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Iconic Member

“I miss my boyfriend so much 😫😫 I just want a cuddle“


“I miss the buy one get one free offers and supermarket discounts on snacks..”
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Im baffled as to why teachers think they have a right to refuse to go back to work. I mean all the frontline workers have got on with it since day one and have fought battles we know nothing about, working through the peak of the virus and making sure we are looked after, can eat and drink have shopping delivered etc. And i dont just mean nurses and doctors, all the care work staff on minimum wages cleaners in hospital on minimum wage bin men delivery drivers etc not once have i heard them moan or make a massive deal out of it. Not heard of any unions/individuals saying they shouldnt be expected to work or anything. Now teachers think its okay to throw a paddy because they have to go back to work. Its a pandemic the risk is always gonna be there. Get back to work and do your jobs for gods sake! Of course those shielding wont be expected to work but the rest need to get a bloody grip and get on with it. Seriously 🤣🤣
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Is anyone else looking forward to wearing a mask because you won't have to do your makeup on half your face and can just cover up the ugly?
Just me?
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Iconic Member
This thread is a bit like a lock in down the local pub,

pissed fuckers slurring
“I ‘weely ‘wove you all” at 11PM

and hungover ratty argumentative twats the next morning, up until it’s acceptable to get drunk again 😂

bloody love it.
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VIP Member
Just pinched this from Facebook
I think I’ve worked it out...

* 4 year olds can go to school but university students who have paid for the tuition they haven’t had and the accommodation they aren’t living in, can’t go to university.

* I can go to school with many 4 year olds that I’m not related to but can’t see one 4 year old that I am related to.

* I can sit in a park, but not tomorrow or Tuesday but by Wednesday that’ll be fine.

* I can meet one person from another household for a chat or to sunbathe but not two people so if I know two people from another household I have to pick my favourite. Hopefully, I’m also their favourite person from my household or this could be awkward. But possibly I’m not. In fact, thinking about it, I definitely wouldn’t be. But as I can’t go closer than 2m to the one I choose anyway so you wouldn’t think having the other one sat next to them would matter - unless two people would restrict my eyeline too much and prevent me from being alert.

* I can work all day with my colleagues but I can’t sit in their garden for a chat after work.

* I can now do unlimited exercise when quite frankly just doing an hour a day felt like I was some kind of fitness guru. I can think of lots of things that I would like to be unlimited but exercise definitely isn’t one of them.

* I can drive to other destinations although which destinations is unclear. I was supposed to be in Brighton this weekend. Can I drive there? It’s hundreds of miles away but no one has said that’s wrong.

* The buses are still running past my house but I shouldn’t get on one. We should just let empty buses drive around so bus drivers aren’t doing nothing.

* It will soon be time to quarantine people coming into the country by air... but not yet. It’s too soon. And not ever if you’re coming from France because... well, I don’t do know why, actually. Because the French version of coronavirus wouldn’t come to the UK maybe.

* Our youngest children go back to school first because... they are notoriously good at not touching things they shouldn’t, maintain personal space at all times and never randomly lick you.

* We are somewhere in between 3.5 and 4.5 on a five point scale where 5 is all of the virus and 1 is none of the virus but 2,3 and 4 can be anything you’d like it to be really. Some of the virus? A bit of the virus? Just enough virus to see off those over 70s who were told to self isolate but now we’ve realised that they’ve done that a bit too well despite us offloading coronavirus patients into care homes and now we are claiming that was never said in the first place, even though it’s in writing in the stay at home guidance.

* The slogan isn’t stay at home any more.So we don’t have to say at home. Except we do. Unless we can’t. In which case we should go out. But there will be fines if we break the rules. So don’t do that.

Don’t forget...

Stay alert... which Robert Jenrick has explained actually means Stay home as much as possible. Obviously.

Control the virus. Well, I can’t even control my dogs and I can actually see them. Plus I know a bit about dogs and very little about controlling viruses.

Save lives. Always preferable to not saving lives, I’d say, so I’ll try my best with that
one, although hopefully I don’t need telling to do that. I know I’m bragging now but not NOT saving lives is something I do every day.

So there you are. If you’re the weirdo wanting unlimited exercise then enjoy. But not until Wednesday. Obviously.
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The only thing some people are frightened of is getting off their lazy backsides. Nothing to do with the virus.
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Chatty Member
Unpopular post but I think it's a mistake to continue at 80%, it's open for so much fraud and the debt will be around for our grandchildrens grandchildren.

They're claiming no one wants to be furloughed, I disagree as quite a few are very happy to not work and get 80% pay.
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VIP Member
I've had an email from the trust that my childrens school is a part of, basically said nothing has changed for their schools.
They are currently not making any plans to reopen on the 1st. The safety of the children, their families and their staff will be at the forefront of all their decisions. And that they are waiting on more clarification from the government on how they can safely implement socail distancing with 120 Reception and Year 1 children.
The plan is to continue as they have been doing and then they said the guidance is that it is still safer to stay at home.
Those things highlighted are what they highlighted in the email.
I'm happy with that, actually relieved that they are putting the children's health and that of their families first. I'm hoping that means further down the line they wont be issuing fines to those of us, who choose to keep our children home.
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Iconic Member
I feel like today i’m at that point of lockdown where if anyone looks in my direction I’ll scream

And anyone asks me a question I’m answering “WHY DON’T YOU ASK CHINA” and flouncing off.
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To everyone who thinks teaching is just one long holiday, why don’t you do it? Not being sarcastic or anything, a genuine question.

Oh, because a) it’s not, b) you probably wouldn’t qualify anyway and c) you wouldn’t last five minutes if you did.

I love reading bold assumptions about teachers from people who haven’t set foot in school since they left at 16 😂
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Well-known member
Im baffled as to why teachers think they have a right to refuse to go back to work. I mean all the frontline workers have got on with it since day one and have fought battles we know nothing about, working through the peak of the virus and making sure we are looked after, can eat and drink have shopping delivered etc. And i dont just mean nurses and doctors, all the care work staff on minimum wages cleaners in hospital on minimum wage bin men delivery drivers etc not once have i heard them moan or make a massive deal out of it. Not heard of any unions/individuals saying they shouldnt be expected to work or anything. Now teachers think its okay to throw a paddy because they have to go back to work. Its a pandemic the risk is always gonna be there. Get back to work and do your jobs for gods sake! Of course those shielding wont be expected to work but the rest need to get a bloody grip and get on with it. Seriously 🤣🤣
I don’t think it’s fair to say teachers are throwing a paddy about working. And it’s not going back to work, teachers have never stopped working. We split time between going in and working from home, and have done since schools closed in March. We haven’t been furloughed, nor been sat at home getting paid to do nothing. Teachers have worked more than ever during these last few weeks and would give anything to get back to normal, with our classes. It’s just not safe and impossible to social distance and therefore keep ourselves safe. Parents are (rightly so) worried about their children being in a school setting, so why is that different for teachers? Are we not allowed to be anxious about returning?
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VIP Member
Just a bit of advice if anyone develops an abscess in their gums during lockdown just keep banging your face against a brick wall until you pass out. Don’t waste three days going round in circles calling 111 or your GP or A&E because there is no fucking help whatsoever.
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