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Be creative

Active member
You know, I sit and watch Boris answering these questions and I’ve never been so relieved to have Sturgeon in control of Scotland and answering people’s queries. He truly is a terrible terrible speaker. Time wasting with uh’s and ah’s and em’s and constantly bloody repeating and dancing around the actual point. It’s infuriating to listen to
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I’m a bit confused as to why some people are sad or confused about a second wave happening?

do people actually think being in lockdown means the virus will disappear?

there was always bound to be a second wave and to be honest i’d rather have that in the summer than the winter.

hate to Be pessimistic but can potentially see a 3rd wave if the lockdown and ease again after the 2nd especially if schools all go back in september.

until there is treatment/vaccine then there will be waves until herd immunity. Hopefully they won’t be as bad but it can’t be stopped.
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Because all the teachers I know think they’re Gods and the absolute be all and end all to a child’s life. My brother and sister in law are both teachers and they think the world owes them something for doing so.
I’m sure some teachers think that, but some NHS nurses do, some waitresses do, doctors, accountants etc. You get people like that in every occupation.

I have so much respect for teachers. I can hardly cope with my ONE four year old, let alone 30+ of them. I break out in hives just thinking about it. 😂
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Iconic Member
I’m a secondary teacher and haven’t been in yet. We have 1200 students in total, with only around 10 students a day going in at the moment. This means that there is no reason for me to go in; it’s more useful for me to be teaching the others from home, as well as dealing with constant enquiries from parents (which I’m stuffing with as I haven’t actually met my classes as my return from maternity leave was actually the first day of school “closures”)
so many seem to assume teachers are sitting on their ass in their pj’s at 1pm every day playing animal crossing,
Busy trying to dodge work for the next few months so they can have a 6 month summer holiday.

people are fucking thick at times.

I don’t know if I believe in god but someone is pissed at the world 😐

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Detty pig

Well-known member
I get it, economy is important, we need money to live.....but let's face it the fact that there was no mention of family and the fact they are all about getting childcare for working parents rather than education (if it was education year 10 would be first in line) just shows what world we live in really. We basically live to work and money is the main priority. Like I said I get it, it's just sad.
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I’m in floods of tears at the furlough announcement. My partner doesn’t qualify for it as he started his job in March. We can’t survive until October. We will lose our house. I hope to god businesses don’t see this as an option until October.
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that’s how I’ve understood it. I think as a household you pick one and then they as a household have to pick you, not someone else making it exclusive? So my Nan (not high risk) who has 8 children could only pick one household who is allowed to see her and she could see? I understand why but it’s going to be a hard decision for a lot of people.
I'm guessing some people will finally found out who their parents favourite child is 🤭
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I think so too, it’s also half term in two weeks and there will be lots of people moving around the country visiting different areas. This needs to be addressed as well and people need to be told to stay local.
People on my Facebook are saying they hope they can still go on their holidays in may
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Chatty Member
It feels that lots of people are feeling quite flat today (me included). What are people's go to comfort things? For me, it's having Friends on in the TV even in the background. Sounds sad but the familiarity of it always helps me.
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Anyone know if childminders can re open for children who’s parents aren’t key workers ? This is all hurting my head lol xx
Had the same convo with my hubby just now as my youngest was taking a shit under the dining table 🤦🏻‍♀️
Tempted to get an au pair at this point 😂😂
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I remember how at the start of lockdown I told myself I was going to aim for 1/2hours of home ‘school’ every day.

Oh how I laugh at myself now, reminded me of when I was pregnant with my eldest, no idea what to expect yet I was determined i was going to do everything right all the time🤣

My 7 year old is playing a game on the wii (old school I know) where the characters don’t speak and there are dialogue boxes instead so I’m counting that as today’s reading....
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Proves she’s not a Tattler though or it would of been wrecking ball playing 😉
if it was one of us, I’d reckon it would be you with a ‘good afternoon, so prime minister...BY THE WAY CHRIS WHITTY I THINK ABOUT YOU ALL THE TIME AND I JUST WANT TO SAY BE MINE’ 😂😂😂
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Eh I think saying 80% is too much and it should be 60% at most is a bit short sighted and probably easier to say when you are still earning full pay. People who have been furloughed didn't chose it, sure some people take the piss but I would say the vast majority of people know their job is at risk and they would rather their employer wasn't forced to shut and would rather they could work. I know I would love to be working from home right now and not worrying if every call is one letting me know about redundancy.
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