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They absolutely do! I got called fat on a thread and I’m a size 14 & this was off a bison lover!

So size 30s acceptable but a size 14 is fat; just shows the delusion these gigantic beasts promote!
It makes you wonder how these people get through life 🫠
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I’m really sorry you and your children have gone through that, it’s absolutely awful!

Can I ask those mums here who have children with additional needs a question. What would you do if you knew your child was making another child feel really uncomfortable due to their actions? For example not respecting someone’s space?
I’ve been through this with my son & I sat him down & said to him you know you like to be left alone at times, well everyone feels like that too. So if you’re asked to give people space then do it as they need it.

And also explained if they don’t they could lose a friend & that got the message through as he got upset at the thought of losing a friend
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I honestly don’t know what’s going with schools lately.

I pulled my daughter out three weeks ago to home school. She was at the end of year 9 and I’ve seen a massive change in her already. The school wasn’t meeting her needs and they deemed her “too autistic for mainstream classes but not autistic enough for their ladder centre classes,” so she used to just sit in solution all day reading books.
It’s three years long this story so I won’t bore you but yeah, she’s been home three weeks and has done and learned more than in three years. I’ve just paid for her English gcse to be taken in October and she’s 14! She will be put in for her maths after that

I said I don’t mind home education but English and maths was non negotiable and she had to get qualifications in those
I’m aware she won’t have a job like others but she’s keen to go down the rescue centre for animals route or along those lines. So I’m getting her onto online courses in sept, ran by the local equine school to help learn about animals and agriculture!

She had picked dance and drama for her year 10 options at school and I know she wouldn’t have liked them. Least being at home we can tailor her choices to what her interests are

My youngest whom you’ve probably heard me talking about taking an overdose was pulled out last week and I sent the de registration letter in on Monday for her as her anxiety is so bad, she literally shake going to school, coupled with her mental and physical health, I wasn’t taking the chance of finding her in her room again because she couldn’t face sitting in a school that’s understaffed and ran by the naughty kids in there.

Think Waterloo road x100 and that’s what it have.
It was locked down on Monday afternoon because some kid was running around with a knife so they locked all the gates, with the kids still inside!!

Anyway, she’s done her assessments and even though she’s only 12, she meets the requirements to do English qualification in September

They socialise with friends from their school and have online friends and they go out with grandparents once a week for swimming and I’ve just had a walking pad delivered for them to do daily steps on

It’s cost me a fortune getting books for their key stage and paying for exams etc but least I don’t have to buy uniforms and school dinners etc

Sorry for the long ass post

Edited to add: plus now I have happy kids ❤
I agree schools are shit! It’s an absolute joke they will control our kids but can’t even get the basic education and welfare right! You’re a good mum ad you’ve put your kids needs first❤ hopefully things get a bit easier x
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It’s the middle child’s prom today 🥹 thankful I have boys so it’s not as stressful, no make up, fancy hair, tan etc…..
Shower, chuck on his suit, aftershave and it’s pretty much a done job! Oh and a cheeky beer 🍺 Thankful the weather is going to be stunning!
Awww ❤ I hope he has a good time
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I am sorry that you as a family have experienced this. Its shocking the way things are now in schools.
You can see why some kids just fail as a lot slip through the net and it’s such a shame
I’m glad I’m in a position to home educate and the local education are so far on board with me and that’s all good for us.
Had they been little kids then I couldn’t have done it but being that little bit older and a lot of their work is tutoring online, it’s much easier to manage for us all.
They are only required to do so many hours a week and they do 9-12 Monday to Friday but Fridays they go swimming and that’s classed as a “lesson”

We take them out on a weekend for a long country walk or museum or cinema etc so it keeps everything interesting

But our home life is so much better now and we have happier kids.

It wasn’t a decision we made overnight. I researched for months and months plus joined fb groups for advice etc.
Morning all…….
I’m always reading not always posting depends on how my day is going!
Life’s been incredibly hard this past few months, not getting any better and don’t foresee it ever getting better but we push through!
Currently caring for my son 24/7 since he came home from hospice as well as going back to work after being off since March, a phased return although I won’t return fully this year I doubt. Nice to go in to work and interact with others to take my mind of everything I have going on.
On top of what my son is going through my husband has also started chemo 😩 often wonder how much of a Cnut I was in a past life 😅
I often think of you all and my heart goes out to you and your family.
Life is terribly unfair to the wrong people and it really pisses me off.

You know we’re here for you whenever you need ❤
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I’ve commented now but I need a funny profile pic. If anyone wants to provide me with options I’ll be grateful and buy you some kylie 🙏🏼 🤣
Seen your comment on cc and kept trying to add this sound 🤣 but it's not letting letting comment 😳


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I echo what @K4040 said. I’ve had a similar talk with my daughter as a few friends turned on her because of how she was acting, in her case, it was her moods and being quite blunt with her talking
I found that being straight forward and laying it out simply makes them get the point

I’m yet to hear anything good about schools these days!
Thank you, that’s very kind of you to say ❤
It’s bloody hard but we all do our hardest to give them a good start in life
You definitely need to keep it simple so they understand better.

I feel really lucky my son’s school is amazing (he’s mainstream) and any time I’ve had any issues or he has, it’s been sorted straight away even if I message his head of year in the evening or weekends he replies and will say sort next school day
I honestly wish more parents would have these conversations with their children, additional needs or not. I’m big on teaching my son consent and that no means no
Yeah I think every parent should do. Boundaries are for everyone
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Was there not another account came on recently that said a family member had contacted them and they had tea to spill? Wonder if that was jo too 🙈
  • Wow
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VIP Member
Morning all…….
I’m always reading not always posting depends on how my day is going!
Life’s been incredibly hard this past few months, not getting any better and don’t foresee it ever getting better but we push through!
Currently caring for my son 24/7 since he came home from hospice as well as going back to work after being off since March, a phased return although I won’t return fully this year I doubt. Nice to go in to work and interact with others to take my mind of everything I have going on.
On top of what my son is going through my husband has also started chemo 😩 often wonder how much of a Cnut I was in a past life 😅
So sorry to hear things aren’t going well, always remember we’re here for you to vent
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I’m the same size as you but because I’m only 5ft tall I probably look completely different and I hate it
I’ve battled an ED for most of my life so I’ve literally been all sizes. My smallest being during Covid thanks to furlough, got addicted to working out and I was painfully thin, but I’d honestly hate to be as big as those two and I can never get over how people defend them!!

I mean, are they all that stupid? Or blind?

I watch Becky’s TikTok’s and all I say to my husband is, isn’t she embarrassed by her size? Aren’t her family embarrassed?

Being overweight to a certain point is fine but that’s morbidly obese and dangerous to her health.
Someone posted this and I saved it as it really struck a cord with me
I saw that. I started in the gym 1st May. I’m 8lb down in weight but the scales tell me that I’ve lost 7lbs of fat whilst building 4lb of muscle in that time. Lost 4in off my waist & 3 off my hips & im 2 sizes down in jeans.

Becki and Jo are never gonna lose those numbers because the calories in are about 5/6 times those being burnt. Yes they’re active but what’s the point when you’re cramming in 5000 calories daily?
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It’s sad because he did take this kid under his wing but it’s hit breaking point. The kid obviously doesn’t know they’re doing wrong but if the teachers won’t deal with it then there’s nothing else I can do. I genuinely think being a school mum is up there with one of the worst parts of parenting. Take me back to toddlerhood anyday 🤣
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Oh I agree! It’s a minefield

Could you have a word with the other child’s parent? Is that an option?
Yep tried that first and I was told kids will play with who they want to. Totally missing the point and she didn’t care. Hasn’t spoken to me since 🤣
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