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Shit at every one of them 😂

I have no idea who you’re on about and I have no intention of finding out either because keloid has made my stomach turn 🤢🤢🤢😂
If you followed Erin's journey, it's her friend Abi who " cared for her " at end I her life...bloody weirdo!
Sorry if there's any Abi fans here!
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A shocker, tattle yesterday was light relief!! Quiet day today isn’t it!! Lost track with Vav again, lost track with bison months ago. Shaimey is just boring AF. Any other suggestions?x
Love the bison thread! It’s like a full time job catching up tho, her and Aimee keep me busy😂 also been on the footballers threads (Declan rice ;)
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As I’ve gotten mentally better with my weight and eating, I’ve learned that the scales are not to be relied on entirely because you can weigh different on different scales
I go by inch loss and how my clothes feel.
I use my knickers, if they feel a little tight then I know I need to cut down a few pounds and cloths sizing has always been a massive massive trigger for me

I saw someone say that the clothes should fit you, not you fit the clothes and I’ve taken that on board and now my sizing ranges from like 12-20 especially in jeans!! As you know it’s not just shop to shop with sizing, it’s item to item in the same shop!

If you get what I mean 😂
I only weigh myself on the gym scales but I also go off inches lost/clothes fit. I agree with the clothes should fit you (jo could do with that advice)
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Well-known member
I honestly don’t know what’s going with schools lately.

I pulled my daughter out three weeks ago to home school. She was at the end of year 9 and I’ve seen a massive change in her already. The school wasn’t meeting her needs and they deemed her “too autistic for mainstream classes but not autistic enough for their ladder centre classes,” so she used to just sit in solution all day reading books.
It’s three years long this story so I won’t bore you but yeah, she’s been home three weeks and has done and learned more than in three years. I’ve just paid for her English gcse to be taken in October and she’s 14! She will be put in for her maths after that

I said I don’t mind home education but English and maths was non negotiable and she had to get qualifications in those
I’m aware she won’t have a job like others but she’s keen to go down the rescue centre for animals route or along those lines. So I’m getting her onto online courses in sept, ran by the local equine school to help learn about animals and agriculture!

She had picked dance and drama for her year 10 options at school and I know she wouldn’t have liked them. Least being at home we can tailor her choices to what her interests are

My youngest whom you’ve probably heard me talking about taking an overdose was pulled out last week and I sent the de registration letter in on Monday for her as her anxiety is so bad, she literally shake going to school, coupled with her mental and physical health, I wasn’t taking the chance of finding her in her room again because she couldn’t face sitting in a school that’s understaffed and ran by the naughty kids in there.

Think Waterloo road x100 and that’s what it have.
It was locked down on Monday afternoon because some kid was running around with a knife so they locked all the gates, with the kids still inside!!

Anyway, she’s done her assessments and even though she’s only 12, she meets the requirements to do English qualification in September

They socialise with friends from their school and have online friends and they go out with grandparents once a week for swimming and I’ve just had a walking pad delivered for them to do daily steps on

It’s cost me a fortune getting books for their key stage and paying for exams etc but least I don’t have to buy uniforms and school dinners etc

Sorry for the long ass post

Edited to add: plus now I have happy kids ❤
I am sorry that you as a family have experienced this. Its shocking the way things are now in schools.
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Sending love to you all. Life is shite and we all try and do the best we can with what we have. Some days we rock other days not so much. Prefer to be that way than some of the so called content creators who have no idea about the real world. 💕
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It’s the middle child’s prom today 🥹 thankful I have boys so it’s not as stressful, no make up, fancy hair, tan etc…..
Shower, chuck on his suit, aftershave and it’s pretty much a done job! Oh and a cheeky beer 🍺 Thankful the weather is going to be stunning!
Hope he has the best day ❤
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Morning all…….
I’m always reading not always posting depends on how my day is going!
Life’s been incredibly hard this past few months, not getting any better and don’t foresee it ever getting better but we push through!
Currently caring for my son 24/7 since he came home from hospice as well as going back to work after being off since March, a phased return although I won’t return fully this year I doubt. Nice to go in to work and interact with others to take my mind of everything I have going on.
On top of what my son is going through my husband has also started chemo 😩 often wonder how much of a Cnut I was in a past life 😅
I’m so incredibly sorry you’re all going through this, sending hugs❤❤
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VIP Member
I honestly don’t know what’s going with schools lately.

I pulled my daughter out three weeks ago to home school. She was at the end of year 9 and I’ve seen a massive change in her already. The school wasn’t meeting her needs and they deemed her “too autistic for mainstream classes but not autistic enough for their ladder centre classes,” so she used to just sit in solution all day reading books.
It’s three years long this story so I won’t bore you but yeah, she’s been home three weeks and has done and learned more than in three years. I’ve just paid for her English gcse to be taken in October and she’s 14! She will be put in for her maths after that

I said I don’t mind home education but English and maths was non negotiable and she had to get qualifications in those
I’m aware she won’t have a job like others but she’s keen to go down the rescue centre for animals route or along those lines. So I’m getting her onto online courses in sept, ran by the local equine school to help learn about animals and agriculture!

She had picked dance and drama for her year 10 options at school and I know she wouldn’t have liked them. Least being at home we can tailor her choices to what her interests are

My youngest whom you’ve probably heard me talking about taking an overdose was pulled out last week and I sent the de registration letter in on Monday for her as her anxiety is so bad, she literally shake going to school, coupled with her mental and physical health, I wasn’t taking the chance of finding her in her room again because she couldn’t face sitting in a school that’s understaffed and ran by the naughty kids in there.

Think Waterloo road x100 and that’s what it have.
It was locked down on Monday afternoon because some kid was running around with a knife so they locked all the gates, with the kids still inside!!

Anyway, she’s done her assessments and even though she’s only 12, she meets the requirements to do English qualification in September

They socialise with friends from their school and have online friends and they go out with grandparents once a week for swimming and I’ve just had a walking pad delivered for them to do daily steps on

It’s cost me a fortune getting books for their key stage and paying for exams etc but least I don’t have to buy uniforms and school dinners etc

Sorry for the long ass post

Edited to add: plus now I have happy kids ❤
I’m really sorry you and your children have gone through that, it’s absolutely awful!

Can I ask those mums here who have children with additional needs a question. What would you do if you knew your child was making another child feel really uncomfortable due to their actions? For example not respecting someone’s space?
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