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I don't think I've ever seen anyone look so GRIM. She actually looks like her whole face is crumbling. It reminds me of adverts on ITV 3 for cleft palate children and their disfigured faces. I'm not trying to be nasty, she just genuinely looks on the verge of death.
The bone in her face is dying and crumbling, there's nothing there to hold the skin of her face up, no scaffolding. It would be a huge job, not sure if the NHS would do it.
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She looks like she’s got a cleft pallet. I wonder if she’s got a hole in the roof of her mouth.
Her son in his ig says he was living on the streets for 3 years. Grim.
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Does anyone remember when she went in I'm a celebrity jungle? She came out early in distress saying she knows her triggers and at this point she was clean but staying in wasn't good for her recovery? I wonder if actually she wasn't clean but was so desperate to come out to get drugs?
She managed to stay in Celebrity Big Brother a while. I can’t recall how many days/weeks she stayed in before she was evicted,

She was there during the “David’s dead” unfortunate but funny incident
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Not only do you make me laugh, but you obviously also have your head well and truly screwed on.
From just another online person who wishes you well.
Awwee bless you ... Life taught me, some very harsh lessons, the key is to learn and not repeat those bad decisions, choices ... Big hug ☺

So, with at least 5 million people awaiting health care she reckons the surgeon is going to get back to her with a date this year that they're going to make her face Normal again. Suuuuuuuurrrrre :rolleyes:😭:sleep:
True, because like any addict, its all about her ... stuff all the others on waiting lists, for issues they didnt inflict on themselves, as far as she is concerned, she is the one that matters, not someone waiting for an important op, she lives in cloud cuckoo land, Im also not convinced seeing some of her recent posts on IG ... Twitter and podcasts she does on youtube, that she is clean from drugs, the signs are too clear, watching her behaviour, body language, all point to her still using, the only person she is fooling, is herself .. there is only one way this will end, when she one day, takes a bad batch and OD`s ... dealers cut these drugs with so much dangerous crap, to get value for money, Id imagine she didnt always have the funds to pay for pure, and thats what has destroyed her face .. shes someone that dosent want to stop, nearly 30yrs and counting, its the same pattern over and over with her .. all the money wasted over the years, from her own lips, was a very large amount .. could have paid for the best therapy, the right treatment programme .. but she fucked up everytime, always blaming others
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Apparently she got Paul Nicholls addicted to smack and crystal meth.
When was this? 😟 I absolutely loved Paul from his EE days and beyond, but I saw him in The Sun the other day and he looked awful - so gaunt and ill. The poor bloke has had a very tough few years and I feel for him, so I hope he's not seriously ill. 😓
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I wonder if she’s been doing this for years though? I don’t really have anything against sex work but at her age and knowing she has a drug problem it just seems sad and desperate.
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Why is it a pinned comment? I can't believe some of the other comments though from Daniella's "fans" saying the troll is just jealous of her flawless visage. Get real she looks like an over filtered old gremlin
Like. You can tell people to not be mean, but you cant deny reality. Her face is actually collapsing on itself-she has said so. It isnt new news, or a surprise to anyone. I would never comment on it to her face though. Even though she is shit and nasty I would never think anything was to be gained.
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liar liar

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Agreed ... she wont make old bones thats for sure, and surgery is just another delusion to add to all the others, if by some miracle there is a surgeon who can help, what would be the point? ... as she continues to use, whatever work she has done, would be destroyed, back to square one .... she has always been of the belief that fixing the outside, will make everything ok ... when in all truth, its the inside that must come first, unless you fix yourself internally, the external dosent mean shit, shes rotten inside and out, not a nice person .... I read on one of her posts online a few weeks back, where she said ... Once this surgery is done, I will get back to looking like my old self, everything will be all fixed .... Yeah ok ... of course, keep dreaming you silly mare, as long as you continue to sniff the marching powder, you're heading 6ft under before your time, and all the surgery in the world will not change that

She did, which means, she has managed to get a doctor to put her forward on the NHS for corrective surgery, if it were private, she would have a set date, not having to wait as she claims, for the surgeon to call her ... this makes me so fucking angry, the NHS will do excellent work " waste " a lot of money on this hopeless woman, only for her to continue using, thus fucking up all the good work .. she claimed in some interview it would cost 300, 000 grand for an op, unless she's got some old sugar daddy, with more money than sense, to stump up the cash, there is no way in hell, by flashing her snatch, and those wonky tits on only fans, for a few quid, she could pay for this ... its also rumoured that she works as a brass online, and this is how she makes her cash .. if true ... there are alot of desperate bastards out there .. who are not very fussy
She's not even wanted on the potty party circuit - she's so far gone it is pointless. I really hope the NHS leave well alone - would be like giving a new liver to George Best and we know what happened there...
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liar liar

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She’s claiming on insta that she is getting an op
Ask her where and when. She lied last time about it and simply went and had a few fillers and filtered pics taken - that wasn't an 'op'. She's claimed to have cancer, to be running a club in Marbella, to be engaged, to be having twins, to have given up drink and drugs, to be living in Wales... blah, blah, blah. All crap.
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liar liar

VIP Member
Good grief, really? Even people like Danielle Lloyd? Sounds horrible
Well I find it strange when the Lloyd, Katona and Goodger women are married/have partners who allow them to do this or, indeed, do the filming. Literally pimping their rides. Horrible.
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Be More Pacific

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Absolutely tragic how her life has panned out. And to lose your looks like that at a relatively young age is so sad.
I watched her interview with James English and she said that before she went into the big brother house she was doing 14 bags of coke a day! But she could stop straight away as she put her work head on.
I'm sure coke is more psychologically addictive than physically? May be wrong, but if she can stop like that how can she not sort herself out?
How can she live like that for so long and be happy.
Surely you would have had enough by now, especially having to sell yourself to pay for it.
Really cannot see this ending well, she is truly on the path of self destruction. I just think it's such a waste
As I said earlier in the thread, you have to remember that 99% of what comes out of her mouth is a LIE. All lies to make money to buy gak. It's always been that way. She will never change.

Well, I think that goes to prove what we all know - men really will fuck ANYTHING.
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She probably caught it from one of her ‘cough’ customers.👀
Agreed, she's nothing but a lowlife, junkie brass! ..... her ` cough ` customers aren't that fussy anyway ... look at the fuckin state of that mangled boat race, all self inflicted ... she had it all, many times over, had more than enough help ... and now sells her old manky arse for a few quid to punters ... revolting creature! .. got no sympathy whatsoever
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I have worked all my life since 16. I studied to be a teacher whilst I worked full time. I'm not asking for sympathy but I've had to give up my teaching career as I have a brain tumour and the radiotherapy and chemo has caused multiple illnesses including chronic arthritis and chronic osteoporosis. I carried on working for 10 years despite having multiple surgeries until I kept falling and broke my back. I've recently had both knees replaced at 50. I now work from home having changed my career as I can no longer teach.

Over the 37 years I've calculated I must have paid hundreds of thousands in tax and NI. In Feb I sadly had to have all my teeth out as I kept falling and knocked 7 out just last year. The constant sickness had caused severe decay.....

So guess what? I went to my doctor and asked if I could be considered for implants as a home music teacher (including voice) I depend on my mouth to continue working to pronounce words and teaching singing. Using dentures doesn't work quite the same and due to the ongoing chemo I keep getting ulcers and infections under the dentures. So I don't like wearing them as they hurt, cause the ulcers to get worse and if I want to work I need 'teeth'. It makes me depressed to look like this. I already have put on a lot of weight due to the steroids (I also have developed life threatening Addison's disease and need constant steroids to keep alive).

Any one guess what the doctor's answer was?

Yet this woman got new teeth for free...... Go figure............
That's heartbreaking to hear. I hope things get easier for you. (I think someone up thread said she wears dentures.)
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No idea either!
Why should the NH sort that out 😡
Hers is all self inflicted, what about all the other patients whose treatment has been stopped/delayed due to Covid and funding etc.
If I knew my money that I pay in through my taxes etc was being used to treat the likes of Daniella I would be fuming.
She's got enough celeb friends why don't they put there hand in there pockets and help her 🤔
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Don't want to detract anymore from the thread but ah hate brian mcfadden. What a terrible tool.

Back to Daniella - I found her friendship with that X-Factor creep [the one that was always on about "me nan"] to be really disturbing. I think they went to Poland to get new faces, and came back with...the same faces.
I can’t remember- why did Bryan become Brian when he left Westlife?

Ohh Chris Maloney, laughing stock of Liverpool. She seemed to want to get on the Scouse Z list didn’t she? She was hanging round one of the lads from Desperate Scousewives at one point too.
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