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I cannot stand him! He is smarmy and extremely passive aggressive. The way he keeps beckoning her to come over and stand next to him to prove that he's pulled himself a tall young leggy blonde, he literally makes my skin crawl. The videos he makes of hiself parading around in suits like he's some massive business man are hilarious! And he's very obviously got a drinking problem.
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Oh my god what happened to him! He’s literally having a full relationship on lives with that drunk ass woman, it’s so embarrassing she takes zero notice of him and he’s mooning after her like a puppy! I’m cringing for them when I see there lives. Your girl ffion seems to have zero interest but clout chasing, she doesn’t even have a conversation with him. He’s deffo going through something to entertain her
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I like him but I don't 🤣 he talks to much and it bores me but he's nice to look at and he's got a thing about him I like 🤦 if that makes sense 🤣
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What's everyone's opinion on this guy?

I followed him for a couple of months during the first lockdown then he got really annoying so I blocked him and then recently he's got a new account and he appears on my fyp every so often.

He seems to think he's the big deal and an official news source plus the official spokesperson for BPD when he's just an arrogant arsehole with a few thousand followers. He makes my skin crawl 🤮🤮🤮🤮
To put it politely, he is a c@nt
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Chatty Member
He has 0% fashion sense. Always wears weird tops and the vest is nausianting. His pale moley skin is horrid.

He agreed with whatever is trending at the time. First it was he agreed with Andrew tate. Then when the stuff about weirdo Paul came about he said younger girls were more attractive. Now he's talking about masculine energy and feminine energy. He's such a cringe ball.

He says he's undiagnosed autistic, doesn't have bpd after saying he had it for most his adult life. He doesn't know whether he's coming or going.
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He gives off such small dick energy. I feel that Meg (I think that's what she's called) is being used by him. Don't know why I think it as can't quite put my finger on it, but there's just something about him and it seems like a real imbalance in their dynamic. Age gap relationships can work, however he's coming across like it's his way or no way.

It doesn't seem like he spends that much time with his kids, might be wrong on that one and he's one of the few that doesn't show his kids but there's not much mention of spending time with them.
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I saw them the other day on a joint account with his girlfriend, can’t remember the name. There’s an age difference and he seemed a bit too keen to emphasise it. He strikes me as a chancer and not to be trusted.
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She’s deleted it I think, it was findingmyfanny (which is plagiarised from another TT’er!)
If you hashtag it a couple of Stiches come up with her
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New member
I liked him at first, but then I saw him in a different light. I find him quite uncomfortable to watch now. Bit I don't know why? 🤔
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He’s s latest tik tok with his kids in McDonald’s his new gf is sitting next to him, a few weeks and she’s met his kids!? He’s a walking red flag
It makes me laugh how he’s slating medical tourism to Turkey, and the girlfriends whole TT account is about her Turkish bariatric surgery!.
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She broke up with him. He's now with someone who was his moderator on tok tok. She's 23. Who was friends with fi.

He said he had a month to get over his last gf. That doesn't seem right considering he said she was the love of his life. He's such a creep it makes my skin crawl. He's got some serious mental issues.
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I see creeper has been looking at his own tattle 😂😂 when he pops up now he just looks like such a loser, blabbing on about his hair like he’s an expert haha, I didn’t think he could get more cringe….I was wrong. He has 😂
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I get the feeling he’s using her too. He loves parading around with this young woman. I felt for him when he was with that other crazy one but he’s just a creep.
He is. Going for vulnerable young 'uns cos it makes him feel powerful
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VIP Member
Has he ever mentioned how him & his wife split up? The way he always went on about her, it was the love of his life & now he is using Tiktok like its Tinder 🤷🏻‍♀️
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He's really starting to get on my tits at this point! He's now the expert on hair transplants! He's the fucking expert on everything compared to him.

He's an expert in fuck all! Apart from being creepy, he's great at that
Ahaha he went from crypto king making thousands to a hair transplant salesman! Hes lied the whole time he’s been on tik tok, he can’t even keep stories straight. I seen a few mins of there live last night and he was completely out of it acting like some teenager, what a downfall he has had
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Chatty Member
I blow hot and cold with him. I either think he’s a genius and funny and engaging or someone who is fantasist and unravelling ?!

Need to know the story of why he is single now though !!!
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I watched him on and off for a few years and thought his content was just ok, not offensive or mind blowing but the last year…good lord every time he pops up now I want to throw up a bit. He’s the man your mum warned you about 🤮😂
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