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Well-known member
Is anyone else sick to their back teeth of their partner playing the PlayStation/Xbox!? We were meant to be getting married in June and now I’m like thank fuck. I would rather marry my cat 🤣

also I know I am lucky to be with my boyfriend during this. I’m just moaning because I still feel like being a wee bit karen-y. Okay?! 😂
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Iconic Member
Friendly reminder, everyone is on edge.

Let’s be kind to each other 😬

it’s not a competition between the virus V the economy crashing when it comes to which would be worse.

everything is shit 🤷‍♀️
There’s no clear answer and no way to fix it,
So everyone is gonna do their best for their family, and want different things from the briefing,
no point arguing over it.

we have so much more to argue over. 😂
Like fucking bono.

I'd love it if Boris came out tonight and grounded us all for another 3 weeks.
maybe Carrie caught him getting a bit of a briefing with Mandy who works at number 10 two mornings a week,
and she grounded him for 3 weeks! Might explain where he’s been!
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I’ve had to log off Facebook for the evening. Don’t get what was so fucking hard to understand in that speech. This virus has made me hate people more than I already did, it’s quite bad actually.
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xoxo GG

VIP Member
I don’t really understand why frankly people are being so rude about others wanting clarity on situations and the expectation that the long awaited speech would have provided much more information on a pretty dire situation and are left disappointed and confused. We’ve all taken different things from what he’s said, doesn’t mean people shouldn’t ask questions or want an explanation on something. This lockdown is turning people shittier than ever 🤡
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Call me optimistic but I’ve got a feeling Boris won’t be as careless with today’s announcement as the media are insinuating. Maybe wishful thinking on my part 🤷🏻‍♀️
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VIP Member
No matter what Boris says tonight, we all have to take responsibility for ourselves. My family had already started our own lockdown before it was announced! I don’t need someone else telling me what is safe and what is not!
I am responsible for me!

Some people didn’t adhere to the lockdown rules from the start, some did but have got bored now and have now given themselves permission to lift them.
If their selfishness only affected them, I’d say, carry on, do what you want but sadly their selfishness potentially affects others.
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VIP Member
I’m with those few who have also commented saying that they’re just desperate to see their parents/boyfriend. I wonder how many of those who are so keen to just keep lockdown as it is live with their immediate family units? For me, it’s having a massive impact on my mental health and I just don’t see the point in carrying on if there’s no end in sight. Even with other exit plans as a guide, social distancing heavily features, so I’m allowed to go to a club, hairdresser and fuck around in a garden centre, but I’m not allowed a hug from someone who I know is well (ignoring asymptomatic here) and follows good hygiene practices?

I haven’t had a hug for 7 weeks, unless you know how that feels, stay in your lane.

(feel free to call me out for being shitty, my period is due, I’m so lonely and I just desperately want a cuddle.)
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So let me get this right. You can go to work if you can't work from home, but you can't meet up with people outside your household? How the fuckity fuck does that work?!
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Chatty Member
This is fucking stupid.

Just say we can visit friends and family if we meet outside and social distance. I'm going to anyway as it's lower risk than going to the supermarket and mixing with loads.
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Well-known member
Hi everyone. Just want to say sorry for being an absolute Karen 20 mins ago (@grumpycat mother nature just came to visit. Can I blame her for snapping at you?! 😂). I think we are all in such different situations here and that should be what unites us all. Some of us are shielding, self employed, furloughed. Some think normality is what we need, and some think lockdown should be extended a little bit longer. But for all our differing opinions, we are all here to have grown up chat with other like minded individuals. Of course we won’t all think the same thing at the same time, but I will now to be more understanding and stop being such a Karen 😂
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VIP Member
Think we’re ALL getting tetchy.

There’s no point on turning on each other. We all feel the way we feel, we all have different things at stake. Nobody is any better or worse off than anybody else. It’s a shit situation, but a shared one at that. Take a breather; no point getting worked up about Boris’ announcement since it hasn’t even happened yet, and even when it does, you just do what is best for you and yours. You can't control the thoughts and actions of others, just your own.
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