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going on holiday soon and i'm almost tempted to still wear a mask on the plane? even if not for covid, it might stop me from picking up a cold or whatever other germs are transmitted through the air con.. i don't know, it's just a thought really. i wonder if many people still do
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Likewise posters obsess about what is said on the other thread and being all about them…double standards. 🫥
I don’t obsess over any thread ,I’m not that hung up on myself ..I think it’s more the childish jibes that get people’s sheep goat 🐐 if people aren’t constantly checking each thread they’ll not know what’s posted.
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I wonder what the reaction is and why it’s only been discovered.
I was wondering that too. There’s obviously been something that’s happened to flag it up. Apparently it’s already been banned previously in other countries as the severe reaction can cause brain damage or death. Of course this comes out a week after I’ve taken a box of day and night nurse 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Canada seemed to have gone (and I think to certain extent still is, include Australia in that) batshit crazy where vaccine mandates are concerned.
View attachment 2120455
Sick, sick and sick. I hope those people can sleep well at night knowing that's how they behaved.

How can you lose your mind to that extent that you can't differentiate between right and wrong?

We have definitely lived through the Milgram experiment.
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Has anyone else known anyone to have a collapsed lung post vaccine? A colleague had a reaction to the covid jabs and was in hospital for 3 days, all relating to his lungs. He had them about 18 months ago and last week he was out walking like he always does and all of a sudden collapsed in pain and couldn’t breathe, blue light to hospital and it’s discovered he’s now got a collapsed lung. Can’t help but think it’s stemming from the lung issues he had post vaccine.
Everything is possible:

I did it on the nhs website as I am in the uk. I think I won’t be successful as the vaccine hasn’t made me severely disabled. I think you only get vaccine payment if you are severely disabled caused by the vaccine.
Hope you do get something though I can imagine it will be like trying to get blood out of a stone.

You have to prove that you have become 60% disabled.
Not sure if this has been covered in previous threads but it there any hope of recovery for those of us who feel like they’ve been left mildly injured by the COVID vaccines. My issues have been palpitations, twitching, generally feeling awful and I’ve just discovered I have low bone density of my hips which may or may not be related.

I’ve tried googling but nothing of any use in the results.

Sorry for the late reply.

My brother had a bad reaction to his second Pfizer dose. He’s much better now then he was when he first had it. It left him completely unable to walk at one point and it was extreme pain for the next 5 months+, but he’s not been running or training for like he used to.

His stuff was neurological though.

If you also search for the alternative and prepping thread I got lots of advice. He was also on lots of medications. He is currently working as a junior doctor, so we weren’t anti pharma.

We tried practically everything at once. CBD drinks for the pain. Turmeric, Lots of massages. I bought the hot stones from Amazon and used Lush’s massage bar with peppermint oil. He was doing the Epsom salts daily. He had a better diet with lots of meat and salmon too.

I would really suggest taking baby steps to make small changes and trying to take better care of yourself. I do think it is possible to get better and not hopeless. Please keep posting if you need support. I was only believed on the CT thread it and it meant a lot to me to have that support.
so sorry to hear of all these tragedies, had many in my circle too in last two years where previously there had been nothing.

What is really concerning is how the unaware just explain away all this with ‘well he didn’t get to see a dr during lockdown’ or ‘well, they had an underlying issue’ or ‘ well he had cancer in the past’ or ‘people have heart attacks every day’.

As we know all these excuses and others like it, are absolute dog shit and up until recently for me living in a big city down south, people were reluctant to address elephant in the room but now thankfully, people can’t escape it anymore and it’s becoming glaring and frightening obvious.

my friends and I who think the same way really do believe the jab ingredients if not killing you outright, serve a sole purpose to bring about terminal cancer.

Isn’t it interesting how Pfizer just bought a cancer drug making laboratory. how more billions in profits is that?

Really sorry Rainbow, just saw you had also posted Jessica’s story and thank you! I just got that interiew she did from my cousin in the U.S this morning and posted it without looking to see if it had already posted. I also added some comments to it, if you’re at all interested. Thank you for posting it first. Really hope everyone takes about 30 minutes to listen to it, it’s so important and she explains everything so well, poor love.

Monga, in my humble opinion for what it’s worth, probably not much lol, is that from all the extensive reading and research I’ve done, if there is a story in the news like this, do the complete opposite. Everything has become a sordid money grubbing, lying game in the world of big pharma and it would be great if people started understanding exactly what is going on.

When you read a story like the eye drop drama, it‘s either one rival pharma company trying to smear and ensure profit loss for another pharma company by planting dirty stories OR it has been discovered that there is an ingredient in these eye drops that can in some way shape or form help with jab symptoms, so they obviously want to stop people from taking them until they figure out how to repackage these eye drops and release the new product themselves, reaping profits OR, they want to deliberately demonise the product to make it appear the eye drops can give you symptoms close to what jab gives you so it can be like ‘this person lost their eye sight as result of the drops’ because of course, it could never be a jab side effect, oh no.

In the U.S they have been trying furiously to get people to stop eating eggs, by raising prices considerable, destroying farms or generally trying to demonise egg consumption, because it was recently found there is an ingredient in egg yolk that can help the harmful effects of the jab.

Just wanted to mention all this to help the cause and make people more savvy to evil goings on!
No need to apologise. I posted just the intro not the full thing!
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I like reading the comments
Wonder what they could find if they did start performing them. Though I know it is very hard on the families. Glad to see he has a lawyer already. I love a good court case personally.

Surprised he didn't get suspended for saying something truly outrageous like only "biological women can only ever be women" or use #hatespeech.

What are the "offending" statements?

Sudden deaths are on the rise and half of the deaths are due to Sads, the sudden adult death syndrome» Petterle explained to La Verità «one out of two middle-aged deceased was healthy and in all known damage to the gland pineal, as if their immune system is impaired. The corpses are still swabbed: if positive they are removed from relatives ». Petterle, always to the newspaper, said he was concerned about the increase in deaths from myocardial infarction and the need to perform more autopsies to get to the causes.
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I'm not the original poster but I do know sadly of someone young and healthy who passed away from covid. I also have a young male relative who got very ill and had to be put on ECMO and it was very touch and go - he survived thankfully but is still struggling now 2 years on with side effects.

That's an awful but extraordinary case and I still believe most people do not know a healthy person who died.

Yes I agree Covid really did a number on a lot of people's health, but that doesn't explain why the government aggresively pushed a new vaccine when it's long term effects cannot have possibly been known and the number of people who contracted covid and made a full recovery was so high.

It's just strange.
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And while being mocked and called a loon for dare speaking their truth 💔
From her very first post:

"It is with the deepest sadness that I have to announce the death of my husband Stephen Wright.
Stephen died of a Cerebral Venous Stroke resulting in Brain Stem Death Tuesday 26th January 2021.
He was my best friend, my rock, my fairytale, my everything. I will miss him always. My heart goes out to his family, and mine and especially of course our wonderful sons Izaac and Elijah.

114 w "



Pandemic of the truly "unvaccinated" or those who count as vaccinated but don't meet the time criteria?


Pesky people:

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Also on a side note : will all the "MiSInForMaTiOn" about origin be updated and corrected by the fact checkers now the #science has shown a different explanation ?

Wonder what else will change in 3 years from now just because "we didn't know at the time".
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This is why I personally love it when they get the lawyers involved. 🤪 Only they can get to the truth even if there is a delay.

“An industry-appointed appeal board affirmed the PMCPA’s original findings that Dr Bourla’s comments on vaccinating 5 to 11-year-olds were promotional, and were both misleading and incapable of substantiation in relation to the safety of vaccinating that age group.”

It was Aaron Siri who helped get the Pfizer documents.

As Brooke Jackson’s case was also not dismissed it would be interesting to see where that one goes.
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2 of my nieces had hair loss, one after her first jab and the Dr said it was stress and to take the 2nd jab! She has shaved her head as the bad patches are right in the middle of her head.
The other suffered hair loss after 2 jabs and had a lot of tests and now has thyroid issues.
Both late 20s.
So sorry for your family @Poddular I really hope they make a full recovery 💖.
I know how upsetting hair loss can be, I know it's not the same but I experienced hair loss (and thinning) after I had my daughter (and I also shaved my head 😬 about 3 years ago out of sheer frustration because my hair looked awful).
It grew back but it had lost its lustre (I always had a good head of hair) so I know it sounds a bit out there , but because of a kind person on Tattle life I started using subliminal's, including ones for growing back (and thicker) hair and they worked for me 🤷‍♀️
Yes I am unvaccinated, so I haven't been adversely affected by that but possibly it's still worth a try?

Sometimes when you have nothing to lose its worth being a bit experimental?

So I'll just leave them here (or for anyone else if people want to have a try?)
Hopefully the content creator won't mind me sharing them (it's usually not a problem, but I think it's up to their discretion, most don't mind especially if it's something that helps in furthering healing).

So here goes

While I am on a roll I'll include this one as well (not bothered if some people will laugh or sneer at me) judging by the comments a lot of people have found this useful

Fingers crossed 🤞 ❤ that these can be helpful
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I"n closing, the author points out that MHRA knows perfectly well that the gene-based injections have caused tremendous harms, and if they claim not to know this, they will have had to not look at their own data. It’s that blatant.
Please onboard enough information to be able to inform others of the risks and to push back on the lazy “Correlation is not causation” trope."

We don't claim to know more than experienced professionals. And I don't go by what people post on thicktok/Fakebook/twatter. There are many, many ,many highly qualified ,experienced,unbiased medical and scientific brains all expressing their concerns about these vaccines.
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This is my opinion all of these people with money that DIE SUDDENLY their families should obtain their own results and submit for research and development purposes to the maker of their CV
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Carry on ranting about me in other places, I've clearly hit a nerve for some reason with you.

What misinformation did you actually correct other than point out a few of the substances you could actually see were okay ? Hope you can actually admit the obvious truth that even you can't see information that's not there. How can you protest it's 100% safe if it's hidden?

How do I know you're not lying about being a pharmacy student? Either way it's just text on a screen babe. If you're that sensitive, please get off this gossip website and take some time out for yourself.

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Piff paff puff

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I am hostile on this thread but there was a lot of pressure to get the vaccine and a lot of hostility to and ostricizing of those of us who didn't just because we were capable of critical thought and went against groupthink that those of us who refused the vaccine deserve a fucking apology.

And the vaccine was completely ineffective. In fact, the CV was so ineffective, Webster dictionary literally changed the meaning of "vaccine" in order to accommodate just how ineffective it was.

If you're healthy and got the vaccine, just don't pretend you would have joined the resistance in Nazi occupied France. You all love a fascist government.
Yes. Changing the meaning of words to fit the narrative. Couldn't get over that.
And the authoritarian approach. FML.
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Oo ooh ooohh if they're looking for a new thread title over there I have one:

We the Toxic

Has a certain ring to it, no?

I’m so sorry you went through that alone. No one should ever have to experience a pregnancy loss alone. So cruel what they unnecessarily put people through.
Thank you Freedom, you're a sweetheart. ❤

Luckily I'm made of strong stuff and just got on with it at the time. But looking back it's shit anybody should have to go through all that & I'm just 1 person, there must be millions of stories like that from then.

Ok now my edit has messed up the reactions as I've gone from funny (but not joking) to serious. But I know what you all mean. We are a hive mind after all 😂
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