Davinia Taylor #2

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It's not a case of never take your dogs away, cos those dogs run away when they're at home, it's a case of don't let untrained dogs roam free off the lead. She won't be happy til those dogs cause some catastrophic accident. Imagine the poor driver who runs them over or the ensuing car crash that could happen by someone trying to swerve them. Stupid selfish woman. And what a holiday, every single bloody day running after the dogs.
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What planet are they on bringing the dogs in the first place. They are totally wild on a good day.
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Has she got the dogs back again? I’ve never met these dogs, and I don’t doubt that she thinks that she loves them, but the way she fails to look after their best interests makes me so sad. I really hope no harm has come to them.
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This comparison post she keeps reeling out makes me angry & she should be reported for false advertising 😡 She uses pictures where she’s just had a baby & still got her implants in to show how “fat” she was but doesn’t disclose either of those facts & it’s deceiving. Now she’s claiming you can achieve the same results if you buy her awful book & powders. It’s so wrong!!! She is the worst cheerleader for women & women’s health.
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That ONE PICTURE is wheeled out again and again. We've all got that one picture, possibly just after having a child, where we look dreadful. This charlatan has built an entire career out of it. When she was at her "worst" in terms of being off the rails , she was skinny AF cos she wasn't eating but drinking and doing drugs to excess. Have absolutely no respect for this woman, she's making outrageous claims about her snake oil ,I don't know how she can get away with it. Never mind the weightloss claims but that you can achieve skin like hers, when she by her own admission, has had Botox and profilo. I can't believe people buy into it. I also can't believe she exploits women like she does.
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I actually used to enjoy Davinia’s posts. She was full of life, didn’t take herself seriously and seemed really happy with life. I found her posts quite inspiring as a chubby addict*. I dunno though, it’s become very repetitive and boring, everyday a flog it on the snake oil. I’m super grateful for some of the things Dav has both taught and introduced me too (cold water exposure being hugely beneficial) but I feel now the posts are disingenuous and aimed primarily at making money. I like her and want to think she believes her products will help, but I’m not so sure and lose faith at the same rate her posts advertising shite increase.

*a chubby person that has addiction issues, not a none addict addicted to chubby addicts.
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If she’s not drinking oil mixed with butter she’s attached to an IV drip…..! Is that how ‘normal’ people live or someone who is manic, obsessive and struggling mentally ????
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She’s gone awol again like the dogs which must mean she’s topping up her Botox after her jollies! She’ll be back in a few days flogging her mct miracle powder saying that’s what gives her smooth skin 🤣🤣🤣
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Wow!!! Did anyone see the pic of her eyelash treatment?? I’m actually shocked at how obvious her cheek filler, lip filler and Botox was… I stupidly thought all the comments about the work she has was exaggerated. Feel very silly for believing that’s what she looked like without ‘help’ what complete nonsense she spouts about no longer having ‘treatments’
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Wow!!! Did anyone see the pic of her eyelash treatment?? I’m actually shocked at how obvious her cheek filler, lip filler and Botox was… I stupidly thought all the comments about the work she has was exaggerated. Feel very silly for believing that’s what she looked like without ‘help’ what complete nonsense she spouts about no longer having ‘treatments’
She’s full of it! I think it’s disgusting that she’s allowed to promote her powder and oil as a way of smoothing out lines when it’s utter garbage. I have Botox and I’m not ashamed of saying so and use another brand of collagen powder as I’m 50 and I want to help my skin and elasticity but it certainly doesn’t smooth me out, the Botox does 🤣🤣🤣
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Me too- happy to admit to Botox. The fact that she stated a while ago that she had her filler taken out- yes she did but went straight back in again- and her lips were sooo obvious! What a fraud!

She’s full of it! I think it’s disgusting that she’s allowed to promote her powder and oil as a way of smoothing out lines when it’s utter garbage. I have Botox and I’m not ashamed of saying so and use another brand of collagen powder as I’m 50 and I want to help my skin and elasticity but it certainly doesn’t smooth me out, the Botox does 🤣🤣🤣
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Me too- happy to admit to Botox. The fact that she stated a while ago that she had her filler taken out- yes she did but went straight back in again- and her lips were sooo obvious! What a fraud!
She also admitted to having profilo. That's a skin improver. I can believe she can get away with it.
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I wouldn’t have an issue with that tbh as it’s an acid rather than a filler-
It’s just the fact that she shows all these saunas and collagen supplements etc and claims that’s what gives her good skin. Absolute rubbish.
She also admitted to having profilo. That's a skin improver. I can believe she can get away with it.
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I wouldn’t have an issue with that tbh as it’s an acid rather than a filler-
It’s just the fact that she shows all these saunas and collagen supplements etc and claims that’s what gives her good skin. Absolute rubbish.
It gets injected into the skin the same way filler does. It's much more fluid and rather than filling in crevices and lines it improves skin texture. I absolutely have a problem with it because she trys to say her skin is the result of collagen powder and mct oil. Utter bullshit.
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Off topic, but has everyone noticed she limits posts and will only accept positive ones from her friends?
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