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Is anybody else finding that one minute they are feeling okish about all the whole situation and the next they are overwhelmed with anxiety about it all?
I'm so up and down at the moment.
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Iconic Member
Here’s an idea,

let’s stop shitting on each other and let’s stop trying to guess who’s a “Tory” on these threads, for the laugh let’s try and play nice.


to the users offering to help each other out with items they can’t access or supplies they’re looking for, we need more of you 🙂
to the others arguing or try to instigate arguments, as I said, embarrassing.
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As someone who lives in another European country which is taking drastic but necessary measures to prevent the spread of the virus, I'm really struggling to comprehend UK's approach to all of this ... I thought Trump would be bad dealing with this kind of situation but it seems Boris Johnson is even worse. I feel sorry for everyone who has not voted Tory and has to deal with the consequences of his incompetence.
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When Boris was elected I honestly thought who looks at that man and decides he can run a country. I'm even more worried than I was then
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Wanted to hold off posting here because I didn't want to be a trigger until I knew what was happening but...
My friend and her little boy were both taken to hospital last Monday with fevers, respiratory difficultly etc. He is 7 and has asthma so was high risk.
Were both confirmed positive last Weds and are both out of hospital today and well on the mend.
Both in isolation at home still but are recovering well.

So for anyone with asthma or kids with asthma...i hope it's reassuring slightly.
NHS were fantastic apparently.
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Little reminder. You can voice your struggles & concerns without making others struggles or concerns invalid.
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Also dropped in the notes to my neighbours. Spoke to a few of them face to face and they'd said they'd text me or call if they needed anything. Not sure if they will, but I hope they do.

Came home to a note through my door - one of my elderly neighbours who lives alone asking if I come across any loo roll then they'd appreciate it and they'd pay me back. I gave them a pack of mine instead. Don't think I'd find any if I tried looking in the shops.
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Hi you all! I've been lurking for a looong time, usually other threads but this one lately. I just wanted to share my experience. I am sorry if you find it uncalled for or unnecesary. I am a teacher and I am from Spain. As some of you might now, we are now on a complete lockdown for, at least, 14 days. I've read some comments saying you don't see this happening in the UK. By no means I'm saying this is going to happen there but believe me, I didn't think that was possible here either. At first I thought people wouldn't take it seriously but after several appearances of our PM on tv and other experts, people, in general, have understood it and, actually, we are developing a great sense of community. Police are in the streets warning today and as for tomorrow, there will be fines to people who disregard these measures. I'm not going to lie, this is kind of scary. My sister is confined in Madrid by herself, my parents are on my hometown, plus my mum works in the hospital so she's constantly exposed to it, and I am confined by myself too, in another town. I know I am lucky because we are all doing fine and I do not neet to care for children or anything, but still, it's a bit worrying. Just watching the news at the moment, we are currently on 7,750 tested positive and 288 deaths.
I'm following this thread to see your perspective, sorry for the long post!
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Chatty Member
It’s really worrying that Boris seems to be the only leader of any country not showing himself since Thursday .
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This is just so bloody exhausting! The lack of direction from our twat of a prime minister (sorry I’m a labour voter, don’t want to get political) but right now where the hell is he??? If I was him I’d be showing my face at least every two days with constant updates. It’s the not knowing that’s killing me. As I mentioned previously I’m very unwell and I need to decide whether I send my children to school tomorrow 🤷‍♀️ If I knew they were closing on Friday I wouldn’t feel so bad, but if it’s two weeks time I’m going to get crucified for keeping them off two weeks! I could grab Borris Johnson’s face and scream at him right now! “Oh yeah we will advise all elderly to stay isolated this week” . Is that it? What the actual fuck???! I’m getting rather sick of this now. Arseholes.
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I really don't think it's too much to ask that the leader of our country is visible and reassuring us that things are being handled. Briefly appearing once a day/every other day would still give him plenty of time to be doing all the work behind the scenes that I hope he is.

His speech on Thursday was hardly guidance. It's actually embarrassing to witness how he has responded compared to other leaders around the world.

I've seen people on Twitter responding "well JC wouldn't have handled it any better" ... that's hardly the point is it? The fact is, Boris Johnson is our PM now so he is now accountable for his actions without constantly being compared to how JC hypothetically would have handled it if he were PM.

I'm not a fan of BJ but after the election I thought ok I will give him the benefit of the doubt and hope he proves me wrong. But he is not showing strong leadership on this issue so far.
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Chatty Member
We all need to stay away from each other except kids who we can put 32 of them in a tiny class and spread all sorts to home. Also school canteens that hold over 400 kids at a time is also ok.
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Went to a Lidl this morning that opened at 10 am. There was a queue outside at 09.15 when I first went past. VisIted bakery and coffee shop before returning at about 1010 and it was heaving. Grabbed three small packets of paracetamol, some bananas and crisps and queued up. At the till, one pack of paracetamol was taken off me and was told only
two per customer. Only 16 in each packet.
To be fair hasn’t it always been two packets of paracetamol?
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I’ve just been notified that my husband is being sent home this week (a few months early).. he’s currently in a European country with the army on a huge operation that’s cost millions and has involved a lot of personnel from around the globe. Majority are being sent home due to CV. I’m so relieved, I’ve been getting so anxious not having someone to share my thoughts with in person (thanks tattlers for being my online OH the past few months!)
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What good is him coming on tv every day repeating the same thing? I’m sure he’s probably working behind the scenes with EXPERTS deciding the best approach.
because in times like these, a country needs guidance. someone to stand up and say that things will be ok, someone to boost morale and show face in the hardest of times.
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Chatty Member
Drove past the retail park nearish me today and the car park was full and queues to get in were just as bad as any normal Sunday. The retail park has no supermarkets, pharmacies or any other necessities so no one is getting the ‘stay home’ message 😡
How far is this going to have to go before people cop the fuck on?!
No one has said you have to stay at home! Only if you feel unwell, so if they’re feeling well they aren’t doing anything wrong
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Chatty Member
Maybe i just have a huge bucket vagina then as I can’t seem to get a seal and get leaks just assumed it was because of my tilted cervix. :oops:
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I disagree that it’s been handled disgracefully. Would you rather these experts spend all of their time behind the scenes working on the problem or constantly on the tv I know which id prefer.

the Torres aren’t making all the morons but about 2 years of pasta, toilet roll, hand wash in one go either are they?
The experts don't need to be on TV all the time but a daily update from our Prime Minister is not too much to ask especially since he announced we are experiencing the worst public health crisis since the Second World War. Not everyone has access to the internet or social media, so I would think a TV appearance would help the general public with their uncertainty.
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because in times like these, a country needs guidance. someone to stand up and say that things will be ok, someone to boost morale and show face in the hardest of times.
THIS! Our prime minister has been holding press conferences almost every day informing the public and giving us updates. I wasn't a fan of him before but even I have to admit that he's been handling this situation extremely well. We're in lockdown now and everyone seems oddly calm about it and understands that it's a necessary measure.

Can't believe there are people on here who are defending Boris Johnson lol. You guys are applauding him for ... doing nothing!?
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