazon to see how much that spinning mop costs or whatever they're promoting, click off it, and then later when you go on Amazon to order a new hose for the weekend, that influencer gets their commission from that hose pipe even though that is not what they were originally trying to get you to buy.
whaaaaat really! Noted!
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I usually just read here rather than comment, but oh my gosh her latest video.. the way she is acting all over the top and quirky made me cringe. I’m pretty sure most of her following was gained (me included) because she came across as a normal, relatable girl back in her old videos. This new cringey attitude just comes across like she’s trying to be funny and different which is a shame as like I said I think people enjoyed that she was just casual and not trying to be quirky. Also, the reason her waxing didn’t go well is because you’re not meant to do it while solely concentrating on a camera in front of you! 😂
Oh and also.. I’m pretty sure exfoliating is not supposed to hurt, which she claims in her latest video trying to advertise the tan set she was sent!
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