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My daughter had to watch a video in science today about childbirth. All I could hear was her saying oh my God that's manky 🤣🤣.
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xoxo GG

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Can anyone actually remember “normal” life cos it just feels like a distant memory to me now 😪
No. I can’t remember being able to leave the house care free and seeing what we fancied doing. I don’t remember days out, the feeling when you see your food coming in a restaurant 😂 or the last time I had all my friends in the same room, or hugged my parents. I cannot wait for the day that covid isn’t always at the forefront of my mind and we can be spontaneous again.
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It’s just lovely to see isn’t it? Something positive and helps us see the light at the end of tunnel is there ❤
I was crying anyway and then they interviewed a 90 year old who said she felt guilty cause it should be given to the young people and that was it I was gone then! Bless her heart, I wanted to put my arms around her and tell her she's as deserving as anyone else❤
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I’m so sorry to hear that I know you were a stickler for the rules to keep him safe, I hope he makes a speedy recovery x
Thanks Monga.
Yes I’ve willingly put myself in lockdown since the start of last March and I’m now thinking ”for what?”
I’ve not hugged him or kissed him in almost a year and the only time I’ve been within 2 metres of him was on Christmas Day and I still didn’t touch him even then.

Then he goes into hospital for a minor procedure and they put him in a ward where they have Covid patients.
He is currently on oxygen so we just have to wait and hope.
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Exeter nightingale are asking for donations of scarves, shawls and blankets for patients because they've got the doors and windows open for ventilation 😔 must be so cold at night
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If the hospitalisations drop to a level where the NHS is no longer at risk of being overwhelmed (this would be after phase one completes plus lag so not until May) then I see no reason they would continue with restrictions. Certainly nothing like lockdown.

We will never get to zero hospitalisations or deaths, it will never happen. They have said it’s when the risk reaches an acceptable level.

If the vaccine is effective there is no reason to believe things are not going to improve relatively soon.

Even Whitty said if vaccine is effective in reducing hospitalisations and severe disease then worst case scenario we need some minor restrictions next winter but nothing compared to what we are facing now.
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I can't believe people here moaning and groaning about how bad 2021 will be, FFS we're in the second week of the year, come on people suck it up, man up and deal with problems as they arise...stop bloody whining "its gonna be bad" "I can't face it" grow up.

My wife left retirement and went back into nursing, I'm on the vulnerable list with lung problems, I've had to sleep a spare bedroom since March (for my safety), I've got a holiday home on Gran Canaria I've not set foot in for a year, lost two friends to C19 but sod it, I ain't moaning I'm making sure I enjoy my life as much as I can.

I really don't like self pity.
Well I'm sorry that some of us are struggling. Comments like this don't help. Any wonder why some people struggle on with their mental health issues when people have this attitude!
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liar liar

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After all of these stories of people catching COVID in hospitals I am now starting to worry about my hospital appointment next week. It’s to rule out breast cancer, hopefully, which is quite serious. Is it people who have to stay at the hospital who seem to catch it or even people going for appointments?
I probably not helped by MIL telling me every day not to go and to postpone 😔
Wear your mask but don't miss your appointment. Cancer couldn't care less about Covid. I wish you all the best and wait to hear your outcome. x
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My OHs 93 year old Grandparents have finally got the call for their first jabs on Sat. A bit of faff re how they will get there so either myself or my OH will be masking and gloving up to take them. But that’s my positive news today! 🤗
My husbands 98 year old grandad had his first the other day. I got ridiculously over emotional about it all. We have missed seeing him.
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Getting a bit fed up of waking up on a Saturday morning and thinking what shall we do this weekend? Oh, yea nothing! 🤦🏻‍♀️😣
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Mulholland Drive

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Funny thing is, when you're living in a different country you don't realise just how great it is to have something like the NHS to fall back on.

I know it has its faults, not least not enough frontline people and far too many suits. But despite that it really is an awesome service compared to the hit-and-miss <free> health services you see in some parts of the world, especially here in South Africa
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My 89 year old Nan got her first vaccine yesterday, no side effects! She said her arm is a little achy as you’d expect with any jab but she feels absolutely fine!
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Considering they haven’t been tightened since the lockdown was announced, though DM has said they will, I’m inclined to say they are making it up 😅

‘A source close to the government said’ is now code for ‘we don’t have a story today so here’s something we fabricated, enjoy your anxiety!’ 😬
I think the Government know that they are losing the country in terms of the level of restrictions we are at currently, so I don’t think they would enforce stricter ones. I think the Government release “ideas” to the Daily Mail as I believe there’s a link to them through Michael Gove, to test the waters. They have seen that there has been a huge backlash so I assume they won’t go any further - hence the big drive about adhering to the current rules, rather than changing them to be more draconian.

I am still finding being apart from my boyfriend quite difficult. He knows this and it’s starting to get to the point where I can’t tell him how I’m feeling because it stresses him out. 🙈 I asked him if he wanted to move in with me for this period of time and he said no as we are still only in the early stages. I’m with him on that in many ways but would have liked to have tried to see how it would go.

Some of you may be familiar with my previous relationship and the verbal and emotional abuse I endured along with some instances of rape. Well: my ex partner (who my current boyfriend helped me to get away from) decided to try and contact me yesterday. Firstly a text message in the morning as someone we mutually know (not sure who) had told him I was struggling mentally at the moment from reading my social media posts. The text said that he would always be there to listen if I needed him and to make sure I was okay. I ignored it and didn’t respond. Then later that day, he tried to call me twice within the space of an hour. I could see that he was trying to worm his way back in to my life and after what he did to me I have no desire for that - especially as I’m also with someone now who I love and adore. I told my boyfriend what had happened and he encouraged me to just block his number. I would have done just that but I was feeling a lot more confident. I’m in therapy for some of the after effects that relationship has left me with and him having the audacity to contact me made me angry. I called him back and told him that whilst it’s nice he is concerned about me, that “since there was crossover my boyfriend knows all too well who you are and it isn’t appropriate that you contact me”. He got defensive and then we said our goodbyes but I felt incredibly powerful in that moment. I felt like Wonder Woman. My boyfriend and Mum were proud of me as well.
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So let everyone else protect you, thats jolly good of you ... you are anti vax and they deserve the 'negative connotations' attached to that. There is no logic to not taking the vaccine so don't expect any support for your views :devilish:
Some other people have already provided some excellent responses to this post but as you’re personally attacking me I’d quite like to have my say.

You do realise that at present there is no proof that anyone else having the vaccine protects me if I don’t have it right? Obviously we hope the vaccine will stop transmission and the theory is that is may well do so, but at present the proven scientific benefit of having the vaccine is to protect the individual who has received it from getting seriously ill only. If I don’t have it, I am missing out on that protection, and that is MY choice.

If the vaccine does turn out to stop transmission then I reserve the right to change MY mind about MY choice. Similarly, if the vaccine does turn into the magic bullet and receipt of it means I can go back to normal the minute they jab me, sign me the fuck up.

The thing that pisses me off the most about your sort of misinformed judgement is that all of this is purely hypothetical anyway, because as a healthy person in my early 30s who knows if I’ll even be offered the fucking thing to be given the opportunity to make a choice about whether or not to have it!
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Mrs McCarthy

Chatty Member
Well, Israel has seen a drop in infection rates with the vaccine, which is very good news!
And at least COVID is not as bad as Polio, TB, Bubonic plague and many other diseases. Yes Long COVID is a problem, and people unfortunately die, but can you imagine how would it feel if COVID had the mortality rate of bubonic plague, which is around 40%?
And we are so well of with the medical science! Compare this to the Spanish flu - if this happened 100 years ago, lot more people wouldn’t have survived. We can treat it, we can save people from dying, we have a vaccine that can help with seriousness of the disease. And most of us are in the UK, with good and free healthcare system, where at least you don’t need to worry how your grandparents are going to pay for the vaccine or treatment in hospital.
I am feeling all doom and gloom frequently but I try to remind myself of the positives.
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It really does feel like we have been in lockdown forever now! I didn't go to any pubs/restaurants in the summer as still didn't feel comfortable and then just as we were considering venturing back out there, cases started rising and we were put into tier 3 in October so they've been closed since then and we haven't been able to mix since then either!
I honestly think I'm becoming numb to it now.

I am trying to be positive though! 😂 Had a chilled day today, not left the house at all. Still loads of snow and ice so had a cosy day then had a pamper evening and currently sat with a facemask on (a strawberries and cream one, not a blue medical one) 🤣🤣 and a cup of tea before bed 😁
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