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Easton hasn’t escaped yet, I note. Maybe they’re waiting for their beach house to finish funding his degree before he leaves? There’s no way he’ll have a student loan. Meanwhilst, he has to suffer through ‘device-free Sundays’, especially as you can imagine the battle he had to have to get a phone in the first place, now C is dictating when he uses it and what he does instead!?

Maybe Quin’s sewing started out with him doing it, and turned into Courtney making money through him. There’s no way she’s not pocketing some of it (poor country mouse), and she’s pushing the crowns so much - possibly because there are requests for them in the comments every birthday!
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hi all, i’m a long time follower of Courtney’s, and have gradually got sick of her faux simple living persona. A turning point for me was her lack of transparency around the beach house. I have a question - does anyone know what happened between C and Esther and Emilie of Babyccino? I had a look on Esther’s insta, and whilst C still follows her, she hasn’t liked any posts. Would love to know
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We don't know for sure but it seems like Esther was doing the bulk of the work on Babyccino while Courtney was mining content from it to sell solo courses on pregnancy and raising kids. She made 6 figures on several of the courses while Esther was presumably making peanuts on Babyccino. Can understand if it caused a rift. I think Emilie just outgrew the blog as her kids got older.

At the same time, Courtney was going full linen, posting non stop about how Aimee Winchester (Little.winnie) and the other Byron bores were her best friends/sister wives now, where as Esther and Emilie had previously filled that role.

ah thank you! that makes sense. it seems like it’s gone pretty sour, and that Courtney has completely overhauled her ‘vibe’ in the last few years. I found myself watching her stories and thinking ‘why do I still follow this person?!’
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Five star hotel, flights all over the world, snorkelled The Great Barrier Reef in 2010… and this holiday is all about saving it, whilst tourism is its biggest killer. Great she’s promoting a charity but oh my god she needs to take a reality check. Hope this charity drops her, before real carers drop a charity that supports the damage she and her family cause the environment and the consumerism she promotes. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Promoting a charity like this makes Courtney look good, (from her perspective anyway) because it’s makes her look ‘eco’ despite the hundreds of long haul flights. Plus, it’s a holiday, which is always something that goes down well after a backlash like the ‘we have financial pressure’ post. The church mouse works so hard, she definitely needs this holiday, don’t you know.
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One of the rules for the house on the AIRBNB listing is no shoes in the house!!!!
Good luck with that one!
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Me too! I’ve said on here before, I have two boys and loads of those swim suits (as live in Spain) and they are NEVER anywhere near as tight or revealing as that in their own sizes (and Spanish sizes run small vs my bigger built more Northern European kids). You can’t see anything in any of my photos. It’s like she likes the aesthetic or something … really really odd and concerning as anyone can look at that and realise it’s inappropriate!
She does like the aesthetic. She refused to let her boys wear board shorts. 🙄 and used to take photos of them peeing outdoors. 😡 there used to be Pinterest boards with whole boards of pictures of her kids. I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if I thought there were pictures of my kids in peoples collections online. Ugh
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I feel uncomfortable looking at him in those skin tight ‘bathers’ she’s in fairy land putting that online
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A post last week annoyed me 'I'm not one of those mothers wishing their children were back at school' - Oh, maybe that's because you're very wealthy and have a designer beach house to sped the summer at? She's so out of touch and judgemental.
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You would think having more than one house would be an opportunity to experiment a little and change things up, I know I would. She’s become so boring I barely even look at her instagram anymore. Ester of babychino seems to have such a more interesting and dynamic family life, something to actually aspire to.

on another note, anyone know if there is a cup of jo/joanna goddard thread on here? I can’t find it but want the juice on her separation.
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The lunchbox content is so boring and it feels like nothing is sacred from public consumption; we know what their kids eat, where they sleep, what their rooms look like, who their friends are, what they like to read, their hobbies and strengths .. not to mention the occasional personal development leap / challenging behaviour .. it’s ALL laid out for anyone to consume. I unfollowed both, as it feels too invasive of those kids privacy.
I can't believe anyone is paying for her 'content'. Their lives must be even more boring than hers.
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So WEIRD! I’ve said it before but I really hope all her kids become goths/ metalheads/heavily tattooed alternative people 🤣
She probably wouldn’t mind that alternative look .. it could be written off as “boho” (maybe not goth 😂). I’d love one or two to go really overtly commercial / mainstream .. that would be worse for her aesthetic 100% … loads of tacky labels and bling bling vibes 😂
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Or has Easton come into some money from the family trust now he’s an adult so the power dynamic is shifting… even if Courtney knew it was going to happen the reality might have hit different.
The fucked up dynamics of money as a control tool is particularly bad with family influencer mums, dont know how you’d start to unpick it all.
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Saw the photo that was discussed up thread!!! How could she post that and not see the issue?! Is she really that naive?! Or is it intentionally provocative? Really weird and worrying behaviour.
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Chloe's house in the Byron Bay area is also for sale. What's going on?

Chloe has done an excellent job of making it look as though they were surrounded by rolling green hills, where in reality the house is beside a busy four lane main road that trucks travel on.

It's all smoke and mirrors.

I wonder if they overcapitalised on the Sydney house? Byron property prices are falling dramatically so their timing to sell is really off.
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The story of Wilkie today in his swimmers, you can really see everything. Why does she think this is ok? Makes me so angry on his behalf.
Me too! I’ve said on here before, I have two boys and loads of those swim suits (as live in Spain) and they are NEVER anywhere near as tight or revealing as that in their own sizes (and Spanish sizes run small vs my bigger built more Northern European kids). You can’t see anything in any of my photos. It’s like she likes the aesthetic or something … really really odd and concerning as anyone can look at that and realise it’s inappropriate!
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“Captivating” !! Who refers to their own work as such .. you can’t claim something is such, you have to wait to see if anyone is captivated by it 😂 how much is it? What could possibly be on it that we haven’t seen before?!
Inner circle (vom) membership is $19 USD a month. That’s $28.50 AUD a month or £15.00 a month.

If even 50 people sign up, that’s a cool $950 USD/$1425 AUD/£750 per month for probably rehashed content. That’s the private school fees covered.

I think all the testimonials for her past courses are women that have businesses local to her. She’s probably joined the local Women in Business Network and those will be her first ‘monthly discounts’.

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She has not really picked the best time to launch a renovation course, with so many builders collapsing the cost of building materials sky rocketing and the cost of living/inflation crunch.
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