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“Drug trafficking and organised criminality has directly contributed to an increase in knife crime with gangs involved in turf wars over territory and distribution rights. Metropolitan police records illustrate that half of all deaths involving knives are directly linked to the drugs trade and gang feuds.”

of course! Makes perfect sense to have a known user, addict and therefore contributor - to that kind of glammer-ous event. 🤡
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she has fucked up herself nobody was involved just herself,constant lying about being pregnant having a stalker,she was making that up as well,no stalker just herself.
I would think she knows that? That she is to blame? I am not excusing anything, I am however struck by how easily we can sometimes kick someone when they are already very clearly down. Addiction is hideous to witness. I assume nobody is kicking her when she's down out of envy - so, why? maybe kick the media who salaciously report every detail instead, waiting for the inevitable final fall.
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I’m sure I’ve read on other threads that she’s working as prostitute in Liverpool. Very sad.
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It's not just her nose that has collapsed, the roof of her mouth has gone too - that's why her voice is so slurred and nasal. I don't think any reputable plastic surgeon would touch her with a bargepole. She needs extensive surgical repair by a maxillo-facial specialist. If she's still using though, there is no hope for her.
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Chatty Member
Absolutely tragic how her life has panned out. And to lose your looks like that at a relatively young age is so sad.
I watched her interview with James English and she said that before she went into the big brother house she was doing 14 bags of coke a day! But she could stop straight away as she put her work head on.
I'm sure coke is more psychologically addictive than physically? May be wrong, but if she can stop like that how can she not sort herself out?
How can she live like that for so long and be happy.
Surely you would have had enough by now, especially having to sell yourself to pay for it.
Really cannot see this ending well, she is truly on the path of self destruction. I just think it's such a waste
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Piff paff puff

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I have worked all my life since 16. I studied to be a teacher whilst I worked full time. I'm not asking for sympathy but I've had to give up my teaching career as I have a brain tumour and the radiotherapy and chemo has caused multiple illnesses including chronic arthritis and chronic osteoporosis. I carried on working for 10 years despite having multiple surgeries until I kept falling and broke my back. I've recently had both knees replaced at 50. I now work from home having changed my career as I can no longer teach.

Over the 37 years I've calculated I must have paid hundreds of thousands in tax and NI. In Feb I sadly had to have all my teeth out as I kept falling and knocked 7 out just last year. The constant sickness had caused severe decay.....

So guess what? I went to my doctor and asked if I could be considered for implants as a home music teacher (including voice) I depend on my mouth to continue working to pronounce words and teaching singing. Using dentures doesn't work quite the same and due to the ongoing chemo I keep getting ulcers and infections under the dentures. So I don't like wearing them as they hurt, cause the ulcers to get worse and if I want to work I need 'teeth'. It makes me depressed to look like this. I already have put on a lot of weight due to the steroids (I also have developed life threatening Addison's disease and need constant steroids to keep alive).

Any one guess what the doctor's answer was?

Yet this woman got new teeth for free...... Go figure............
Let us know if you have a go fund me page darling, if not please set one up,I would donate right now. Can any other posters here give advice on social media promotion?
Sending love and strength hun 💞💛💜
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I have nothing constructive to add to this post, but I couldnt read a comment like this without saying something.
Beating any addiction is incredibly difficult, but to do it by yourself is something else. I’m just a random person on the internet but you have my absolute respect.
Thank you, in all truth .. I even surprised myself, from somewhere, this strength just took hold, it engulfed me, took over .. somehow woke me up, where for the first time in years, I could see so clearly, and knew what needed to done, I stuck to my guns and followed through ... yes, its a tough road, but can be done ... it really was no quality of life, being drunk and high all the time, also due to my dysfunctional childhood, I swore I would break the cycle with my own children, they were raised very differently, as mentioned, we all have choice, our path is down to us at the end of the day, and blaming this, that and everyone, dosent help ( life can be fucking hard for most of us .. FACT .. how we decide to live it, again down to us ) .. Life is definitely much easier, if your brain is not drug addled and drunk everyday ... trust me, its not perfect, whos life is, but you can live better with a clear head .. ☺

Ahhhh big hugs to you too @Anna666 🥰, you’ll make me cry. What a lovely group of people on this forum. No trolls like the so called celebs say, just genuine people caring about other people
Bless you my lovely .. tears are good, it clears out all those nasty stress toxins, making you feel lighter .. so have a good cry ... I also like this place, ive met some wonderful people on here, its so refreshing being able to talk freely, without being silenced 🥰🙏💓💓
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Citrus fruit

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Does anyone remember when there was some tv show about her and her (then) husband wanting to move to America and becoming huge evangelical Christians? It’s was very bizarre but equally was the best I’ve ever seen her! I don’t know what happened after that.. why did their marriage break down?
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Chatty Member
Never posted about DW before but popped over to IG after reading some of the comments on this thread.

I read her book years ago maybe about 18 yrs ago and I had a bit of respect for her. She went through a really tough time.

Fast forward to now and hearing her talk it makes me feel so incredibly sad. I know I know this is a site for gossip!

She is completely broken but this hope she has (getting fit getting better) I feel whilst is commendable is not going to fix her. (And herbal life is certainly not going to help!)

There is something there in her foundations that is broke. She tried to fix it with drugs and had been absolutely decimated by them. Physically they have ravaged her.

I had forgotten the time she spent in the US until someone mentioned it above.

I just think she hasn't ever fixed or addressed the root cause stuff and spent years just sticking plastering things...thats why she has never stayed clean.

She lives this 'champagne lifestyle' I'm being kind whilst sipping lemonade. She could be any one of those people we see on the streets begging.

God its sad. I do feel she won't ever be clean as its too far down the line for her. And her end will be drug related.

I worry about the contact she has with her daughter now. They were estranged I think for a long time.

I grew up with her, watching her in Eastenders, even bought that pink duffle coat from River Island she used to wear when dating with Ricky!!

But she is an addict, and the quick fixes are not going to change that.

God its very sad. Sorry keep saying that but I havent seen a picture of her for ages then watched a video just now. I cant believe it.

And dont get me wrong I absolutely feel for her family and friends who I suspect ove r the years have helped and propped her up and who she has treated appalingly to fuel her habit. No winners here.
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I thought the same. Treating women like pieces of meat.

I too am a Catholic and I’ve done enough sinning my whole life. 🤣🤣 Try your settings, but you’re not missing much. 🤣

What is also disturbing on that site is the men who are trading pictures of their exes on there. I remember my narcissistic ex taunting me by telling me he had stuck saucy pictures of me on the web. It would be just like him to be on a site like this and I would never know. 😮🙄 Some men are just nasty and sad perverts.
There was even a guy I saw one of those threads posting pictures of his sister!! The amount of revenge porn on there must be astounding! My ex is also the sort of person who would do this too and it makes me want to look through those threads 😬 How has it not been shut down!!
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This is sadly true. No matter how old, how fat, how ugly or how desperately unhappy a woman may be, somewhere there will be a man who will pay to have sex with her. These repulsive men are the probably the same ones that think they stand a chance with a gorgeous 22 year old walking down the street with their leers and wolfwhistles.
I once read a book called the average American male and there’s a bit where the narrator plays a “do her or die” style game regularly with his male friends. The question is “if you could shag her with a guarantee no one would know and you wouldn’t catch anything would you?”
The answer was always yes, even for a one legged old homeless lady on the subway. I know it’s fiction but that has always stuck in my head because honestly I think it mirrors real life. All I’m saying is the testimonials for the book from reviews were things like “this is a blueprint for how the male mind and penis works” :)
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Sad how she ended up. Currently watching her in the old EastEnders on drama and she used to look so pretty :(
I always remember her being a pinup along with Ricky back in the early 90s, she was always in the Fast Forward mag but then started dating Brian Harvey and became more a tabloid fave than a tween mag idol. Fast Forward mag swiftly moved on to promoting Nicola Stapleton.
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I can’t stand to hear those horror stories from poor girls who have had their exes or similar share their nudes after breakup. I’ve read of a couple where the bastards had shared it on the girls facebook (by hacking in) or something equally truly awful and public. I remember a girl saying she only knew when people started messaging her to say you know this is your profile pic what’s going on!!! I think I read of one where he had emailed it out to her colleagues or something too. Just sick.

Never really been into nudes myself but it really does put you off even doing it with a “trusted” partner as so many turn into assholes!
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The fillers in her top lip have, if anything, made her look even worse than before, like her mouth starts directly below her nose.
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