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ah, okay I missed that. At least she got something to herself then. I do just think it’s weird to give a child a present on another child’s birthday but that might just be a thing where I’m from.
It's usually on a family basis if another kid gets a present on their siblings birthday. I don't think the middles usually give presents on another kids birthday but I guess they wanted Anaveah to have a doll so she could play dolls with Brinley and since it's just been Christmas and her birthday isn't until October they decided to give them at the same time. They could have made it clearer to Brinley though.
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is there a forum for the Crazy Pieces or this it? I'm really curious about both families. What is everyones feelings since Jamie has moved back in. I just feel really bad for her. But also think it's super uncomfortable for Christal.
I think that Jamie is really sweet and needs to be protected. I‘m not sure if it’s a good idea that she is living with Christal. It might be confusing for her and Aurora.
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All of their interactions with Nicole seem so awkward. Wonder why she is sticking around for gender reveals from them etc. when they seem like they hardly know each other..... Also, is that her daughters dad?! That man looks old AF 🥴

2:20 is interesting… even their close friends suspected they were being used. And yeah I agree! I was shocked when I saw him, and it looked like he had his own son too! He looks so much like Jared and sort of like their old friend Devon. Something very weird going on imo and I don’t think this will work out well for any of them…. Did you see how squeamish Nicole was when Lacey hugged her and said their kids were gonna be best friends?
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It's a heck of a long message, but I wanted to address everything. None of this is meant with bad feelings, and I think we agree on most.
We definitely are in agreement on most things.

I wanted to add a few things that I thought of whilst reading your comment.

I think Savannah and Luke should have waited to tell their story until they were both comfortable. Luke is older and I'm sure Savannah was protected in some ways by her older brothers from the reality of their situation which is probably why Luke seems more affected. I think a lot of people were asking for their background and Savannah seems like a bit of a people pleaser. I do think kids seeing other children of similar ages being adopted is helpful for them and Savannah has said that she had watched the CP channel before being adopted so maybe that's why she was more eager than Luke to share.

With Jamie what was specifically said was that Aurora's dad was not listed on her birth certificate and if paternity was established then Aurora's father would be in prison, which makes me uncomfortable for Aurora when she grows up. Nothing else is said regarding this man but everyone who has watched that video will know that Aurora is the product of abuse.

I don't think any of the children have any relatives that are an immediate danger to them and I think most have biological relatives who know where they are. I believe that Lacey said that her father is currently in prison for murder though so they do obviously have some dangerous relatives out there. I don't think social services would have placed anyone who needed anonymity with them though. A lot of the kids seem to have family members who still wanted contact but were unable to look after them full time (aunts, grandparents).

A lot of YouTube kids you can see are struggling or being overly sexualized but both the CM/CP kids seem to be doing good overall and have plans for their future (even if Alex and Lacey are trying to make it as YouTubers) - although we'll have to see if they follow through. They have kids who disappear from videos for a while because they are off being engaged in their lives outside YouTube whilst most of the other kids on the platform live inside a bubble where they have to make content.

Honestly both the channels are messy and nobody know what they should be sharing or not as long as they both still seem like wholesome Mormon families (but obviously not too Mormon as it might alienate people).

Tithing is mandatory for Mormons which means 10% of everything they make goes to the church including all the YouTube money.
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I just watched the video as I saw the comments on here and thought surely you were being dramatic about the snatching. NOPE. Literally grabbed it straight out of her hand without a single thank you. Also, what sort of name is Blaydon 😬
Sounds like they couldn’t choose between Blake and Hayden 😂
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Anybody else feel like Lacey is a train wreck? Not necessarily the pregnancy itself, but moving out, new boyfriend, pregnant and telling people right away, etc.?

Also, does anybody know what happened to the YTMD thread? It hasn't been active since mid-April and a lot has obviously happened since then with the Crazy Middles.
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Lizzy has moved out of CP home and now Shelley and Jared are looking at adopting again
I didn't know Lizzy was living with the Crazy Pieces.

I wondered about dating, especially from CP when they have kids who didn't become siblings until they were already hormonal teens. Like Bella and Luke going off together on Disney. Thought the groups they split into was intresting. Why was Max hanging with his parents and not the other teens?
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Even Jacob seems awkward around her, although I guess they have been apart for a long time. If your close friends are saying it, there's probably something to it :confused:
Now they’ve made a whole video about Nicole without Nicole even being in it! 🥴 I don’t buy what they’re saying about all these ‘realisations’ etc, if you genuinely felt she was meant to be in your family to the point it brought you to tears, you’d do everything in your power to not to lose touch. And then to say you met this random child and felt that they were meant to be your grand child is equally ridiculous. Nicole seems beyond uncomfortable around all of them, it’s painful to watch. Her boyfriend already has 2 kids and she has 1, so the baby she is pregnant with will be their fourth. And of course Shelly and Jared favour Lacey’s boyfriend of course 😕😦
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I dont watch crazy middles but I do watch crazy pieces and I like them. I have seen their videos for about 6 months now I think
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Definitely agree, crazy pieces are a family and the kids act like proper sibling. The crazy middles the kids are usually hidden away in their rooms or acting for the camera, the ones that like acting (Cynthia and Aubrey) get special treatment
I meant in my original post to say that I watched the Crazy Pieces CHRISTMAS special. You could tell Crystal really thought about what presents to gift each child and made sure everyone had equal gifts. Whereas Shelley and Jared said in a video that they left it to the last minute and any child who hasn’t behaved as well as they would like would get less presents than the others, as though being put into care and adopted into a new family with a blatant hierarchy wasn’t enough.

I completely agree! Lacey, Cynthia and Aubrey are favoured over anyone else- most of the other middle and littler kids are near enough forgotten. Crazy Middles’ family is so awkwardly segregated, with the boy teens, girl teens, boy middles, girl middles etc and you can tell Shelley and Jared definitely prefer the kids that play the dramatic ‘YouTube’ role. Whereas in Crazy Pieces, you can see Crystal genuinely adores her children and doesn’t put on any act, and all the relationships between the kids come across so naturally, even the kids they’ve only just adopted.

I still can’t believe the amount of baby products the fans bought for Lacey. I reckon there will be a lot of comments if Nicole doesn’t get the same. I feel bad for Nicole, if Shelley and Jared weren’t so forceful about their ‘feelings’ towards her, they could have had a nice relationship. They act as though they’re completely in love with her in the most over the top manner but then hardly bother with her.
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Why didn’t they give Jamie the big bedroom upstairs with its own cooking area, that way she can be independent while living with Aaron and Chrystal, I don’t understand why they keep trying to push her to move out, she’ll be home again in 10 months
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Nicole to me seems she's just around them for what she can get back.
And as she's Jacob's sister it must be hard for Shelly/Jarrod to back away.
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Alex and Savannah got a pug puppy. I don’t know if it’s different in the US but 6 weeks old is to young for that puppy to be away from its mother 😭 they said in the video the person works at a rescue and the puppy was being rehomed. It just doesn’t sit right with me that someone who works in a rescue centre for pugs would willing give a puppy that young to someone with no background checks. Then taking it to the CP house the same night poor little thing was terrified. She’s not even 6 weeks yet so she would be to young to even get her first vaccine here in the uk.
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Can anyone translateView attachment 575992

Text version

And that's the truth my life in a nutshell my babies are those that could be king and my princess time for Queen someday I definitely think time got the best of us and nobody learned to help me hand when we needed it the most nothing I did to this except for staying too long in the place I was at I need to see them I don't know why they stole them please somebody help me my family could care less they accuse me of years ago past depression or repressions I don't wish this on anybody it's been rough out here things keep happening one thing goes up do you think back down I think that I'm never going to get above water and start to float again but I believe I believe that I am strong that if I could go through what I've been through and just survive what I've been through lately I am capable of doing much more and working much more harder at it every day until I rest my head which is very hard I think of my children and I never said anything on here but I think it's time I think somebody should know I'm going to start to go fund me so that we could get a house and they can come visit me I really need the churches to pray HBC coffee chapel Southern Baptist I really hope they see this for somebody tells them about this of hers United will help I believe I have faith and I am most certain that my babies will pull through this okay it seems like they're doing okay which I wouldn't want anything less but to not be able to see me I don't know who to call or what to do went above and beyond in dire straits still I have a roof over my head quite possibly my store again but right now I'm just an employee I would love to have my cleaning company going and painting as well if anybody has any side jobs for me please let me know I really could use the money right now I'm trying to save up for a place maybe at least to buy or a down payment for a loan and I want to send the kids something maybe some money just to get what they need I hope somebody reads this cuz it just feels like a few and far between it will help me and most just want to give me a hard time and play games and I'm not even associating with anybody else it looks like my car isn't going to be moved I don't know where to put it I don't have anybody to look at it for me and they're cutting parts off of it and I'm just at a loss A lot of the time and pain the pain is so agonizing to being separated from that to just the time away from them and now they're keeping them from calling me this Foster family is not giving them the best that they need because they should have reached out to me but not who I was and what went on and asked me and research and if anything I pray that my children are okay and they end in the long run I did good I raise them well they're smart strong funny amazing children and young people know and I guess I just have to grow up and that's what people say and just live my life and find my purpose now but I say screw that it's girl anyone that wants to tell me that because you know what that isn't helping me that isn't helping me get a phone call or give me advice to a lawyer or anything because I did nothing wrong I had weed in my system the marijuana and my system and the car problems with the harassing of my neighbor and they constant hate from others I just wanted to stop I need to hear my baby's voice we are a team they're good great humans and then it'll be better citizens than I and that was my goal to learn from my parents' mistakes or my mother's and others and just do the best I could and I gave them everything I could without spoiling too much please if anybody has a dollar or $5 or anything to donate towards this it's going to be towards our home and repairs to my car please share this post to maybe someone could reach us in time they could help and would love to because that's what it's about I've been struggling with postpartum depression back when I had them but I still I pushed through it sometimes it had me so so tired that I was Moody and all kinds of things but I've had a hysterectomy I've learned to control my anger from my whole childhood to Young adulthood and being an adult how angry I just don't know where it comes from but I turn it into a good I turned into a positive and if anybody wants to take me shooting or sling some ink on me I am free game and outlets really are great for distresses I have a few the gym etc I just feel I have had nobody to really just deeply see me as a person as who I am as a great mother and I don't have to stretch the truth I would never do that anyway we need help they want to come home and their brainwashing my daughter right it seems or I don't know because she was my best friend she is my best friend and all she wanted to do was see her mom on her birthday last July and it's coming up on a year so please help us it hurts so bad every moment everything the reason for living is them my reason to wake up every day was them to see their faces their smiles they're accomplishments for the day and just teach them as much as I could and our bond is so strong that I feel like nobody could break it but I feel that it's happening and I'm so alone I feel so alone at times it I can't sidetrack myself anymore it's really too much and I don't want to change I don't want to get depressed again and it's there I mean I try to fight it but I sleep and I can't wake up the other night I was walking because my friend was not at the hotel and I couldn't get my room and I woke up to the police you know bumps on my head and they were hurting I really just don't understand I don't know what happened while I was asleep it's hard to say my head is so numb on the right side but on the brighter side I'll be okay and nobody to worry and if anybody has seen Austin chase hibbard please contact me or try your hardest to get a hold of him he went to LA almost 2 weeks ago and I really have not heard from him ever since before he left please pray for us... My children are bright young special children and they're my greatest accomplishment in life my reason for living when I just thought I just couldn't handle it anymore and I had nowhere to spend my love I'm standing it now till the day I see them again for visits or whatever but I don't have a good lawyer I don't have money and people have stolen employment etc I had a hard time holding on anything I've lost everything my storage is I mean I'm not an alcoholic I'm not a drug addict I'm not anything but sometimes I do certain things that just keep me up brighter spirits or what I need and distraction and support and prayer please 🙏🥺!::__😢
is that Lucas and Savannah’s mother?
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Has anyone seen the dad challenges new video covering the pieces? He says he's going to go more in depth on them and on the middles.
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Bets on where the pieces are going for their adoption trip? From seeing the shirts I would say Disney not sure if California or Florida though, Crystal said there’s at least 22 of them going but I can’t get that many when I count the family the new kids Alex’s girlfriend, Melinda and Scarlett and Jo that’s only 20 I think. Unless we think Shelley and Jarrod will go and not the kids?
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Something doesn’t add up with Nicole at all, she looks really awkward on camera and acts like she’s around strangers not family, Nicole seems to have lost weight, looks like she’s on something and generally doesn’t seem happy

In the Q&A about Nicole, they talk about how she stayed with them for a couple of months and how well they bonded etc. I looked back and Nicole barely lasted 5 weeks living with them!
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I can’t believe they posted Bellas story, not just Bellas but her 2 younger brothers. Does no one in that huge family see it’s wrong? Bella will regret posting it, it’s obvious she’s need support to make good choices, why is Aaron and Chrystal not safeguarding her?
I swear they hear a story like that and they see money. Not only is it deeply personal but surely it could potentially put her in danger. Sitting down and sharing their entire lives to strangers on the internet is normal to these children to the point they probably feel an expectation to. My heart breaks for Bella, she knows being open can be a positive thing and so she thought she should do it but there’s no control over who this goes out to, people at her school could bully her about it.
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Ive got to admit crazy middles video last night annoyed me, not one kid say please when asked what they wanted for lunch. Manners cost nothing.
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