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Funny how she is apologising to Kat & has Brigham in her box again isn't it?

It is as if they are all being pally so her & Pearl don't need to fight :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
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Funny how she is apologising to Kat & has Brigham in her box again isn't it?

It is as if they are all being pally so her & Pearl don't need to fight :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
Makes you wonder, doesn't it? I wonder what all the ladies who don't like Angie and fallow Alex, what they think?
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I was an alcoholic and it got to the point where my friends said they loved me but could not watch me slowly kill myself, I needed tough love and that’s what I was given, I’m sure her friends mean well but they are really not helping plus add to that the fact they are not ‘real life’ friends so can’t physically be around.
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Pineapple you are a fucking disgrace.
All the lying over the past few days just shows you have not learnt from being done for fraud!
I pity your poor children having such a liar for a mother!
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she’s now screaming at him to get away from her it’s absolutely awful he’s trying to get her home safe she’s toxic
Do you know Ricksta? lol. He absolutely knows what he’s doing. How many times has she got like this. He’s not a silly man. Does Angie have money by any chance?
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Angie does this every time, I don't get it! And for some reason a new group will come along thinking the same thing wont happen and it always does!

I'd be hurt if I was lynz, backed angie the whole way and then angie friendly with Alex again leaving lynz in the shit. Surely Alex's side won't be happy but I assume he's gaslit them behind the scenes !
I don’t believe she has given Lynz that money yet & that’s why she’s still there.
She admitted earlier she blackmailed Charlie over filming her clapper, Donna said she had blackmailed her also 🤔
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Well she’s pissed again but I’m not sure what’s going down ..
Okay so apparently Pineapple has sent Angie’s local police to Angie’s house today to say that it was actually Pineapple’s sister that was involved in all the fraud stuff.
Oh yes the police have unlimited time so of course they would go to Angies to tell her that 🤣

If it was pineapples sister then her sister would have been named and pictured in the article which isn’t the case

Right now, I feel like she’s putting on how drunk she actually is. She keeps trying to take her top off and her hair is all over the place but feels like she’s fishing for attention.
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Did anyone catch her on Tony's live last night. It was honestly a piss take. People getting blocked out of boxes for speaking the truth about her.
I thought Tony was better than that.
He was making posters of Elphaba a month back for her wrong doings. Angie has been worse.
I thought Tony was better than that.
Money over morals again! I am sick to death of people with their double standards with this women. Miss Dred, Pearl, Alex, J all are now her "friend ' again. After everything she said. It's absolute madness.
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Angies currently playing the “I’m the bigger victim” game. Minimising what that jasmine was talking about yesterday because he’s put her through more.

She gives me big abuser sympathiser vibes, always questions victims + makes excuses for perpetrators.
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Oh god Billy’s playing the voice note pineapple sent to Charlie. She’s saying it was her sister who has bipolar who was using her name and has named her children after pineapples children????
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Wow unstable mable is going too far! We don’t need to know all this shit she is sprouting! It’s actually really strange and I think she needs professional help fast.
She needs therapy to deal with her trauma. She uses Tik Tok as an outlet to unleash her anger and it’s not healthy. Similar to how Angie’s mods enable her, Mabel’s friends encourage this obsessive behaviour. She’s on live day and night working herself up into a frenzy. If my friend was suffering from childhood trauma and a brain tumour the last thing I’d be doing is riling her up on live. It’s not right and very cruel, I’m quite disappointed in Mazza as she’s been through similar. I hope she seeks help.
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