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VIP Member
Yesterday it said 344 so it has increased which is good but not sure why today it says n/a
ahh ok. Maybe they've just not released it for today yet?

I haven't been keeping up with the numbers as much so I didn't know they'd actually been releasing recovered numbers. Thats good!

Beggars belief

VIP Member
Online businesses or places that do delivery only can still open. Only shops or leisure businesses were told to close, not all nonessential businesses so if they have found a way to operate safely then they can reopen whenever they want. If your husband doesn’t want to return he will probably have to
negotiate unpaid leave.
Thank you, I appreciate your help


Active member
Why would China lie? There is no evidence to prove that their numbers of deaths are higher. The WHO went over there to investigate. So the Chinese government are lying to the whole world and their own people? Sounds like a conspiracy to me 🙄😜
I was looking at the figures today for the first time in about a week as I was getting so stressed about it. I don’t see this flattening of the curve everyone is talking about it seems to just be continuing to go up even though we are 3 weeks into social distancing and self isolation. I u sweats d it would take time due to test back log etc but I did really think it would’ve started to down turn by now.


VIP Member
When swine flu happened they gave frontline staff the vaccine first, that was quite scary, I lot of us were reluctant as felt it hadn’t been tested enough. But faced with what we were dealing with at the time I think we all had it.
This is so different Coronavirus is so much worse but then the vaccine will have been tested even less. At some point I’m going to have to make that choice again.
yikes! my mums frontline NHS and I’m not sure I’d be happy with that! 😬


VIP Member
That's what they thought in China it was lying dormant then reinfection was occuring ,now these 91 patients in Korea have been clear of the virus for a certain time and have then caught it again in the community the temp,cough etc so now there thinking immunity is not possible ?

I hope your not talking about Mr Tumble again ;)
Hahahahahaha 😂😂😂


VIP Member
Can I ask what people’s thoughts are regarding why the numbers are so high in England compared to the rest of the UK? Approx 9500 in England and therefore around 500 for the rest of Scotland Wales & NI combined? Is it simply just more people?


VIP Member
He's streaming shows every Friday at 7pm. We've been going to the theatre for the last 2 weeks 😉 We turn off all the lights and even clap after each song #needsmust. Hoping for Phantom and Les Mis. 🤞 a little bit of light relief in the gloom x
Les Mis isn't an Andrew Lloyd Webber show so unfortunately don't think we'll be getting that, at least on his channel 😔


VIP Member
Thank you.

I’m will be ok, I’m on meds for anxiety and PTSD (sadly), but without them I was an anxious wreck. I’m going to practice some self care today I think, mediation, my favourite film etc and ask the family for a bit of me time, I sometimes need that so I escape to my room to calm my mind that can become very hyper vigilant if the PTSD flares up, and this coronavirus has definitely flared it again. It’s just so disappointing when you were in a good place snd then such an unpredictable event occurs and it throws you right back.

I hope you’re doing ok xxx

I am thank you for asking xx... I'm pretty much the same as everyone else.. the days are turning into weeks now ,but what can we do ! Yes take some time to yourself and relax nothing else for it..The weather's great here today so I'm going out to paint my fence in a bit 😂 may aswell that's one job off the list then ..I'm always futtering about at something, the postman said our house the most decorated in the town everytime I come to the door I've a paintbrush in hand ..but it passes the time 😂 xx


VIP Member
I’m getting my maintenance loan this month. I have nothing else to support my son and I on otherwise.
Yes my son is too for this year but I meant for the next academic year. If they don’t return in September they will still have accommodation to pay for because they’ve signed contracts.


Chatty Member
My mums a nurse whose used to me asking questions if we can help?!

There’s a full on street party going on on my road. People stood apart but is it far enough apart? who knows? Wine and beers in hand for a neighbours 60th. Lovely sentiment but it makes me nervous!
That would be amazing thank you 😊 Well I’ve been put on Antibiotics and due to go and work back on our covid ward tomorrow, ask her if that’s safe to do?


VIP Member
I got one for my mum at 6:45 this morning for next Sunday. There were 4 slots left when I logged on. They are only showing a week ahead at the mo at Asda.