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Alex and Savannah got a pug puppy. I don’t know if it’s different in the US but 6 weeks old is to young for that puppy to be away from its mother 😭 they said in the video the person works at a rescue and the puppy was being rehomed. It just doesn’t sit right with me that someone who works in a rescue centre for pugs would willing give a puppy that young to someone with no background checks. Then taking it to the CP house the same night poor little thing was terrified. She’s not even 6 weeks yet so she would be to young to even get her first vaccine here in the uk.
from googling it apparently puppies in the US can leave their mothers and be vaccinated from 6 weeks.

To be fair we can (UK) vaccinate from 7weeks it just pushes their 2nd vacc later as you can’t 2nd vaccinate until 10weeks at the earliest. Also it’s quite safe as long as the pup has had 1 vaccine for it to socialise with fully vaccinated dogs in someone’s home.
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They’re grooming Annaveah to become the next vlogging favourite child, first Lacey then Cynthia next Aubrey and then Annaveah, so her speach has to be perfect for that role! Braxton is just being taken along for the ride
IOh my god I had the same thought.
I’m glad the middles are finally getting Annaveah and Braxton speech therapy! It’s long long overdue!
I have a feeling there is something more behind it. It's not just they want the kids to get the therapy they need.
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I find Landon, Braxton, Anavaeh & Trey chavvy too though so maybe it runs in the family. If old Hopkins used those names as an example she'd have actually had a point lol. I haven't watched enough of Eli to comment as I don't watch Lacey's channel, but yeah I'd be keeping a firm distance from the middles, they'd drive me nuts 😂
Honestly, ive not seen them written out like that... wow.. yeah at least Bexley fits in with her Aunts and Uncles?

Nicole even asked Shelley to be in her birthing room and Shelley agreed! Seems like madness to me as Nicole seems entirely uncomfortable around overbearing Shelley
I'm sorry what?? Nicole wants Shelley in the room?? But I've never seen someone be quite as awkward as Nicole when she's just nearby Shelley?!
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yeah i think its gota be super confusing for Jamie. I think her reborn doll was a red flag for how she might be feeling about Aurora.
I had the same thought with the reborn doll but if Melinda and Isaacs are living together with scarlet then Jamie probably felt left out as Melinda was helping care for her for some time so moved back with the petits and Jamie seems to always be with aurora I know she's her bio mum but I can imagine it could get confusing in a few years
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Comments on YouTube and Reddit claim the baby’s name was leaked in the birth vlog and it’s Bexley. Not keen on the name personally and feel like it’s a typical teen parent’s baby name. Lacey definitely wanted for the baby name to fit into a boho vibe- personally I just can’t see why anyone would chose that name for their baby but each to their own I guess 🤷‍♀️
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Chatty Member
Am I missing some income stream of theirs? Neither family has that many views or subscribers but crazy pieces bought a $2.5m house. Does Aaron have work outside YouTube?
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I feel like the most likely reasons why all the kids move out at 18 are:
1. That because there are so many rules (the CM rule book videos were crazy) and they don't get any additional freedoms with being adults and as Mormons both families would from on parties with alcohol, pre-marital sex and other things like that and they just want to have some freedom.
2. Everyone else is doing it and if all your older siblings and cousins move out at 18 you feel like that's what you are supposed to be doing.
3. Most of the kids are quite independent and are doing all the stuff for themselves anyway as they only get a small fraction of their parents time - they all do their own laundry and some chores (even though the CM's system is ridiculous and nonsensical), they are responsible for making an alternative if they don't want the dinner, the CM kids pick their own birthday presents etc. They obviously aren't doing everything for them but my impression is that they are trying to make sure they can act as adults as soon as they turn 18 even if they don't leave.
4. Having a camera in your bedroom is weird and they probably feel constantly watched - hasn't everyone done stuff in their bedroom they wouldn't want on film.

Very few of the kids seem to go very far from their parents when they move out and they all still seem in contact which suggests that they overall have a good relationship with their kids even though they seem misguided sometimes and it seems like their kids do like them even if they would also like some space from them.
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I can’t believe they posted Bellas story, not just Bellas but her 2 younger brothers. Does no one in that huge family see it’s wrong? Bella will regret posting it, it’s obvious she’s need support to make good choices, why is Aaron and Chrystal not safeguarding her?
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Chatty Member
They really don't mind letting us know that Cynthia is the obvious favourite. They said they were taking the middle kids as they hadn't been taken out for a while and obviously Cynthia, but tell us other older kids wanted to go too. They should have drawn a name from the hat or something.
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2:20 is interesting… even their close friends suspected they were being used. And yeah I agree! I was shocked when I saw him, and it looked like he had his own son too! He looks so much like Jared and sort of like their old friend Devon. Something very weird going on imo and I don’t think this will work out well for any of them…. Did you see how squeamish Nicole was when Lacey hugged her and said their kids were gonna be best friends?
Nicole and lacey have always been kinda awkward with each other
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I honestly can’t believe it either! How are they even able to share her face, as well as birth name, name known as and new name, prior to adoption? I have a friend who’s adopted 2 children. They didn’t share their faces on sm for ages, and get didn’t disclose their birth names either. Maybe it’s different in the US?
Did Arwen/Evie cut her own fringe at some point? She seems to be so excited and happy to become a member of their family, what’s more, Crystal couldn’t be bottled to get an actual gift bag, so ended up using a chrisrmas to gift bag!!
She was adopted on 6th May so they shared everything from the day she was adopted. The fact they had the videos ready to go ASAP is crazy to me, so so wrong. As soon as she was adopted they took away her privacy. Yes she cut her own hair, they were told by the caseworkers to keep scissors away from her which they did but she used Jake & Lukes shaver in their bathroom to do it so they’ve just got to wait for it to grow out. As usual Crystal leaves everything to the last minute and doesn’t plan ahead at all, even for such a monumental event as adopting a child
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I also watch and love crazy pieces and crazy middles. Crazy pieces oldest child also has a vlog called crazy treasures. I enjoy them all.
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Well-known member
from googling it apparently puppies in the US can leave their mothers and be vaccinated from 6 weeks.

To be fair we can (UK) vaccinate from 7weeks it just pushes their 2nd vacc later as you can’t 2nd vaccinate until 10weeks at the earliest. Also it’s quite safe as long as the pup has had 1 vaccine for it to socialise with fully vaccinated dogs in someone’s home.
The puppy wasn’t even 6 weeks when they got her
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Better world

Active member
You need to check out Crazy Middles and her sister’s “crazy pieces”. They have both adopted a ST of kids which could be admirable BUT no one has a job to support these families, it is done by exploiting their kids. They pay someone to edit their videos and the moms share a personal assistant. All drive new and expensive trucks, cars, giant new high end vans.
Clearly they are teaching their kids that YouTube is a career path. Two daughters recently moved out (age 17 and 18), moved four hours away, live in a Lovely condo, and admit this is their job (crazy good life) and many other kids have channels.

To me the most worrisome thing is that these kids could be vulnerable. I Imagine that as an adopted kid, you could feel that you have to participate in all of this recording to please the parents. What about the trauma they must have experienced otherwise they would be with the bio parent.

Most, if not all, were NOT ADOPTED as infants.

Their big news is they are both moving to a new location and are sharing the house hunting.
Let me know what you think.

384k subs

Crazy Pieces
427k subs


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We definitely are in agreement on most things.

I wanted to add a few things that I thought of whilst reading your comment.

I think Savannah and Luke should have waited to tell their story until they were both comfortable. Luke is older and I'm sure Savannah was protected in some ways by her older brothers from the reality of their situation which is probably why Luke seems more affected. I think a lot of people were asking for their background and Savannah seems like a bit of a people pleaser. I do think kids seeing other children of similar ages being adopted is helpful for them and Savannah has said that she had watched the CP channel before being adopted so maybe that's why she was more eager than Luke to share.

With Jamie what was specifically said was that Aurora's dad was not listed on her birth certificate and if paternity was established then Aurora's father would be in prison, which makes me uncomfortable for Aurora when she grows up. Nothing else is said regarding this man but everyone who has watched that video will know that Aurora is the product of abuse.

I don't think any of the children have any relatives that are an immediate danger to them and I think most have biological relatives who know where they are. I believe that Lacey said that her father is currently in prison for murder though so they do obviously have some dangerous relatives out there. I don't think social services would have placed anyone who needed anonymity with them though. A lot of the kids seem to have family members who still wanted contact but were unable to look after them full time (aunts, grandparents).

A lot of YouTube kids you can see are struggling or being overly sexualized but both the CM/CP kids seem to be doing good overall and have plans for their future (even if Alex and Lacey are trying to make it as YouTubers) - although we'll have to see if they follow through. They have kids who disappear from videos for a while because they are off being engaged in their lives outside YouTube whilst most of the other kids on the platform live inside a bubble where they have to make content.

Honestly both the channels are messy and nobody know what they should be sharing or not as long as they both still seem like wholesome Mormon families (but obviously not too Mormon as it might alienate people).

Tithing is mandatory for Mormons which means 10% of everything they make goes to the church including all the YouTube money.
Bless her, it was obvious she was looked after by her brothers, no doubt there is plenty she doesn't have a clue about. She was only 13(?!) when she was adopted, thats way before you're aware of adult goings on.

I really feel for Auroras future, and I really really hope that the 'father' cannot/has no way of access in the future. Aurora can't even begin to say its okay to have her story out there, and who knows how much her medical issues will affect her ability to consent in the future.

Yes, I never quite cottoned on to why Lacey's dad was in prison, thats heavy!! I hope that social services has the brains to not put properly serious cases with them. Those cases need so much extra attention and help, I can't imagine being in such a big family would help that? Nevermind the online stuff, they would need one on one care. This is all speculation, I am never a parent nor an expert in social services. We can hope though!

Oh 100%, some of the stuff that these 'family' youtubers put out... it just blows me away. Kids deserve to just be kids, theres no need to pretend to be adults it just invited unwelcome attention (online and offline). The one thing with this, is how much make up Hannah wears. I seriously thought she was at least 17 when I started watching about 2 years ago. Finding out that she was 14??! I understand self conciousness and all that, we all deal with variations and different amounts, but I just feel sorry for her. There is no way a 13-14 year old should've been wearing a full face of make up. Clothes wise and attitude wise, they're all kids and its lovely to see that they're able to enjoy their childhood now.

Theyre proper messy, it seems to be - focus on adoption, do pranks, vlogs and whatever else sticks and gets views. I had no clue that they were mormon until about 6 months of watching. Maybe I joined at a time they weren't discussing it, but they definitely keep it under wraps. Which I get, mormons aren't well known for their inclusiveness, it would alienate a chunk of their audience. Their religion does throw up some interesting things. THE TITHING! I hate the idea of any of my social media currency is going to the mormon church!! Of course mormons believe that your family becomes your eternal family when you all die. AS LONG as you're all practising mormons. From what I can tell, it appears to be a vague competition as to how big your eternal family on your own special celestial planet will be. Just a thought, but maybe that comes into their choice to adopt so many children? Shows they are properly good mormons??

I also wonder how active they are as mormons. CM force their kids to go to church, not necessarily believe, but I don't know about the CPs?
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Her behaviour has got worse and worse recently she really is difficult to watch these days and I find myself cringing at her attention seeking behaviour constantly, I was glad when Hannah and Hallie decided to share a room when they moved because I feel like Hannah is easily influenced and very much idolises Arianna and it’s not good!
Yeah I think that Hannah is really insecure and looks up to Ariana and Halie. Sharing a room with Halie s goo for her. Sharing with Ariana would not be a good choice
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I'm not exactly sure what you're on about, to me she just looks like she doesn't want to just watch Ariana open her presents and overreact to the camera. I'm not sure if she even knew she was in camera frame. Ariana comes across the least friendly of the girls but she was the first kid adopted so I guess she didn't sign up for all the kids that came after her. For the most part
Savannah seemed to be living her best life in that video though and we have to remember even though she does look older she is still a middle schooler. Be kind.
Good point but the face drop as she walks away shows how much they feel the need to act up for the camera. It's sad really.
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