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VIP Member
Noone should be made to feel bad comparing themselves to others during this lockdown. It's an artificial situation to be in, we wouldn't normally be spending this much time in our homes with our loved ones. This isn't normal. So whatever you do, be it sit in your garden for hours, watch TV all day, sleep until noon, whilst ignoring the mound of pots or weeds on the lawn, it's all ok. There will always be folk on social media portraying their lives as a perfect example but we don't get to see their kids screaming at each other, their pile of laundry or their tears and frustration. Noone is perfect, we're all human and we're all struggling in different ways, and anyone who tells you different is lying.
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It’s all fucking nuts. By the time we come out of this I expect to have a plethora of other stress related diseases far worse than fucking coronavirus.

I cannot deal with 2 toddlers at home, both of us working full time and no support. I am literally at breaking point all of the fucking time. And for what?

this isn’t my fight. It’s a virus. It gets me, my family, we all have to die of something at some point.
Are you really saying you don’t care if you or your children get it because you all have to die at some point?
It is your fight, of course it is, it is everyone’s fight since this only works if everyone works together.
“And for what?” Hundreds of thousands of lives up and down the country maybe?
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The builder I had lined up to do some work at the end of the summer is working on another house in my street right now, the family moved out before all this so the house was empty and it made sense to continue. When I called him yesterday to let him know the work will probably be delayed since we can't get surveyors out obviously, he told me a woman shouted at him in the street. Said he was a disgrace and should be at home with all this 🤯
People like that really wind me up, you don't have to stop working if you can do it safety! This builder has 6 guys working under him who all have a mortgage and families to feed. Not everyone can work from home or just stop working. She doesn't know that they have all made the decision to live together in a house nearby since they are working down here so they have cut themselves off from their wives and children so they don't put them at risk or spread the virus to anyone else by travelling about. They haven't seen their kids in a month any probably won't for the next 2!
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Iconic Member
Today has been shit. Probably the lowest I've felt since all this started. I'm on week 4 of shielding and because I'm in the highly vulnerable category that also means that my husband and 2 children are shielding with me. That means not one of us can leave the house so no daily exercise or a quick walk. Feeling like a shit mum because chemo is really taking it out on me so I can't even be arsed to sit and play a board game with them. Hubby is amazing and making sure the kids are ok while I rest but I'm finding it so hard. Craving some peace and quiet but then feel guilty for feeling like this. Today sucks!
it’s so difficult seeing posts like this,
god your family are probably so glad to have you with them, and I’m sure I can say with certainty that they’re happy to be shielding with you if it’s keeping you safe!
It’s frustrating for everyone, but we know it’s for the best.

pleas stop feeling bad!
You have your own fight, one that you’re dealing with daily, and now this!

to everyone feeling like you’re not enough right now...

you are enough...
but this shit is A LOT!!

so we’re all seeing ourselves as failures when the event we’re taking part in is so big!!

ok now I’m going back to my Irish crap before someone thinks I’m a nice person again 😏 #hacked
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Oh my gosh just randomly went on Asda and found one lonely delivery slot for next Sunday!
How does it work with home deliveries? Do they just leave it on the doorstep now or can I take it from them?

I feel kind of guilty taking a slot. I live alone with no transport so am having to do a few trips to supermarkets each week as I can’t do a big shop and get it home. Still feel like I should leave the slot for someone else.. what do you guys think?
I wouldn’t feel guilty about taking it if you don’t have transport. Being able to do a big shop means you likely won’t have to go to the supermarket as often for a few weeks.

It’s people taking them who DO have transport and aren’t vulnerable at all who are the problem!
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I reckon the government should ban gloves in public!!! This is vile!!! Is the fifth I’ve seen today
The park by me has a beautiful lake full of swans and there's notices up everywhere about the danger of people discarding their gloves on the floor.
They've had a huge number of swans with them wrapped around their feet and in their beaks.
Bloody awful.
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Maybe she did a me and did it herself 😁 I’m basically a hairdresser now
OMG, I was thinking of this today! I have short hair but really thick and I'm at the stage now where I look like a bloody pompom! I'm terrified of trying to do something with it, but its driving me nuts. I don't want to use gel.....I'll look like the virus :(
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Chatty Member
Anyone else a bit surprised that the Holby city TV show has fully working ventilators and that they've only just donated them to the NHS 😮

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Anyone else a bit surprised that the Holby city TV show has fully working ventilators and that they've only just donated them to the NHS 😮

Bloody hell.
Also, why's it taken so long for them to give them to the NHS?
Surely that should have been given alongside the PPE they gave weeks ago?

Mind is blown they're even real ventilators 😂🤦🏻‍♀️
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My stepmom is self isolating. She had a mastectomy before Christmas. I've ordered her some soft bras as her current ones are beginning to rub. Parcel was delivered for click and collect yesterday.

Went to shop, woman said sorry there's no parcels here. I've received email saying it was ready for collection. Showed her email and she said clothes aren't really essential, your parcel isn't here.
Long story short, she didn't check for parcel, wouldn't check for parcel, just told me it wasn't there. Could see the pile of parecles where they keep them behind counter. She kept saying no they are not essential and you should only be buying essentials.

I left empty handed then had another email saying I've still not got parcel. I've contact the delivery people and waiting for a reply. Been to the shop again today and she still won't check.

Tried to reorder online but they are now out of stock.

Wtf am I meant to do?! Can she just hold on to what she thinks are non essential.

Plus shes whacked her prices up too. £2.70 for a loaf of bread and £9.99 for 4 pack of Bud.
No! She should be doing her job. If your parcel is there and paid for she can’t refuse to give it you. Jobs worth
Oh and report her for charging £2.70 for a loaf
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VIP Member
I think schools will reopen in September, shops will open late May/ June and pubs after that. Work from home will be encouraged for most of this year, strong hand hygiene will continue to be a focus and stay home for 7 days if you have a cough or fever will be pushed for a year. The last one is probably for the best anyway, we need to get rid of the culture that encourages people to go to work ill and spread their germs around!
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Lars Guinard

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Gosh. Don't know how I came across Katie Hopkins twitter but my GOD she is unbelievable!!! She is urging people not to feel INTIMIDATED in to staying inside and to celebrate Easter by going out if they want to!! Her rationale seems to be that it's the Islamic time of Ramadan/Eid in a few weeks and apparently she can see the future and knows muslims won't adhere to lockdown enforcement (Que eye roll).
Tit for tat then Kate?
All the mosques I work with and the one we attend have been closed for congregational prayer and the mosque radio reminding people to keep social distance. The annual Hajj pilgrimage has been restricted as no visas are being issued. I know families who are not together sharing Seder meals at Passover or attending synagogues. There are many who won't be attending churches worldwide to celebrate Easter. we are all trying together...everyone, whether religious or not, wanting to be with their family or friends. I doubt it makes a difference what the beliefs of the person behind the mask helping you in ICU are...yet, you get idiots like Katie posting this at a time most of us are unified.
The KSA and Yemen can call a truce due to Covid 19 but Katie continues to preach her nonsense!
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I found boris’s speech very moving he looks emotional and shaken. He was clearly more poorly than we needed to know (it would have been even more disconcerting for the public) I really do hope he uses this experience and his position to protect the NHS using the full force of his position now and in the future because he’s not wrong it is an amazing institution. I hope he hasn’t gone back to work too quickly but it will be good to feel there’s someone in charge again. Fucking hell I’m not turning Tory am I 😵😵😵
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chocolate choux

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One of my best friends is a nursing student, she’s been told she has to go back on placement despite finishing her hours for the year. If she doesn’t then she won’t be allowed to graduate. I understand that this is an unprecedented (that word :rolleyes:) situation but I feel so bad for her. She’s put so much work into her degree and done so many unpaid hours already. She’s also terrified because her placement could be anywhere in the hospital. It’s hard to see her getting stressed out over this as she’s usually a chilled out person

I just hate how this virus is affecting literally everything
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Iconic Member
And it’s just expected of them, the same as it’s just expected of teachers (not the same stress I appreciate) we are all in it together but some people have got it far worse than others and yes they’re mental health will suffer. I know it’s different but I messed up loads in my first year of teaching and that was under normal circumstances not this sort pressure. These poor doctors and nurses who’ve just trained and literally thrown into it!
I'm gonna sound so old but these students (nursing/doctors) are just kids.
yeah some of them are 21/22 graduating but when you’re walking from a lecture hall onto a ward during a pandemic, you’re a kid at 22. 😐

some of the student nurses are 19 doing full time shifts.

i can imagine many of them who are still to complete their studies taking time off or dropping out after this.
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Does anyone know if post mortems are being done after all deaths? I can’t imagine that they are.
My Uncle passed away suddenly at home two days ago. He fell ill a few days before. They are doing a post Morton on him and testing him for corona virus. If he tests positive then none of his family members can go see him or say goodbye( which we do understand) but it’s just so sad. My family and his good close friends are in bits.
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It would make me worry if this person is actually genuine that they seem to be having some kind of "breakdown".. I'd worry about the welfare of their children :(
There have been a few over the last few days that have clearly been written just to be inflammatory but I didn't get that impression from this persons post.

I really got feeling it was someone who was very stressed out, having a very bad day who just rage typed it out without thinking about how it could be interpreted by others.

It's such a stressful time. I'm longing for normal life again and lockdown hasn't even been going on for that long.
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I've officially lost my fucking marbles today.
The kids have well and truly won.
And are still awake.
And I'm crying (this might be a lie).
And I have no gin left (this is definitely not a lie).
Is it winter yet?
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