Davinia Taylor Gossip Forum

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  1. Y

    Davinia Taylor #3 If I shout a lot it’ll make me look clever but don’t look too close, my skin’s like old leather

    Thread suggestion from @Fiddie 🥳 A bottle of Blossom Hill is on its way to you 🍷 Recap but feel free to add - Davina as manic as always, travelled to Oz to promote her business there and fry her skin to a crisp, not wearing sun cream because “toxins” deapite the hair bleach and Botox --- Old...
  2. N

    Davinia Taylor #2

    New thread 😃 Main recap: Dogs lost again
  3. Zantezoo

    Davinia Taylor

    Thread specifically for Davinia Taylor @daviniataylor Ex Hollyoaks actress and OG Primrose Hill member