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The sacconejolys abused their toddler with cold showers and tried to justify it which is why they lost so many views, it’s not the same situation at all.

The only thing I disagree with criticising them for is Sophie’s video. They have said time and time again that they want to make it but they want it to be perfect. Emotions will be high with a video like that so I am glad they aren’t just rushing it and posting it for the sake of views.

Dad v girls #2: they laugh at their toddler’s bad behaviour, they’ll need supernanny to be their saviour!
They could easily go the same way as the Sacconejolys.

If enough people decide that they don't like their content anymore for one reason or another they could easily loose views, subscribers and money.
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Can these people do anything without an ad?! They could be brushing their teeth and find an ad for it. We saw how much they made in merch sales before so just that is some people’s yearly income. YouTube must pay them too. Ads every so often are fine but they’ve started turning all platforms to advertisements plaq
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Blue Rose

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I'm on the fence about them picking on the state of her room tbh. On one hand, she's a teenager, her room will be cluttered or messy. It never looks dirty, it just looks like things are everywhere! That's literally so normal. But then again, it's better to get your kids in that routine of cleaning up after themselves and appreciating all the things they have, she has a literal brand new room that cost them thousands of pounds, the least she could do is look after it and keep it tidy? But bless her, I think she felt a bit embarrassed too.
I think one reason why Sarah is constantly wanting Grace to be tidy is because she’s maybe not used to having a messy child. Kaci is very organised and likes to keep everything tidy and Sarah probably tidies the little ones’ rooms herself. Grace just stands out in that sense since she doesn’t really care about everything being neat and is too old for Sarah to be doing things for her. Plus, if Grace is going to have 2 pets in her room she really needs to be on top of things and keep everything clean and tidy so her pets are well looked after. I do think Sarah should lay off Grace a little though, she is a teenager and most teenager’s rooms tend to get quite messy.
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Chatty Member
Okay i think it’s because Kaci showed and talked about her new makeup bag, which only came out today
it could have been that but i also think there was building work going on in Grace's room so there might have been a delay with that which meant they wanted to wait until the majority of it was done before filming the video. I think you might be right though
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Does anyone have any idea how they filmed Chloe and Sophie “home alone”? Do you think they were actually left alone, they were home the whole time, they were left with a babysitter? It just seems extremely unlikely that they’d leave a 7 and 2 year old alone. But they obviously don’t know a mask goes over your nose
Someone was filming them when they were in the house, walking around with the camera. I think they were with one of the grandparents;
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Can't find anything about them on here would like to know everybody else's opinion on them I like them so far but that can always change in a second did with creepy Chris the alleged Nonce[emoji23]
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Especially if they start homeschooling their girls, they’ve mentioned it many times and if they do and start traveling more I can see them becoming just like family fizz.
Most are click bait- I’m struggling with these guys, I want to still like them but it’s hard as they have changed. Sarah is incredibly annoying and full of herself, they don’t appear to appreciate anything they are gifted I haven’t heard an actual thankyou, they very rarely post on Instagram anymore(where they started) unless it’s an ad - (more so Sarah)
Their eating/ food videos are so bad- they honestly don’t like anything at all-all they ever appear to eat is takeaway or frozen food
I thought it was really bad when they was gifted the Chinese food for Kacis birthday video and the restaurant had gone to al that effort to make separate good which wasn’t on the menu and they turned round and said “oh it doesn’t taste like it should”
I also fear they are going to have major problems with Chloe as cute as she is she is also allowed to do whatever she want to And it feels as though it’s for content
Them getting ducklings was completely for content, I also know of a couple of “normal” people who they have said they will do birthday shout outs for their children and haven’t which isn’t very good imo

They definitely are not relatable or even interesting to watch anymore the last load of videos have been so boring and feel like they are only doing it now to make money
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Because before, they weren't on 6 figure income annually. They were probably very comfortable on Joel's salary considering they didn't have to pay normal things like a mortgage and most their holidays had low overheads or were paid for by his parents. The holidays to Spain were to his family home so only thing that would be out of the norm were plane tickets which are quite cheap from the UK. The cruise holidays every few years were probably paid for by Joels parents seeing as at xmas/birthday their gift to Kaci and Grace was a trip to America with them (probably cancelled now).

Now, they're on 6 figure incomes from Youtube of way more than 100k a year they can afford to go on holiday way more than twice a year hence why they have and we had comments about the kids being out of school for long on this thread. They can also afford nicer things to splurge on like clothing, shoes and the like which they already had before but now they can indulge in it when they want and for however much. Theyve been doing YT for only two years and have made more money than Joel had ever before which is why they're finally moving out of his parents home - YT is giving them enough money to afford a deposit on a 5 bedroom house in Surrey which is no easy feat.

I think we're all irritated now because we came in to their channel not being aware of their privledge already - we thought they were a normal working class family like Family Fizz or even the Ace family (before the YT curse ofc) but they never had hard beginnings like them - theyve never been on the poverty line but I still see DVG are more relatable than the former channels because theyve always had money so I dont think it'll change them because they have more, if that makes sense. I just hope they can prepare the kids because their life won't always be like this and Kaci thinking she can follow in Saffron Barkers footsteps is worrying. She can barely string a sentence together in her videos, they need to work on that.

Its a rented house which is in Joel's family. Either Joel and his brother own it (and Joel pays 50% rent to his brother) OR his parents still own it and will rent it out after. I doubt it will go on the market which is why they had to address the question in the vlog.
Yes I agree, I have heard both Sarah and Joel day more than once that they didn’t ever get proper educations and they don’t believe this is a problem. I have no problem with my children doing any career they want however they need to have a back up plan and have some qualifications behind them.
I don’t like how they allow Kaci to pose in her posts a quick look through her followers shows some very dodgy “older men” -I have no idea about Graces plans as she says very little in her sisters shadow Sophie is an absolute sweetheart and is the only one who is grateful for everything and I’m concerned Chloe is going to be an absolute nightmare as they appear to let her do what she wants when she wants and even recording that she punched Sarah in the face the other day-
I used to look at them and feel they were relatable to my family and then the money videos became more regular and they appear to me to be really ungrateful and entitled- if I remember correctly they started on Instagram and Joel used to do videos of him and the girls etc whereas nowadays you only see them on Instagram to do ads - Sarah is ridiculous the amount of ads she does
Their content is boring now,
I must say I am very impressed with the research you’ve done 😂
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as should every parent but if that was the case then all children should be walking around covered from head to toe and not having any form of social media or access to the internet. but thats not possible. like ive said previously your issue should be with the pedos. im aware they're are sick ppl in the world but ppl shouldn't have to adjust their whole lives in order to avoid them. i do understand where ppl are coming from and it makes sense but the world we live there are so many scary things to protect children from that if they were to avoid all of them they would have to lock their children in a room. you need to pick and choose your battles and a teenagers clothing shouldn't be one of them. put this same energy into fighting pedos and ppl who harass women and murders etc.
Its not the pedos out in the street that are the main problem its the ones at home storing and editing these images and doing god knows what with them. As i said there is a difference between how you dress out and about and how you dress and act in videos and photos. At least the majority of their outfits are appropriate. There is a channel called dad challenge podcasts and looks into these issues and the age and gender of the people who view the videos. A high proportion are older men. But anyway we will just have to agree to disagree on this matter.
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Blue Rose

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P.E teacher you would need a sports science degree which encompasses biology and didn't Kaci say science was her worst subject. I doubt Kaci would do a normal degree followed by a specialised post graduate course which you would need to be a P.E teacher at a secondary level.
I think if YouTube is still doing as well by the time she’s finished school she’ll probably just do that full time. I can’t see her going to university or carrying on studying further if she’s able to work on YouTube. At least she’ll have qualifications to fall back on and the support from her parents if she does need to find other work.
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See Kaci's room is sometimes messy too and Sarah makes the comment that its ok because its usually clean 🙄 this is what i mean by the favouritism. The vlog has never started and Sarah saying well done Grace your room is tidy even though we know grace tried to tidy it for the gheko its always pointing out the negatives for grace
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Blue Rose

VIP Member
This family seem to loose their relatability with every video they post. They’ve just spent loads of money on a new house, going to have to help pay for renovations on their old house and are still buying quite expensive things for the house. Like Kaci getting a fancy tv that looks like a mirror to go next to her bed and having a whole wardrobe built in, and Grace just getting the sofa for her room. I don’t really get why she wanted a sofa since it’s just infront of her desk and her tv is by her bed so wouldn’t she just sit there to watch it? I wonder if they ever actually tell their kids no, something like a new tv or sofa could’ve at least been a Christmas present since it’s nearly then. I’m sure anyone who was as well off as they are would spend the money is they had it, but my parents certainly wouldn’t just buy me a quite expensive extra for my new room just because I asked.
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Blue Rose

VIP Member
I just found it insulting to all of us that work ridiculous hours away from our kids just trying to scrape by-no way on earth do I know anyone in the real world that can afford to “take a break” from work- it didn’t need a video - it also would have been bearable if they just took a break ...but it’s the sob story and reasons they gave I mean come on- most people can’t even afford to buy a house and they are trying to gain sympathy that their dream house purchase is taking a while🤯
However seeing as their fan base is predominantly teenagers it will make no difference to their following...
I felt the exact same way. As a family we’ve been in a privileged position with my parents being a dentist and a pharmacist, so their jobs were safe luckily. But my mum still has to go out everyday to work at the biggest hospital in Birmingham, and was working double her normal hours at the height of the pandemic. Tbh, I have a feeling some of their viewers might be a little miffed if their parents or someone close is struggling due to job losses causes by the pandemic, only to hear their favourite youtubers are taking a break and that we should feel sorry for them. It’s not like their content is super original, all you have to do is look up some other generic youtuber family for some ideas, I know there is more to it than what the viewer sees but now they’ve got more time than ever to get work done with schools finally reopening.
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Blue Rose

VIP Member
I really hate how Joel laughs every time Chloe acts out. I get she’s cute and it’s funny when children do occasional naughty things, but she’s past that and is now just outright ignoring them whenever they try and discipline her. I know they’re very lenient parents but say kaci wanted to go out but her parents didn’t want her too and she still did. I’m sure they’d actually tell her off, yet when Chloe goes directly against her parents it’s cute. I know there’s a big difference between a teenager and toddler but the more leeway they give her now the more she’s going to push the boundaries as she grows up. You can see how much Sarah doesn’t like it and she’s probably exhausted from running around after her all day. If I was her I would get quite annoyed at my partner laughing whenever our child misbehaved.
Also someone really needs to make a new thread. Any new title suggestions?
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No doubt they work, just not very hard. I know every YouTuber out there says it’s not as easy as it looks. But then in a q&a someone asks how to start a channel and they’ll say It’s really easy just pick up a camera and film. But again it must be hard accepting gifts and doing every ad within the country
I think dadvgirls took off as at the beginning they were putting out completely different types of videos they did the “will they cheat” videos and they were different and interesting- they had also built a fan base on Instagram- teamed with Joel’s knowledge and skills of filming and editing from his previous work - but this isn’t the case for others I also believe that getting Big on YouTube had a lot of luck involved too - x
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