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VIP Member
They were looking for volunteers when the outbreak started for £3500 I think.
But I'm sure that was to be infected with CV not the vaccine.
Couldn't pay me enough to trial a new vaccine. 😂
This might sound totally bonkers
Depends on how much money involved I guess.
If I felt I had already had the virus as was paid to test the vaccine.
It would they use antibody test make sure you had not had it and then get vaccine.
Guess it's level of risk. I have jabs at best of times.
But if was life changing money for our family I might consider it.

Am I the only nutter who thinks that?

My hopes are Lock down ends within next 4 weeks.

We still social distance.

Maybe July non essential business reopen but we social distance and limit how many in each shop.

Schools might sound bonkers as it's hard having them at home.

I would feel happier jan as they predict lays dormant in summer and return autumn.
I don't think you can actually social distance in many schools.
I would like my kids to repeat the year they left and academic year redesigned to start jan.
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VIP Member
Completely irrelevant to recent posts but has anyone managed to find antibacterial wipes anywhere online? They've been removed from our Tesco online shop (so happy to get a delivery slot weeks ago) about 4 times so I gave up and removed them and now it's due to be delivered in an hour they're in stock again today :rolleyes: it's been about 6 weeks without 1 packet in the shops here.
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Well-known member
This is part of the article - I'm not subscribed so I can't see the whole thing on the laptop but somehow I get the whole thing on my mobile? Weird...anyway but its saying that the app "would allow mobile phones to trace users who have come into contact with infected people, alerting them to get tested" It uses Bluetooth to "log the distance between your phone and other devices nearby who also have the app installed. Users have to allow the app to inform the nhs, if they become unwell and that would trigger an alert to other devices" The article goes on to say that the lifting of restrictions would be based on sector, rather than geographical maybe young folk can go and about first for example.
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VIP Member
Apparently they have one of the highest infection rates in the world but that’s due to also having the highest rate of testing. Very few people dying maybe because the testing means it’s caught earlier and easier to treat? I’m not sure what their healthcare system is like

Edit: interestingly, I just read that Iceland had a shortage of tests in late March so that could be a reason for the following spike in deaths? Just a theory
Oh I bet that’s it.


VIP Member
I know exactly what you mean! You wouldn’t wish it on anyone, but also it’s weirdly nice to have someone else in the same boat.

We do have some local shops but hate the idea of taking my children, although I would if I had to! My partner has been getting bits after work most of the time but then I feel guilty because he’s out all day. It’s so stressful isn’t it!! It sounds like your partner is doing all he can bless him, but totally agree you just don’t know what they might be bringing home. Would love to have a little catch up sometime so will give you a message! X
Ahhh yes it is, because of my boyfriend's job, I try not to talk much about it, but he knows I'm struggling. I'm already dreading him coming home as he'll need to wash his clothes, then I'll clean whatever he's touched on the way in, followed by the bath and sink after he's showered, it's so tiring. I speak to my parents twice a day, and they tell me I'm doing all I can, but I wish I could see them. I just replied to your message, thank you. 😊 xx

That’s not right, there are loads of jobs that can be done safely

Put your right arm over your left shoulder.
Now put your left arm over your right shoulder.
Squeeze gently ....... this is a hug from me 👍🏻
Aww thank you! 🥰 Sending you a hug back. 🤗


VIP Member
A vaccine could take months/years. To keep lockdown as it is for that amount of time will cause not only irreversible economic damage but huge social unrest and more deaths in the way of suicides etc. I guess maybe the vulnerable will be encouraged to stay indoors but there is no way things can carry on as they are for that amount of time.
That’s what I mean the more vulnerable to stay indoors but that’s not really great is it for them. I think are they saying 18 month reasonably for a vaccine? We’re in this for the long haul unfortunately. Parts of society will be functioning again before then it won’t be like this the whole time but until there’s a vaccine it won’t be the same for everybody again.


VIP Member
they are on the Worldometers website... 3k less than yesterday which is positive 🙏🏻
Not sure new cases have dropped as much as we think, ( this quote below is from yesterday)

NOTE: UK Government: "Today’s figures for positive tests have been adjusted to include positive case results from swab testing for key workers and their households (pillar 2). These will be included in the daily figures from today, 10 April. If these results were excluded from the figures, as they have been previously, the daily increase in the number of people who tested positive would have been 5,195. Data on positive case results from swab testing for key workers and their households between 25 March and 8 April is available"


VIP Member
That would be amazing thank you 😊 Well I’ve been put on Antibiotics and due to go and work back on our covid ward tomorrow, ask her if that’s safe to do?
She’s not sure ( about as much use as a chocolate teapots 🙄). Says it depends what it’s for, if it’s for a chest problem she says that would be more of a concern.


Chatty Member
She’s not sure ( about as much use as a chocolate teapots 🙄). Says it depends what it’s for, if it’s for a chest problem she says that would be more of a concern.
Aww that’s ok, thank you for asking 😊Yeah I’ve just phoned 111 and they told me to contact GP, they said it’s ok as the antibiotic is for a cyst.


Chatty Member
I think name choice came from 'Florence Nightingale'

I know that.

The point is that the NHS decided to name their hospitals the same as another already-existing private hospital which as a result has caused massive confusion and the private hospital is inundated with constant queries as people are confusing it with the NHS hospital.